blob: 12941d7aefe4a17b81bd45426dd2d5778794e64a [file] [log] [blame]
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test01.cpp --
Original Author: Martin Janssen, Synopsys, Inc., 2002-02-15
MODIFICATION LOG - modifiers, enter your name, affiliation, date and
changes you are making here.
Name, Affiliation, Date:
Description of Modification:
#include "systemc.h"
#define WRITE(a) \
cout << a.length() << endl; \
cout << a << endl
cout << "*** test_ctors" << endl;
cout << "sc_bv_base()" << endl;
sc_bv_base a;
WRITE( a );
cout << "sc_bv_base( int )" << endl;
sc_bv_base a( 3 );
WRITE( a );
cout << "sc_bv_base( bool )" << endl;
sc_bv_base a( true );
WRITE( a );
cout << "sc_bv_base( bool, int )" << endl;
sc_bv_base a( true, 3 );
WRITE( a );
cout << "sc_bv_base( const char* )" << endl;
sc_bv_base a( "0101" );
WRITE( a );
sc_bv_base b( "1010" );
WRITE( b );
sc_bv_base c( "0b0101" );
WRITE( c );
sc_bv_base d( "0b1010" );
WRITE( d );
cout << "sc_bv_base( const char*, int )" << endl;
sc_bv_base a3( "0101", 3 );
WRITE( a3 );
sc_bv_base a4( "0101", 4 );
WRITE( a4 );
sc_bv_base a5( "0101", 5 );
WRITE( a5 );
sc_bv_base b3( "1010", 3 );
WRITE( b3 );
sc_bv_base b4( "1010", 4 );
WRITE( b4 );
sc_bv_base b5( "1010", 5 );
WRITE( b5 );
sc_bv_base c3( "0b0101", 3 );
WRITE( c3 );
sc_bv_base c4( "0b0101", 4 );
WRITE( c4 );
sc_bv_base c5( "0b0101", 5 );
WRITE( c5 );
sc_bv_base d3( "0b1010", 3 );
WRITE( d3 );
sc_bv_base d4( "0b1010", 4 );
WRITE( d4 );
sc_bv_base d5( "0b1010", 5 );
WRITE( d5 );
cout << "sc_bv_base( const sc_proxy<X>& )" << endl;
sc_lv<4> x( "01ZX" );
sc_bv_base a( x );
WRITE( a );
cout << "sc_bv_base( const sc_bv_base& )" << endl;
sc_bv<4> x( "0110" );
sc_bv_base a( x );
WRITE( a );
cout << "*** test_bitwise_complement" << endl;
cout << "sc_bv_base::b_not()" << endl;
sc_bv_base a( "0110", 4 );
WRITE( a );
WRITE( a );
cout << "sc_bv_base::operator ~ () const" << endl;
sc_bv_base a( "0110", 4 );
WRITE( a );
sc_bv_base b( 4 );
b = ~a;
WRITE( b );
cout << "sc_lv_base::b_not()" << endl;
sc_lv_base a( "01ZX", 4 );
WRITE( a );
WRITE( a );
cout << "sc_lv_base::operator ~ () const" << endl;
sc_lv_base a( "01ZX", 4 );
WRITE( a );
sc_lv_base b( 4 );
b = ~a;
WRITE( b );
cout << "sc_proxy<X>::b_not()" << endl;
sc_lv_base a( "01ZX", 4 );
WRITE( a );
(a( 3, 2 ), a( 1, 0 )).b_not();
WRITE( a );
cout << "sc_proxy<X>::operator ~ () const" << endl;
sc_lv_base a( "01ZX", 4 );
WRITE( a );
sc_lv_base b( 4 );
b = ~(a( 3, 2 ), a( 1, 0 ));
WRITE( b );
cout << "*** test_bitwise_and" << endl;
cout << "*** test_bitwise_or" << endl;
cout << "*** test_bitwise_xor" << endl;
cout << "*** test_bitwise_left_shift" << endl;
cout << "sc_bv_base::operator <<= ( int )" << endl;
sc_bv_base a( 1, 70 );
a[0] = 0;
WRITE( a );
try {
a <<= -1;
WRITE( a );
catch( sc_report x ) {
cout << "\ncaught exception" << endl;
cout << x.what() << endl;
a <<= 3;
WRITE( a );
a <<= 33;
WRITE( a );
a <<= 72;
WRITE( a );
cout << "sc_bv_base::operator << ( int ) const" << endl;
sc_bv_base a( 1, 70 );
a[0] = 0;
WRITE( a );
sc_bv_base b( 70 );
try {
b = a << -1;
WRITE( b );
catch( sc_report x ) {
cout << "\ncaught exception" << endl;
cout << x.what() << endl;
b = a << 3;
WRITE( b );
b = a << 33;
WRITE( b );
b = a << 72;
WRITE( b );
cout << "sc_lv_base::operator <<= ( int )" << endl;
sc_lv_base a( SC_LOGIC_X, 70 );
a[0] = SC_LOGIC_Z;
WRITE( a );
try {
a <<= -1;
WRITE( a );
catch( sc_report x ) {
cout << "\ncaught exception" << endl;
cout << x.what() << endl;
a <<= 3;
WRITE( a );
a <<= 33;
WRITE( a );
a <<= 72;
WRITE( a );
cout << "sc_lv_base::operator << ( int ) const" << endl;
sc_lv_base a( SC_LOGIC_X, 70 );
a[0] = SC_LOGIC_Z;
WRITE( a );
sc_lv_base b( 70 );
try {
b = a << -1;
WRITE( b );
catch( sc_report x ) {
cout << "\ncaught exception" << endl;
cout << x.what() << endl;
b = a << 3;
WRITE( b );
b = a << 33;
WRITE( b );
b = a << 72;
WRITE( b );
cout << "sc_proxy<X>::operator <<= ( int )" << endl;
sc_lv_base a( SC_LOGIC_X, 70 );
a[0] = SC_LOGIC_Z;
WRITE( a );
try {
(a( 69, 20 ), a( 19, 0 )) <<= -1;
WRITE( a );
catch( sc_report x ) {
cout << "\ncaught exception" << endl;
cout << x.what() << endl;
// FIX ME: BUG, the following two operations result in 0XX..
(a( 69, 20 ), a( 19, 0 )) <<= 3;
WRITE( a );
(a( 69, 20 ), a( 19, 0 )) <<= 33;
WRITE( a );
(a( 69, 20 ), a( 19, 0 )) <<= 72;
WRITE( a );
cout << "sc_proxy<X>::operator << ( int ) const" << endl;
sc_lv_base a( SC_LOGIC_X, 70 );
a[0] = SC_LOGIC_Z;
WRITE( a );
sc_lv_base b( 70 );
try {
b = (a( 69, 20 ), a( 19, 0 )) << -1;
WRITE( b );
catch( sc_report x ) {
cout << "\ncaught exception" << endl;
cout << x.what() << endl;
b = (a( 69, 20 ), a( 19, 0 )) << 3;
WRITE( b );
b = (a( 69, 20 ), a( 19, 0 )) << 33;
WRITE( b );
b = (a( 69, 20 ), a( 19, 0 )) << 72;
WRITE( b );
cout << "*** test_bitwise_right_shift" << endl;
cout << "sc_bv_base::operator >>= ( int )" << endl;
sc_bv_base a( 1, 70 );
a[69] = 0;
WRITE( a );
try {
a >>= -1;
WRITE( a );
catch( sc_report x ) {
cout << "\ncaught exception" << endl;
cout << x.what() << endl;
a >>= 3;
WRITE( a );
a >>= 33;
WRITE( a );
a >>= 72;
WRITE( a );
cout << "sc_bv_base::operator >> ( int ) const" << endl;
sc_bv_base a( 1, 70 );
a[69] = 0;
WRITE( a );
sc_bv_base b( 70 );
try {
b = a >> -1;
WRITE( b );
catch( sc_report x ) {
cout << "\ncaught exception" << endl;
cout << x.what() << endl;
b = a >> 3;
WRITE( b );
b = a >> 33;
WRITE( b );
b = a >> 72;
WRITE( b );
cout << "sc_lv_base::operator >>= ( int )" << endl;
sc_lv_base a( SC_LOGIC_X, 70 );
a[69] = SC_LOGIC_Z;
WRITE( a );
try {
a >>= -1;
WRITE( a );
catch( sc_report x ) {
cout << "\ncaught exception" << endl;
cout << x.what() << endl;
a >>= 3;
WRITE( a );
a >>= 33;
WRITE( a );
a >>= 72;
WRITE( a );
cout << "sc_lv_base::operator >> ( int ) const" << endl;
sc_lv_base a( SC_LOGIC_X, 70 );
a[69] = SC_LOGIC_Z;
WRITE( a );
sc_lv_base b( 70 );
try {
b = a >> -1;
WRITE( b );
catch( sc_report x ) {
cout << "\ncaught exception" << endl;
cout << x.what() << endl;
b = a >> 3;
WRITE( b );
b = a >> 33;
WRITE( b );
b = a >> 72;
WRITE( b );
cout << "sc_proxy<X>::operator >>= ( int )" << endl;
sc_lv_base a( SC_LOGIC_X, 70 );
a[69] = SC_LOGIC_Z;
WRITE( a );
try {
(a( 69, 20 ), a( 19, 0 )) >>= -1;
WRITE( a );
catch( sc_report x ) {
cout << "\ncaught exception" << endl;
cout << x.what() << endl;
(a( 69, 20 ), a( 19, 0 )) >>= 3;
WRITE( a );
(a( 69, 20 ), a( 19, 0 )) >>= 33;
WRITE( a );
(a( 69, 20 ), a( 19, 0 )) >>= 72;
WRITE( a );
cout << "sc_proxy<X>::operator >> ( int ) const" << endl;
sc_lv_base a( SC_LOGIC_X, 70 );
a[69] = SC_LOGIC_Z;
WRITE( a );
sc_lv_base b( 70 );
try {
b = (a( 69, 20 ), a( 19, 0 )) >> -1;
WRITE( b );
catch( sc_report x ) {
cout << "\ncaught exception" << endl;
cout << x.what() << endl;
b = (a( 69, 20 ), a( 19, 0 )) >> 3;
WRITE( b );
b = (a( 69, 20 ), a( 19, 0 )) >> 33;
WRITE( b );
b = (a( 69, 20 ), a( 19, 0 )) >> 72;
WRITE( b );
cout << "*** test_bitwise_left_rotate" << endl;
cout << "sc_bv_base::lrotate( int )" << endl;
sc_bv_base a( 1, 70 );
a[0] = 0;
WRITE( a );
try {
a.lrotate( -1 );
WRITE( a );
catch( sc_report x ) {
cout << "\ncaught exception" << endl;
cout << x.what() << endl;
a.lrotate( 3 );
WRITE( a );
a.lrotate( 33 );
WRITE( a );
a.lrotate( 72 );
WRITE( a );
cout << "lrotate( const sc_bv_base&, int )" << endl;
sc_bv_base a( 1, 70 );
a[0] = 0;
WRITE( a );
sc_bv_base b( 70 );
try {
b = lrotate( a, -1 );
WRITE( b );
catch( sc_report x ) {
cout << "\ncaught exception" << endl;
cout << x.what() << endl;
b = lrotate( a, 3 );
WRITE( b );
b = lrotate( a, 33 );
WRITE( b );
b = lrotate( a, 72 );
WRITE( b );
cout << "sc_lv_base::lrotate( int )" << endl;
sc_lv_base a( SC_LOGIC_X, 70 );
a[0] = SC_LOGIC_Z;
WRITE( a );
try {
a.lrotate( -1 );
WRITE( a );
catch( sc_report x ) {
cout << "\ncaught exception" << endl;
cout << x.what() << endl;
a.lrotate( 3 );
WRITE( a );
a.lrotate( 33 );
WRITE( a );
a.lrotate( 72 );
WRITE( a );
cout << "lrotate( const sc_lv_base&, int )" << endl;
sc_lv_base a( SC_LOGIC_X, 70 );
a[0] = SC_LOGIC_Z;
WRITE( a );
sc_lv_base b( 70 );
try {
b = lrotate( a, -1 );
WRITE( b );
catch( sc_report x ) {
cout << "\ncaught exception" << endl;
cout << x.what() << endl;
b = lrotate( a, 3 );
WRITE( b );
b = lrotate( a, 33 );
WRITE( b );
b = lrotate( a, 72 );
WRITE( b );
cout << "sc_proxy<X>::lrotate( int )" << endl;
sc_lv_base a( SC_LOGIC_X, 70 );
a[0] = SC_LOGIC_Z;
WRITE( a );
try {
(a( 69, 20 ), a( 19, 0 )).lrotate( -1 );
WRITE( a );
catch( sc_report x ) {
cout << "\ncaught exception" << endl;
cout << x.what() << endl;
(a( 69, 20 ), a( 19, 0 )).lrotate( 3 );
WRITE( a );
(a( 69, 20 ), a( 19, 0 )).lrotate( 33 );
WRITE( a );
(a( 69, 20 ), a( 19, 0 )).lrotate( 72 );
WRITE( a );
cout << "lrotate( const sc_proxy<X>&, int )" << endl;
sc_lv_base a( SC_LOGIC_X, 70 );
a[0] = SC_LOGIC_Z;
WRITE( a );
sc_lv_base b( 70 );
try {
b = lrotate( (a( 69, 20 ), a( 19, 0 )), -1 );
WRITE( b );
catch( sc_report x ) {
cout << "\ncaught exception" << endl;
cout << x.what() << endl;
b = lrotate( (a( 69, 20 ), a( 19, 0 )), 3 );
WRITE( b );
b = lrotate( (a( 69, 20 ), a( 19, 0 )), 33 );
WRITE( b );
b = lrotate( (a( 69, 20 ), a( 19, 0 )), 72 );
WRITE( b );
cout << "*** test_bitwise_right_rotate" << endl;
cout << "sc_bv_base::rrotate( int )" << endl;
sc_bv_base a( 1, 70 );
a[69] = 0;
WRITE( a );
try {
a.rrotate( -1 );
WRITE( a );
catch( sc_report x ) {
cout << "\ncaught exception" << endl;
cout << x.what() << endl;
a.rrotate( 3 );
WRITE( a );
a.rrotate( 33 );
WRITE( a );
a.rrotate( 72 );
WRITE( a );
cout << "rrotate( const sc_bv_base&, int )" << endl;
sc_bv_base a( 1, 70 );
a[69] = 0;
WRITE( a );
sc_bv_base b( 70 );
try {
b = rrotate( a, -1 );
WRITE( b );
catch( sc_report x ) {
cout << "\ncaught exception" << endl;
cout << x.what() << endl;
b = rrotate( a, 3 );
WRITE( b );
b = rrotate( a, 33 );
WRITE( b );
b = rrotate( a, 72 );
WRITE( b );
cout << "sc_lv_base::rrotate( int )" << endl;
sc_lv_base a( SC_LOGIC_X, 70 );
a[69] = SC_LOGIC_Z;
WRITE( a );
try {
a.rrotate( -1 );
WRITE( a );
catch( sc_report x ) {
cout << "\ncaught exception" << endl;
cout << x.what() << endl;
a.rrotate( 3 );
WRITE( a );
a.rrotate( 33 );
WRITE( a );
a.rrotate( 72 );
WRITE( a );
cout << "rrotate( const sc_lv_base&, int )" << endl;
sc_lv_base a( SC_LOGIC_X, 70 );
a[69] = SC_LOGIC_Z;
WRITE( a );
sc_lv_base b( 70 );
try {
b = rrotate( a, -1 );
WRITE( b );
catch( sc_report x ) {
cout << "\ncaught exception" << endl;
cout << x.what() << endl;
b = rrotate( a, 3 );
WRITE( b );
b = rrotate( a, 33 );
WRITE( b );
b = rrotate( a, 72 );
WRITE( b );
cout << "sc_proxy<X>::rrotate( int )" << endl;
sc_lv_base a( SC_LOGIC_X, 70 );
a[69] = SC_LOGIC_Z;
WRITE( a );
try {
(a( 69, 20 ), a( 19, 0 )).rrotate( -1 );
WRITE( a );
catch( sc_report x ) {
cout << "\ncaught exception" << endl;
cout << x.what() << endl;
// FIX ME: BUG, the following three operations result in 0XX..
(a( 69, 20 ), a( 19, 0 )).rrotate( 3 );
WRITE( a );
(a( 69, 20 ), a( 19, 0 )).rrotate( 33 );
WRITE( a );
(a( 69, 20 ), a( 19, 0 )).rrotate( 72 );
WRITE( a );
cout << "rrotate( const sc_proxy<X>&, int )" << endl;
sc_lv_base a( SC_LOGIC_X, 70 );
a[69] = SC_LOGIC_Z;
WRITE( a );
sc_lv_base b( 70 );
try {
b = rrotate( (a( 69, 20 ), a( 19, 0 )), -1 );
WRITE( b );
catch( sc_report x ) {
cout << "\ncaught exception" << endl;
cout << x.what() << endl;
b = rrotate( (a( 69, 20 ), a( 19, 0 )), 3 );
WRITE( b );
b = rrotate( (a( 69, 20 ), a( 19, 0 )), 33 );
WRITE( b );
b = rrotate( (a( 69, 20 ), a( 19, 0 )), 72 );
WRITE( b );
cout << "*** test_bitwise_reverse" << endl;
cout << "sc_bv_base::reverse()" << endl;
sc_bv_base a( "1111000", 7 );
WRITE( a );
WRITE( a );
sc_bv_base b( "11110000", 8 );
WRITE( b );
WRITE( b );
cout << "reverse( const sc_bv_base& )" << endl;
sc_bv_base a( "1111000", 7 );
WRITE( a );
sc_bv_base b( 7 );
b = reverse( a );
WRITE( b );
sc_bv_base c( "11110000", 8 );
WRITE( c );
sc_bv_base d( 8 );
d = reverse( c );
WRITE( d );
cout << "sc_lv_base::reverse()" << endl;
sc_lv_base a( "01ZX01Z", 7 );
WRITE( a );
WRITE( a );
sc_lv_base b( "01ZX01ZX", 8 );
WRITE( b );
WRITE( b );
cout << "reverse( const sc_lv_base& )" << endl;
sc_lv_base a( "01ZX01Z", 7 );
WRITE( a );
sc_lv_base b( 7 );
b = reverse( a );
WRITE( b );
sc_lv_base c( "01ZX01ZX", 8 );
WRITE( c );
sc_lv_base d( 8 );
d = reverse( c );
WRITE( d );
cout << "sc_proxy<X>::reverse()" << endl;
sc_lv_base a( "01ZX01ZX", 8 );
WRITE( a );
(a( 7, 4 ), a( 3, 0 )).reverse();
WRITE( a );
(a( 0, 3 ), a( 4, 7 )).reverse();
WRITE( a );
cout << "reverse( const sc_proxy<X>& )" << endl;
sc_lv_base a( "01ZX01ZX", 8 );
WRITE( a );
sc_lv_base b( 8 );
b = reverse( (a( 7, 4 ), a( 3, 0 )) );
WRITE( b );
b = reverse( (a( 0, 3 ), a( 4, 7 )) );
WRITE( b );
cout << "*** test_string_conversions" << endl;
cout << "sc_bv_base" << endl;
sc_bv_base a( 1, 8 );
sc_bv_base b( 8 );
std::string s;
s = a.to_string();
cout << s << endl;
b = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
s = a.to_string( SC_BIN );
cout << s << endl;
b = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
s = a.to_string( SC_BIN_US );
cout << s << endl;
b = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
s = a.to_string( SC_BIN_SM );
cout << s << endl;
b = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
s = a.to_string( SC_OCT );
cout << s << endl;
b = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
s = a.to_string( SC_OCT_US );
cout << s << endl;
b = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
s = a.to_string( SC_OCT_SM );
cout << s << endl;
b = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
s = a.to_string( SC_HEX );
cout << s << endl;
b = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
s = a.to_string( SC_HEX_US );
cout << s << endl;
b = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
s = a.to_string( SC_HEX_SM );
cout << s << endl;
b = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
s = a.to_string( SC_DEC );
cout << s << endl;
b = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
s = a.to_string( SC_CSD );
cout << s << endl;
b = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
cout << "sc_lv_base" << endl;
sc_lv_base a( SC_LOGIC_1, 8 );
sc_lv_base b( 8 );
std::string s;
s = a.to_string();
cout << s << endl;
b = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
s = a.to_string( SC_BIN );
cout << s << endl;
b = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
s = a.to_string( SC_BIN_US );
cout << s << endl;
b = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
s = a.to_string( SC_BIN_SM );
cout << s << endl;
b = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
s = a.to_string( SC_OCT );
cout << s << endl;
b = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
s = a.to_string( SC_OCT_US );
cout << s << endl;
b = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
s = a.to_string( SC_OCT_SM );
cout << s << endl;
b = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
s = a.to_string( SC_HEX );
cout << s << endl;
b = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
s = a.to_string( SC_HEX_US );
cout << s << endl;
b = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
s = a.to_string( SC_HEX_SM );
cout << s << endl;
b = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
s = a.to_string( SC_DEC );
cout << s << endl;
b = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
s = a.to_string( SC_CSD );
cout << s << endl;
b = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
cout << "sc_proxy<X>" << endl;
sc_lv_base a( SC_LOGIC_1, 8 );
sc_lv_base b( 8 );
std::string s;
s = (a( 7, 4 ), a( 3, 0 )).to_string();
cout << s << endl;
(b( 7, 4 ), b( 3, 0 )) = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
s = (a( 7, 4 ), a( 3, 0 )).to_string( SC_BIN );
cout << s << endl;
(b( 7, 4 ), b( 3, 0 )) = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
s = (a( 7, 4 ), a( 3, 0 )).to_string( SC_BIN_US );
cout << s << endl;
(b( 7, 4 ), b( 3, 0 )) = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
s = (a( 7, 4 ), a( 3, 0 )).to_string( SC_BIN_SM );
cout << s << endl;
(b( 7, 4 ), b( 3, 0 )) = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
s = (a( 7, 4 ), a( 3, 0 )).to_string( SC_OCT );
cout << s << endl;
(b( 7, 4 ), b( 3, 0 )) = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
s = (a( 7, 4 ), a( 3, 0 )).to_string( SC_OCT_US );
cout << s << endl;
(b( 7, 4 ), b( 3, 0 )) = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
s = (a( 7, 4 ), a( 3, 0 )).to_string( SC_OCT_SM );
cout << s << endl;
(b( 7, 4 ), b( 3, 0 )) = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
s = (a( 7, 4 ), a( 3, 0 )).to_string( SC_HEX );
cout << s << endl;
(b( 7, 4 ), b( 3, 0 )) = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
s = (a( 7, 4 ), a( 3, 0 )).to_string( SC_HEX_US );
cout << s << endl;
(b( 7, 4 ), b( 3, 0 )) = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
s = (a( 7, 4 ), a( 3, 0 )).to_string( SC_HEX_SM );
cout << s << endl;
(b( 7, 4 ), b( 3, 0 )) = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
s = (a( 7, 4 ), a( 3, 0 )).to_string( SC_DEC );
cout << s << endl;
(b( 7, 4 ), b( 3, 0 )) = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
s = (a( 7, 4 ), a( 3, 0 )).to_string( SC_CSD );
cout << s << endl;
(b( 7, 4 ), b( 3, 0 )) = s.c_str();
sc_assert( b == a );
sc_main( int, char*[] )
return 0;