arm: DT autogeneration - generate PCI node

Enables automatic generation of Device Trees for RealView PCI host
controllers. Note that some parts are more hard coded than you'd want,
but this is due to the limited understanding the PCI host has of its
configuration (i.e. it doesn't know all memory ranges). Fixing this,
for now at least, went beyond the scope and intentions of the
Device Tree generating code: use with care!

Change-Id: I2041871e0eb4d04fb5191257c47dd38649d1c0cc
Reviewed-by: Curtis Dunham <>
Reviewed-by: Andreas Sandberg <>
Maintainer: Andreas Sandberg <>
diff --git a/src/dev/arm/ b/src/dev/arm/
index 760c3c7..5533278 100644
--- a/src/dev/arm/
+++ b/src/dev/arm/
@@ -118,6 +118,71 @@
     int_base = Param.Unsigned("PCI interrupt base")
     int_count = Param.Unsigned("Maximum number of interrupts used by this host")
+    def generateDeviceTree(self, state):
+        local_state = FdtState(addr_cells=3, size_cells=2, cpu_cells=1)
+        intterrupt_cells = 1
+        node = FdtNode("pci")
+        if int(self.conf_device_bits) == 8:
+            node.appendCompatible("pci-host-cam-generic")
+        elif int(self.conf_device_bits) == 12:
+            node.appendCompatible("pci-host-ecam-generic")
+        else:
+            m5.fatal("No compatibility string for the set conf_device_width")
+        node.append(FdtPropertyStrings("device_type", ["pci"]))
+        # Cell sizes of child nodes/peripherals
+        node.append(local_state.addrCellsProperty())
+        node.append(local_state.sizeCellsProperty())
+        node.append(FdtPropertyWords("#interrupt-cells", intterrupt_cells))
+        # PCI address for CPU
+        node.append(FdtPropertyWords("reg",
+            state.addrCells(self.conf_base) +
+            state.sizeCells(self.conf_size) ))
+        # Ranges mapping
+        # For now some of this is hard coded, because the PCI module does not
+        # have a proper full understanding of the memory map, but adapting the
+        # PCI module is beyond the scope of what I'm trying to do here.
+        # Values are taken from the VExpress_GEM5_V1 platform.
+        ranges = []
+        # Pio address range
+        ranges += self.pciFdtAddr(space=1, addr=0)
+        ranges += state.addrCells(self.pci_pio_base)
+        ranges += local_state.sizeCells(0x10000)  # Fixed size
+        # AXI memory address range
+        ranges += self.pciFdtAddr(space=2, addr=0)
+        ranges += state.addrCells(0x40000000) # Fixed offset
+        ranges += local_state.sizeCells(0x40000000) # Fixed size
+        node.append(FdtPropertyWords("ranges", ranges))
+        if str(self.int_policy) == 'ARM_PCI_INT_DEV':
+            int_phandle = state.phandle(self._parent.unproxy(self).gic)
+            # Interrupt mapping
+            interrupts = []
+            for i in range(int(self.int_count)):
+                interrupts += self.pciFdtAddr(device=i, addr=0) + \
+                    [0x0, int_phandle, 0, int(self.int_base) - 32 + i, 1]
+            node.append(FdtPropertyWords("interrupt-map", interrupts))
+            int_count = int(self.int_count)
+            if int_count & (int_count - 1):
+                fatal("PCI interrupt count should be power of 2")
+            intmask = self.pciFdtAddr(device=int_count - 1, addr=0) + [0x0]
+            node.append(FdtPropertyWords("interrupt-map-mask", intmask))
+        else:
+            m5.fatal("Unsupported PCI interrupt policy " +
+                     "for Device Tree generation")
+        node.append(FdtProperty("dma-coherent"))
+        yield node
 class RealViewCtrl(BasicPioDevice):
     type = 'RealViewCtrl'
     cxx_header = "dev/arm/rv_ctrl.hh"
diff --git a/src/dev/pci/ b/src/dev/pci/
index f4f9e45..28405c1 100644
--- a/src/dev/pci/
+++ b/src/dev/pci/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2015 ARM Limited
+# Copyright (c) 2015-2016 ARM Limited
 #  All rights reserved
 # The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
 # Authors: Andreas Sandberg
+#          Glenn Bergmans
 from m5.SimObject import SimObject
 from m5.params import *
@@ -62,3 +63,34 @@
     pci_pio_base = Param.Addr(0, "Base address for PCI IO accesses")
     pci_mem_base = Param.Addr(0, "Base address for PCI memory accesses")
     pci_dma_base = Param.Addr(0, "Base address for DMA memory accesses")
+    def pciFdtAddr(self, bus=0, device=0, function=0, register=0, space=0,
+                   aliased=0, prefetchable=0, relocatable=0, addr=0):
+        busf = bus & 0xff
+        devicef = device & 0x1f
+        functionf = function & 0x7
+        registerf = register & 0xff
+        spacef = space & 0x3
+        aliasedf = aliased & 0x1
+        prefetchablef = prefetchable & 0x1
+        relocatablef = relocatable & 0x1
+        if  busf != bus or \
+            devicef != device or \
+            functionf != function or \
+            registerf != register or \
+            spacef != space or \
+            aliasedf != aliased or \
+            prefetchablef != prefetchable or \
+            relocatablef != relocatable:
+            fatal("One of the fields for the PCI address is out of bounds")
+        address = registerf | (functionf << 8) | (devicef << 11) | \
+                (busf << 16) | (spacef << 24) | (aliasedf << 29) | \
+                (prefetchablef << 30) | (relocatablef << 31)
+        low_addr = addr & 0xffffffff
+        high_addr = (addr >> 32) & 0xffffffff
+        return [address, high_addr, low_addr]