mfd: TWL4030 core driver

This patch adds the core of the TWL4030 driver, which supports
chips including the TPS65950.  These chips are multi-function; see

Public specs are in the works.  For now, the block diagram on
the second page of the datasheet is fairly informative.

There are some known issues with this core code.  Most notably,
the IRQ dispatching needs simplification (to use more of genirq),
generalization (integrating support for secondary IRQ dispatch
as well as primary, and removing the build dependency on OMAP),
and then probably updating to leverage threaded IRQ support
(expected to arrive in mainline "soon").

Once the core is in mainline, drivers for other parts of this
chip can follow its lead and start swimming upstream too.

Signed-off-by: David Brownell <>
Signed-off-by: Samuel Ortiz <>
diff --git a/include/linux/i2c/twl4030.h b/include/linux/i2c/twl4030.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdb4531
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/linux/i2c/twl4030.h
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+ * twl4030.h - header for TWL4030 PM and audio CODEC device
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Texas Instruments, Inc.
+ *
+ * Based on tlv320aic23.c:
+ * Copyright (c) by Kai Svahn <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef __TWL4030_H_
+#define __TWL4030_H_
+ * Using the twl4030 core we address registers using a pair
+ *	{ module id, relative register offset }
+ * which that core then maps to the relevant
+ *	{ i2c slave, absolute register address }
+ *
+ * The module IDs are meaningful only to the twl4030 core code,
+ * which uses them as array indices to look up the first register
+ * address each module uses within a given i2c slave.
+ */
+/* Slave 0 (i2c address 0x48) */
+#define TWL4030_MODULE_USB		0x00
+/* Slave 1 (i2c address 0x49) */
+#define TWL4030_MODULE_AUDIO_VOICE	0x01
+#define TWL4030_MODULE_GPIO		0x02
+#define TWL4030_MODULE_INTBR		0x03
+#define TWL4030_MODULE_PIH		0x04
+#define TWL4030_MODULE_TEST		0x05
+/* Slave 2 (i2c address 0x4a) */
+#define TWL4030_MODULE_KEYPAD		0x06
+#define TWL4030_MODULE_MADC		0x07
+#define TWL4030_MODULE_INTERRUPTS	0x08
+#define TWL4030_MODULE_LED		0x09
+#define TWL4030_MODULE_MAIN_CHARGE	0x0A
+#define TWL4030_MODULE_PRECHARGE	0x0B
+#define TWL4030_MODULE_PWM0		0x0C
+#define TWL4030_MODULE_PWM1		0x0D
+#define TWL4030_MODULE_PWMA		0x0E
+#define TWL4030_MODULE_PWMB		0x0F
+/* Slave 3 (i2c address 0x4b) */
+#define TWL4030_MODULE_BACKUP		0x10
+#define TWL4030_MODULE_INT		0x11
+#define TWL4030_MODULE_PM_MASTER	0x12
+#define TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER	0x13
+#define TWL4030_MODULE_RTC		0x14
+#define TWL4030_MODULE_SECURED_REG	0x15
+ * Read and write single 8-bit registers
+ */
+int twl4030_i2c_write_u8(u8 mod_no, u8 val, u8 reg);
+int twl4030_i2c_read_u8(u8 mod_no, u8 *val, u8 reg);
+ * Read and write several 8-bit registers at once.
+ *
+ * IMPORTANT:  For twl4030_i2c_write(), allocate num_bytes + 1
+ * for the value, and populate your data starting at offset 1.
+ */
+int twl4030_i2c_write(u8 mod_no, u8 *value, u8 reg, u8 num_bytes);
+int twl4030_i2c_read(u8 mod_no, u8 *value, u8 reg, u8 num_bytes);
+ * NOTE:  at up to 1024 registers, this is a big chip.
+ *
+ * Avoid putting register declarations in this file, instead of into
+ * a driver-private file, unless some of the registers in a block
+ * need to be shared with other drivers.  One example is blocks that
+ * have Secondary IRQ Handler (SIH) registers.
+ */
+#define TWL4030_SIH_CTRL_COR_MASK	BIT(2)
+ * GPIO Block Register offsets (use TWL4030_MODULE_GPIO)
+ */
+#define REG_GPIODATAIN1			0x0
+#define REG_GPIODATAIN2			0x1
+#define REG_GPIODATAIN3			0x2
+#define REG_GPIODATADIR1		0x3
+#define REG_GPIODATADIR2		0x4
+#define REG_GPIODATADIR3		0x5
+#define REG_GPIODATAOUT1		0x6
+#define REG_GPIODATAOUT2		0x7
+#define REG_GPIODATAOUT3		0x8
+#define REG_GPIO_DEBEN1			0xF
+#define REG_GPIO_DEBEN2			0x10
+#define REG_GPIO_DEBEN3			0x11
+#define REG_GPIO_CTRL			0x12
+#define REG_GPIOPUPDCTR1		0x13
+#define REG_GPIOPUPDCTR2		0x14
+#define REG_GPIOPUPDCTR3		0x15
+#define REG_GPIOPUPDCTR4		0x16
+#define REG_GPIOPUPDCTR5		0x17
+#define REG_GPIO_ISR1A			0x19
+#define REG_GPIO_ISR2A			0x1A
+#define REG_GPIO_ISR3A			0x1B
+#define REG_GPIO_IMR1A			0x1C
+#define REG_GPIO_IMR2A			0x1D
+#define REG_GPIO_IMR3A			0x1E
+#define REG_GPIO_ISR1B			0x1F
+#define REG_GPIO_ISR2B			0x20
+#define REG_GPIO_ISR3B			0x21
+#define REG_GPIO_IMR1B			0x22
+#define REG_GPIO_IMR2B			0x23
+#define REG_GPIO_IMR3B			0x24
+#define REG_GPIO_EDR1			0x28
+#define REG_GPIO_EDR2			0x29
+#define REG_GPIO_EDR3			0x2A
+#define REG_GPIO_EDR4			0x2B
+#define REG_GPIO_EDR5			0x2C
+#define REG_GPIO_SIH_CTRL		0x2D
+/* Up to 18 signals are available as GPIOs, when their
+ * pins are not assigned to another use (such as ULPI/USB).
+ */
+#define TWL4030_GPIO_MAX		18
+ * Keypad register offsets (use TWL4030_MODULE_KEYPAD)
+ * ... SIH/interrupt only
+ */
+#define TWL4030_KEYPAD_KEYP_ISR1	0x11
+#define TWL4030_KEYPAD_KEYP_IMR1	0x12
+#define TWL4030_KEYPAD_KEYP_ISR2	0x13
+#define TWL4030_KEYPAD_KEYP_IMR2	0x14
+#define TWL4030_KEYPAD_KEYP_SIR		0x15	/* test register */
+#define TWL4030_KEYPAD_KEYP_EDR		0x16
+#define TWL4030_KEYPAD_KEYP_SIH_CTRL	0x17
+ * Multichannel ADC register offsets (use TWL4030_MODULE_MADC)
+ * ... SIH/interrupt only
+ */
+#define TWL4030_MADC_ISR1		0x61
+#define TWL4030_MADC_IMR1		0x62
+#define TWL4030_MADC_ISR2		0x63
+#define TWL4030_MADC_IMR2		0x64
+#define TWL4030_MADC_SIR		0x65	/* test register */
+#define TWL4030_MADC_EDR		0x66
+#define TWL4030_MADC_SIH_CTRL		0x67
+ * Battery charger register offsets (use TWL4030_MODULE_INTERRUPTS)
+ */
+#define TWL4030_INTERRUPTS_BCIISR1A	0x0
+#define TWL4030_INTERRUPTS_BCIISR2A	0x1
+#define TWL4030_INTERRUPTS_BCIIMR1A	0x2
+#define TWL4030_INTERRUPTS_BCIIMR2A	0x3
+#define TWL4030_INTERRUPTS_BCIISR1B	0x4
+#define TWL4030_INTERRUPTS_BCIISR2B	0x5
+#define TWL4030_INTERRUPTS_BCIIMR1B	0x6
+#define TWL4030_INTERRUPTS_BCIIMR2B	0x7
+#define TWL4030_INTERRUPTS_BCISIR1	0x8	/* test register */
+#define TWL4030_INTERRUPTS_BCISIR2	0x9	/* test register */
+#define TWL4030_INTERRUPTS_BCIEDR1	0xa
+#define TWL4030_INTERRUPTS_BCIEDR2	0xb
+#define TWL4030_INTERRUPTS_BCIEDR3	0xc
+ * Power Interrupt block register offsets (use TWL4030_MODULE_INT)
+ */
+#define TWL4030_INT_PWR_ISR1		0x0
+#define TWL4030_INT_PWR_IMR1		0x1
+#define TWL4030_INT_PWR_ISR2		0x2
+#define TWL4030_INT_PWR_IMR2		0x3
+#define TWL4030_INT_PWR_SIR		0x4	/* test register */
+#define TWL4030_INT_PWR_EDR1		0x5
+#define TWL4030_INT_PWR_EDR2		0x6
+#define TWL4030_INT_PWR_SIH_CTRL	0x7
+struct twl4030_bci_platform_data {
+	int *battery_tmp_tbl;
+	unsigned int tblsize;
+/* TWL4030_GPIO_MAX (18) GPIOs, with interrupts */
+struct twl4030_gpio_platform_data {
+	int		gpio_base;
+	unsigned	irq_base, irq_end;
+	/* For gpio-N, bit (1 << N) in "pullups" is set if that pullup
+	 * should be enabled.  Else, if that bit is set in "pulldowns",
+	 * that pulldown is enabled.  Don't waste power by letting any
+	 * digital inputs float...
+	 */
+	u32		pullups;
+	u32		pulldowns;
+	int		(*setup)(struct device *dev,
+				unsigned gpio, unsigned ngpio);
+	int		(*teardown)(struct device *dev,
+				unsigned gpio, unsigned ngpio);
+struct twl4030_madc_platform_data {
+	int		irq_line;
+struct twl4030_keypad_data {
+	int rows;
+	int cols;
+	int *keymap;
+	int irq;
+	unsigned int keymapsize;
+	unsigned int rep:1;
+enum twl4030_usb_mode {
+	T2_USB_MODE_CEA2011_3PIN = 2,
+struct twl4030_usb_data {
+	enum twl4030_usb_mode	usb_mode;
+struct twl4030_platform_data {
+	unsigned				irq_base, irq_end;
+	struct twl4030_bci_platform_data	*bci;
+	struct twl4030_gpio_platform_data	*gpio;
+	struct twl4030_madc_platform_data	*madc;
+	struct twl4030_keypad_data		*keypad;
+	struct twl4030_usb_data			*usb;
+	/* REVISIT more to come ... _nothing_ should be hard-wired */
+ * FIXME completely stop using TWL4030_IRQ_BASE ... instead, pass the
+ * IRQ data to subsidiary devices using platform device resources.
+ */
+/* IRQ information-need base */
+#include <mach/irqs.h>
+/* TWL4030 interrupts */
+/* #define TWL4030_MODIRQ_GPIO		(TWL4030_IRQ_BASE + 0) */
+#define TWL4030_MODIRQ_KEYPAD		(TWL4030_IRQ_BASE + 1)
+#define TWL4030_MODIRQ_BCI		(TWL4030_IRQ_BASE + 2)
+#define TWL4030_MODIRQ_MADC		(TWL4030_IRQ_BASE + 3)
+/* #define TWL4030_MODIRQ_USB		(TWL4030_IRQ_BASE + 4) */
+#define TWL4030_MODIRQ_PWR		(TWL4030_IRQ_BASE + 5)
+#define TWL4030_PWRIRQ_PWRBTN		(TWL4030_PWR_IRQ_BASE + 0)
+#define TWL4030_PWRIRQ_CHG_PRES		(TWL4030_PWR_IRQ_BASE + 1)
+#define TWL4030_PWRIRQ_USB_PRES		(TWL4030_PWR_IRQ_BASE + 2)
+#define TWL4030_PWRIRQ_RTC		(TWL4030_PWR_IRQ_BASE + 3)
+#define TWL4030_PWRIRQ_HOT_DIE		(TWL4030_PWR_IRQ_BASE + 4)
+#define TWL4030_PWRIRQ_MBCHG		(TWL4030_PWR_IRQ_BASE + 6)
+#define TWL4030_PWRIRQ_SC_DETECT	(TWL4030_PWR_IRQ_BASE + 7)
+/* Rest are unsued currently*/
+/* Offsets to Power Registers */
+#define TWL4030_VDAC_DEV_GRP		0x3B
+#define TWL4030_VDAC_DEDICATED		0x3E
+#define TWL4030_VAUX1_DEV_GRP		0x17
+#define TWL4030_VAUX1_DEDICATED		0x1A
+#define TWL4030_VAUX2_DEV_GRP		0x1B
+#define TWL4030_VAUX2_DEDICATED		0x1E
+#define TWL4030_VAUX3_DEV_GRP		0x1F
+#define TWL4030_VAUX3_DEDICATED		0x22
+/* TWL4030 GPIO interrupt definitions */
+#define TWL4030_GPIO_IRQ_NO(n)		(TWL4030_GPIO_IRQ_BASE + (n))
+#define TWL4030_GPIO_IS_ENABLE		1
+ * Exported TWL4030 GPIO APIs
+ *
+ * WARNING -- use standard GPIO and IRQ calls instead; these will vanish.
+ */
+int twl4030_get_gpio_datain(int gpio);
+int twl4030_request_gpio(int gpio);
+int twl4030_set_gpio_debounce(int gpio, int enable);
+int twl4030_free_gpio(int gpio);
+#if defined(CONFIG_TWL4030_BCI_BATTERY) || \
+	extern int twl4030charger_usb_en(int enable);
+	static inline int twl4030charger_usb_en(int enable) { return 0; }
+#endif /* End of __TWL4030_H */