gem5 /
arm /
linux /
040468a0a7b3f9c7966126d98151bc64f1423657 ip_gre: When TOS is inherited, use configured TOS value for non-IP packets
A GRE tunnel can be configured so that outgoing tunnel packets inherit
the value of the TOS field from the inner IP header. In doing so, when
a non-IP packet is transmitted through the tunnel, the TOS field will
always be set to 0.
Instead, the user should be able to configure a different TOS value as
the fallback to use for non-IP packets. This is helpful when the non-IP
packets are all control packets and should be handled by routers outside
the tunnel as having Internet Control precedence. One example of this is
the NHRP packets that control a DMVPN-compatible mGRE tunnel; they are
encapsulated directly by GRE and do not contain an inner IP header.
Under the existing behavior, the IFLA_GRE_TOS parameter must be set to
'1' for the TOS value to be inherited. Now, only the least significant
bit of this parameter must be set to '1', and when a non-IP packet is
sent through the tunnel, the upper 6 bits of this same parameter will be
copied into the TOS field. (The ECN bits get masked off as before.)
This behavior is backwards-compatible with existing configurations and
iproute2 versions.
Signed-off-by: David Ward <>
Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
1 file changed