staging: et131x: Remove incorrect comments regarding alignment

A previous change removed code that aligned memory returned from
dma_alloc_coherent() to a 4k boundary, which was not necessary.

Some comments regarding this alignment still exist, so remove them
as they no longer apply.

Signed-off-by: Mark Einon <>
Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
diff --git a/drivers/staging/et131x/et131x.c b/drivers/staging/et131x/et131x.c
index 9ccd9b7..703a874 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/et131x/et131x.c
+++ b/drivers/staging/et131x/et131x.c
@@ -2310,13 +2310,6 @@
 		for (i = 0; i < (rx_ring->fbr[id]->num_entries / FBR_CHUNKS); i++) {
 			dma_addr_t fbr_tmp_physaddr;
-			/* This code allocates an area of memory big enough for
-			 * N free buffers + (buffer_size - 1) so that the
-			 * buffers can be aligned on 4k boundaries.  If each
-			 * buffer were aligned to a buffer_size boundary, the
-			 * effect would be to double the size of FBR0. By
-			 * allocating N buffers at once, we reduce this overhead
-			 */
 			rx_ring->fbr[id]->mem_virtaddrs[i] = dma_alloc_coherent(
 					&adapter->pdev->dev, fbr_chunksize,
@@ -2901,9 +2894,6 @@
 		return -ENOMEM;
-	/* Allocate enough memory for the Tx descriptor ring, and allocate
-	 * some extra so that the ring can be aligned on a 4k boundary.
-	 */
 	desc_size = (sizeof(struct tx_desc) * NUM_DESC_PER_RING_TX);
 	tx_ring->tx_desc_ring =
 	    (struct tx_desc *) dma_alloc_coherent(&adapter->pdev->dev,