gem5 /
arm /
linux /
e538ebaf78455ff87dec2c34d4f9c128844e3f3f tools/virtio: make vringh_test use inbuf/outbuf.
As expected, the simplified accessors are faster.
for i in `seq 50`; do /usr/bin/time -f 'Wall time:%e' ./vringh_test --indirect --eventidx --parallel --fast-vringh; done 2>&1 | stats --trim-outliers:
Using CPUS 0 and 3
Guest: notified 0, pinged 39062-39063(39063)
Host: notified 39062-39063(39063), pinged 0
Wall time:1.760000-2.220000(1.789167)
Using CPUS 0 and 3
Guest: notified 0, pinged 39037-39063(39062)
Host: notified 39037-39063(39062), pinged 0
Wall time:1.640000-1.810000(1.676875)
Signed-off-by: Rusty Russell <>
2 files changed