blob: 690ce4f550d59b59fe1821d387a2c11e28bc6992 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef __HIPLOCKS_H__
#define __HIPLOCKS_H__
// used for calling s_sleep
extern "C" void __builtin_amdgcn_s_sleep(int);
Shared sleep function. Since s_sleep only takes in consstants (between 1 and 128),
need code to handle long tail.
Currently s_sleep is unsupported in gem5, so sleepFunc is commented out and
replaced with a spin in the lock implementations
inline __device__ void sleepFunc(int backoff) {
int backoffCopy = backoff;
#ifdef GFX9
// max for gfx9 is 127
for (int i = 0; i < backoff; i += 127) {
backoffCopy -= 127;
// max for gfx8 is 15
for (int i = 0; i < backoff; i += 15) {
backoffCopy -= 15;
// handle any additional backoff
#ifdef GFX9
if (backoffCopy > 64) {
backoffCopy -= 64;
if (backoffCopy > 32) {
backoffCopy -= 32;
if (backoffCopy > 16) {
backoffCopy -= 16;
if (backoffCopy > 8) {
backoffCopy -= 8;
if (backoffCopy > 4) {
backoffCopy -= 4;
if (backoffCopy > 2) {
backoffCopy -= 2;
if (backoffCopy > 1) {
backoffCopy -= 1;
typedef struct hipLockData
int maxBufferSize;
int arrayStride;
int mutexCount;
int semaphoreCount;
unsigned int * barrierBuffers;
int * mutexBuffers;
unsigned int * mutexBufferHeads;
unsigned int * mutexBufferTails;
unsigned int * semaphoreBuffers;
} hipLockData_t;
typedef unsigned int hipMutex_t;
typedef unsigned int hipSemaphore_t;
static hipLockData_t * cpuLockData;
hipError_t hipLocksInit(const int maxBlocksPerKernel, const int numMutexes,
const int numSemaphores, const bool pageAlign,
const int NUM_CU);
hipError_t hipLocksDestroy();