blob: 7bafa0023bb7e6e7d15b5ff160c52c44df9a876d [file] [log] [blame]
Changes from 2.1 to 3.0
The most important changes in detail:
- Package `blackscholes': Upgraded from version 2.1 to 2.2. Major changes:
* Fixed a pthread compatibility issue
* Merged TBB source code version with other versions
* Fixed a bug in the TBB version reported by Christian Julg
* Added TBB support to SSE version of blackscholes
* Fixed a data race in OpenMP version. Patch submitted by Paul Keir
* Several improvements to TBB version. Patch submitted by Paul Keir
- Package `bodytrack': Upgraded from Version 2.0 to 2.1. Major changes:
* Support for additional features of the bitmap image format
- Package `canneal': Upgraded from version 2.1 to 2.2. Major changes:
* Eliminated atomic instructions from serial version
- Package `dedup': Upgraded from version 2.0 to 3.0. Major changes:
* Fixed memory allocation issue in decompression routine. Patch submited by
Rafael Asenjo
* Fixed file open modes. Patch submitted by Joe Devietti
* Added SHA1 code to dedup to remove dependency on OpenSSL
- Package `facesim': Upgraded from version 1.2 to 2.0. Major changes:
* Eliminated unnecessary pthread dependencies
* Fixed a pthread compatibility issue
* Fixed an issue in the TaskQ Makefile, patch submitted by Joseph Greathouse
* Fixed a performance issue in serial version
* Fixed a data race bug, patch submitted by Joseph Greathouse
- Package `ferret': Upgraded from version 1.1 to 2.0. Major changes:
* Added support for TBB, patch submitted by Chris Fensch
* Removed ImageMagick dependency. Package `imagick' is now no longer needed
* Use libjpeg directly to load images
* Added some basic image transformation routines needed to process input
* Fixed a deadlock, patch submitted by Chris Fensch
- Package `fluidanimate': Upgraded from version 2.1 to 3.0. Major changes:
* Added optional viewer to visualize fluid
* Fixed issue limiting simulation to only one frame
* Allow arbitrary number of particles per cell
* Implemented custom memory pool containing cell structures
* Redefined physical constants
* General code cleanup
* Added new tool `fluidcmp' for output verification
- Package `freqmine': Upgraded from version 1.1 to 1.2. Major changes:
* Fixed a bug in the build system
- Package `glib': Upgraded from version to 2.24.1. Major changes:
* Improvements to threading code
* Numerous other changes
- Package `hooks': Upgraded from version 1.3 to 2.0. Major changes:
* Add support of SPLASH-2 package
- Package `imagick': Removed version 6.3.6.
- Package `libjpeg': Added initial version 7.0.
- Package `libxml2': Upgraded from version 2.6.28 to Major changes:
* Fixed file open modes. Patch submitted by Joe Devietti
- Package `parmacs': Added initial 1.0.
* Support compiling for SPLASH-2 workloads
- Package `raytrace': Upgraded from version 1.1 to 1.2. Major changes:
* Removed a limitation on thread number, patch submitted by Alex Reshetov and Adam Morrison
* Reorder if-then statement for improved performance, patch submitted by Le Quoc Thai
- Package `streamcluster': Upgraded from version 2.1 to 2.2. Major changes:
* Fixed a data race, patch submitted by Darryl Gove
* Added support for TBB by changing file Makefile, patch submitted by Le Quoc Thai
- Package `swaptions': Upgraded from version 2.0 to 2.1. Major changes:
* Use different random number generator seed for each swaption
* Make swaptions dependent on runtime input to defeat smart compilers
* Randomize number of years and strike value of each swaption
* Resize simulation inputs to improve error rates
* Fixed a load imbalance issue, reported by Mark Roth and Kishore Kumar
* Added support for TBB by changing file gcc.bldconf, patch submitted by Le Quoc Thai
- Package `tbblib': Upgraded from version 2.1-20080605oss to 3.0-20100406oss.
Major changes:
* New and improved parallel pipeline
* Enhanced scalable memory allocator
* Portability support for additional systems
- Package `vips': Upgraded from version 7.16.2 to 7.22.1. Major changes:
* New threading scheduler with decentralized work allocation
* Improved interpolation algorithms
* Many code optimizations
* Details:
- Library 'uptcpip' version 1.0 is added into PARSEC
* A user-level parallel TCP/IP stack extracted from FreeBSD 8.0
- Package 'netdedup' version 1.0 is added into PARSEC
* Derived from 'dedup'
- Package 'netferret' version 1.0 is added into PARSEC
* Derived from 'ferret'
- Package 'netstreamcluster' version 1.0 is added into PARSEC
* Derived from 'streamcluster'
- Extension directory 'ext' is added into PARSEC directory tree.
* Add "splash2" directory for the original SPLASH-2
* Add "splash2x" directory for the extended SPLASH-2x
* Details:
- Package 'Splash2x.water_nsquared' Upgraded from Version 1.0 to 1.1. Major changes:
* Inlined and vectorized for improved performance, patch submitted by Le Quoc Thai
Changes from 2.0 to 2.1
The most important changes in detail:
- Package `blackscholes': Upgraded from version 2.0 to 2.1. Major changes:
* Use affinity partitioner in TBB version, patch submitted by Michael Voss
* Changed benchmark to take all input from file
* Wrote program to create input files
* Created input files (input data unchanged)
* Calculated prices are now written to output file
* Unnecessary barrier removed
* Resized test input to make it compatible with SIMD version
- Package `canneal': Upgraded from version 2.0 to 2.1. Major changes:
* Support for Alpha CPUs added, patch submitted by Mark Gebhart
- Package `facesim': Upgraded from version 1.1 to 1.2. Major changes:
* Added routines to write results to disk
* Removed code to write log to output file from ROI
- Package `fluidanimate': Upgraded from version 2.0 to 2.1. Major changes:
* Replaced pthreads barriers with custom spin barrier implementation
* Serial version fixed, patch submitted by Orestis Agathokleous
* Error resulting in too much output fixed, patch submitted by
John Henning
* Corrupted value in native input corrected
* Fixed file input of TBB version, patch submitted by Grishma Kotecha
- Package `hooks': Upgraded from version 1.2 to 1.3. Major changes:
* Build libhooks as a shared library
- Package `libtool': Added initial version 2.2.6a
- Package `raytrace': Upgraded from version 1.0 to 1.1. Major changes:
* Performance bug fixed, patch submitted by Marc de Kruijf
* Support for Alpha CPUs added, patch submitted by Mark Gebhart
- Package `streamcluster': Upgraded from version 2.0 to 2.1. Major changes:
* Replaced pthreads barriers with custom spin barrier implementation
* Deadlock fixed, patch submitted by Matthew Watkins
* Timing code removed
- Package `x264': Upgraded from version r1047 to r1047.1. Major changes:
* Aligned memory accesses, patch submitted by Christian Fensch
- Tool `parsecmgmt': Upgraded from version 2.0 to 2.1. Major changes:
* Made PARSECPLAT string detection more robust
* Place log files in separate, platform-specific directories
* Always append build config name to PARSECPLAT
Changes from 1.0 to 2.0
You should expect to see noticeable changes in the characteristics of the
following benchmarks: bodytrack, canneal, dedup and x264.
It is possible that the characteristics of all other programs that were updated
have changed, too. The only guarantee for identical characteristics is an
identical source code (assuming everything else also remains the same).
The most important changes in detail:
- Package `blackscholes': Upgraded from version 1.0 to 2.0. Major changes:
* New parallelization based on Intel TBB added, patch submitted by
Gilberto Contreras
* New parallelization based on OpenMP added, patch submitted by Nikolay
* Solaris 10 / Sparc portability issues fixed, patch submitted by Christian
* Windows port added, patch submitted by Nikolay Kurtov
* Several bugfixes, patch submitted by Nikolay Kurtov
- Package `bodytrack': Upgraded from version 1.1 to 2.0. Major changes:
* New parallelization based on Intel TBB added
* Particle resampling kernel parallelized
* Asynchronous I/O for image file accesses added
* Processing stages now pipelined, program will work on multiple frames
* gcc 4.3 syntax issues fixed, patch submitted by Wim Heirman
* Typo in `simlarge' run configuration fixed
- Package `canneal': Upgraded from version 1.0 to 2.0. Major changes:
* Solaris 10 / Sparc portability issues fixed, patch submitted by Christian
* Changed parallelization model
* Termination condition changed, number of steps can now be chosen at
program start
* Resized inputs to be smaller using new termination condition
- Package `cmake': Added initial version 2.6.1
* Solaris 10 / Sparc portability issues fixed, patch submitted by Christian
- Package `dedup': Upgraded from version 1.1 to 2.0. Major changes:
* More cache efficient serial version
* More effective and computationally intensive input stream fragmentation
* Solaris 10 / Sparc portability issues fixed, patch submitted by Christian
* Deadlock fixed, patch submitted by Jiaqi Zhang
* malloc bug fixed, patch submitted by Nikolay Kurtov
- Package `facesim': Upgraded from version 1.0 to 1.1. Major changes:
* Solaris 10 / Sparc portability issues fixed, patch submitted by Christian
* gcc 4.3 syntax issues fixed, patch submitted by Wim Heirman
- Package `ferret': Upgraded from version 1.0 to 1.1. Major changes:
* Serial version of build system fixed
* Build system changed to prefer PARSEC libraries over system installations
* Solaris 10 / Sparc portability issues fixed
* gcc 4.3 syntax issues fixed, patch submitted by Wim Heirman
- Package `fluidanimate': Upgraded from version 1.1 to 2.0. Major changes:
* New parallelization based on Intel TBB added, patch submitted by
Gilberto Contreras
* Solaris 10 / Sparc portability issues fixed, patch submitted by Christian
* gcc 4.3 syntax issues fixed, patch submitted by Wim Heirman
- Package `mesa': Added initial version 7.2.1
* Solaris 10 / Sparc portability issues fixed, patch submitted by Christian
- Package `freqmine': Upgraded from version 1.0 to 1.1. Major changes:
* Solaris 10 / Sparc portability issues fixed, patch submitted by Christian
* gcc 4.3 syntax issues fixed, patch submitted by Wim Heirman
* A few bugfixes, patches submitted by Saugata Ghose and Intel
- Package `glib': Upgraded from version 2.12.13 to Major changes:
* gcc 4.3 syntax issues fixed, patch submitted by Wim Heirman
* Solaris 10 / Sparc portability issues fixed, patch submitted by Christian
- Package `hooks': Upgraded from version 1.1 to 1.2. Major changes:
* Doxygen source code documentation
- Package `raytrace': Added initial version 1.0
* Solaris 10 / Sparc portability issues fixed, patch submitted by Christian
- Package `ssl': Added initial version 0.9.8j.1
* Solaris 10 / Sparc portability issues fixed, patch submitted by Christian
- Package `streamcluster': Upgraded from version 1.0 to 2.0. Major changes:
* New parallelization based on Intel TBB added, patch submitted by
Gilberto Contreras
- Package `swaptions': Upgraded from version 1.0 to 2.0. Major changes:
* New parallelization based on Intel TBB added, patch submitted by
by Gilberto Contreras
* gcc 4.3 syntax issues fixed, patch submitted by Wim Heirman
- Package `tbblib': Added initial version 2.1-20080605oss
* Solaris 10 / Sparc portability issues fixed, patch submitted by Christian
- Package `vips': Upgraded from version 7.12.5 to 7.16.2 . Major changes:
* Build system changed to prefer PARSEC libraries over system installations
* Solaris 10 / Sparc portability issues resolved
* Syntax compatible with gcc 4.3
* Many bugfixes & cleanups
* Details:
- Package `x264': Upgraded from version r680 to r1047.1. Major changes:
* Solaris 10 / Sparc portability issues fixed, patch submitted by Christian
* Missing `simdev' input added
* Typo in `simlarge' run configuration fixed
* Numerous bugfixes
* Various nondeterminisms eliminated
* Several new assembly kernel implementations added
* Lots of tuning
* Details:
- Package `yasm': Upgraded from version 0.6.2 to 0.7.1. Major changes:
* Support for Intel Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX)
* Support for ELF32 and ELF64 TLS (thread local storage) relocations
* Many bugfixes
* Details:
- Package `zlib': Added initial version 1.2.3
- Tool `parsecmgmt': Upgraded from version 1.0 to 2.0. Major changes:
* Paths to libraries in CC_HOME directory is now added to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
* Name of auto-generated file with build information changed from
`compile-info' to `build-info'
* Extensions can now be specified with argument `-x' to allow multiple
installations for the same platform
* Support for different parallelization models
* Auto-detect available input sets, aliases and packages at runtime
* Option to keep an already existing run directory
* Conditional package dependencies (also depend on build configuration)
* Renamed action `uninstallall' to `fulluninstall'
* Renamed action `cleanall' to `fullclean'
- Other framework changes:
* Man pages for framework tools and hooks added
* Script to setup useful environment variables added