blob: 457e90422ffb973b78fc00c8b9ab4a54abc5b9cd [file] [log] [blame]
/* */
/* Copyright (c) 1994 Stanford University */
/* */
/* All rights reserved. */
/* */
/* Permission is given to use, copy, and modify this software for any */
/* non-commercial purpose as long as this copyright notice is not */
/* removed. All other uses, including redistribution in whole or in */
/* part, are forbidden without prior written permission. */
/* */
/* This software is provided with absolutely no warranty and no */
/* support. */
/* */
#include <stdio.h>
#define FitsInCache 2048
#define MAX_PROC 128
#define PAGE_SIZE 4096
typedef struct {
int n, m, *col, *startrow, *row;
double *nz;
} SMatrix;
struct Pair {
int block_num;
struct Pair *next;
typedef struct {
int i, j, owner, remaining, nmod;
int length; /* number of full rows in block */
int parent; /* block number of parent block */
double checksum;
volatile unsigned int done;
int *structure, *relative;
double *nz;
struct Pair *pair;
} Block;
typedef union {
Block *block;
double nz;
} Entry;
typedef struct {
int n, *col, *row, n_blocks, n_entries, entries_allocated;
int *partition_size, *renumbering, *mapI, *mapJ;
int *domain, *domains, n_domains, *proc_domains;
int n_partitions, max_partition;
double **proc_domain_storage;
Entry *entry;
} BMatrix;
#define BLOCK(bl_no) (LB.entry[bl_no].block)
#define BLOCKROW(bl_no) (BLOCK(bl_no)->i)
#define BLOCKCOL(bl_no) (BLOCK(bl_no)->j)
#define OWNER(bl_no) (BLOCK(bl_no)->owner)
struct Update {
int i, j, src, remaining;
int dimi, dimj, *structi, *structj;
double *update;
struct Update *next;
struct Task {
int block_num, desti, destj, src;
struct Update *update;
struct Task *next;
struct GlobalMemory {
unsigned long runtime[MAX_PROC];
struct BlockList {
int theBlock, row, col, length;
int *structure;
double *nz;
struct BlockList *next;
struct LocalCopies {
double *blktmp;
int max_panel;
int *link;
int *first;
double *storage;
double *updatetmp;
int *relative;
struct Update *freeUpdate;
struct Task *freeTask;
unsigned long rs;
unsigned long rf;
unsigned long us;
unsigned long uf;
unsigned long ss;
unsigned long sf;
unsigned long runtime;
unsigned long runs;
SMatrix ReadSparse(), NewMatrix();
SMatrix SymbolicFactor();
double *NewVector();
char *MyMalloc();
#define DISTRIBUTED 888
#define max(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define min(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define LB_DOMAINS 2
#define EMBED 1
#define NO_PERM 1
#define FAN_OUT 2
int PreAllocate(int,struct LocalCopies *);
int BNumericSolve(int,struct LocalCopies *);
int DriveParallel(int,struct LocalCopies *);
int DiagReady(int, int, int,struct LocalCopies *);
int LowerReady(int, int, int, int,struct LocalCopies *);
int BFac(int, int,struct LocalCopies *);
int BDiv(int, int, int, int, double *, double *, int,struct LocalCopies *);
int BMod(int, int, int, int, int, double *, double *, double *, int,struct LocalCopies *);
int CopyBlock(double *, double *, int, int, int, int, int, int,struct LocalCopies *);
int BLMod(int, int, int, double *, double *, int,struct LocalCopies *);
int PreProcessFO(int,struct LocalCopies *);
int PreAllocateFO(int,struct LocalCopies *);
int BNumericSolveFO(int,struct LocalCopies *);
int DriveParallelFO(int,struct LocalCopies *);
int DriveSequentialFO(int,struct LocalCopies *);
int HandleTaskFO(int,struct LocalCopies *);
int DiagReceived(int, int,struct LocalCopies *);
int BlockReceived(int, int,struct LocalCopies *);
struct BlockList *CopyOneBlock(int, int,struct LocalCopies *);
int DecrementRemaining(int, int,struct LocalCopies *);
int PerformUpdate(struct BlockList *, struct BlockList *, int,struct LocalCopies *);
int HandleUpdateFO(int, int, struct Update *, int,struct LocalCopies *);
int HandleUpdate2FO(int, int, int, int,struct LocalCopies *);
int BlockReadyFO(int, int,struct LocalCopies *);
int BlockDoneFO(int, int,struct LocalCopies *);
int InitRemainingFO(int,struct LocalCopies *);
int InitReceivedFO(int,struct LocalCopies *);
int RemoveUpdate(int, int, int, struct Update **, int,struct LocalCopies *);
int FindUpdate(int, int, int, struct Update *, int *, struct Update **, int,struct LocalCopies *);
int PrimeQueue(int,struct LocalCopies *);
int Send(int, int, int, int, struct Update *, int, int,struct LocalCopies *);
int TaskWaiting(int,struct LocalCopies *);
int ActiveSpin(volatile unsigned int *, int,struct LocalCopies *);
int GetBlock(int *, int *, int *, struct Update **, int,struct LocalCopies *);
int RemoveUpdate(int, int, int, struct Update **, int,struct LocalCopies *);
int FactorLLDomain(int, int,struct LocalCopies *);
int HandleUpdate(int, int, int, int, double *,struct LocalCopies *);
int HandleDiag(int, int, double *,struct LocalCopies *);
int HandleBlock(int, int, double *,struct LocalCopies *);
int DecrementRemainingSimFO(int, int, double *,struct LocalCopies *);
int BlockReadySimFO(int, int, double *,struct LocalCopies *);
int BlockDoneSimFO(int, int, double *,struct LocalCopies *);
int SendProbe(int, int, int,struct LocalCopies *);
int ReceiveProbe(int, int, int,struct LocalCopies *);
int SendPing(int, int, int,struct LocalCopies *);
int ReceivePing(int, int, int,struct LocalCopies *);
int HandleTask(int,struct LocalCopies *);
int DoOneMod(int, int, int,struct LocalCopies *);
int DoOneLMod(int, int,struct LocalCopies *);
int UpdateFinished(int, int, int, int,struct LocalCopies *);
int PropOne(int, int, int, struct Update *, int,struct LocalCopies *);
int DistributeUpdateFO(int, int,struct LocalCopies *);
int DistributeUpdate(int, int, int,struct LocalCopies *);
int DistributeUpdateOld(double *, int, int, int,struct LocalCopies *);
int FactorMFDomain(int, int,struct LocalCopies *);
int DumpUpdate(int, struct Update *, int,struct LocalCopies *);
char *MyMalloc(int, int);
int SimBlockFO(int, int, double *, double *, double *, struct LocalCopies *);
int AssignBlocks3(int, int, int, struct LocalCopies *);
int FireOffLeafs(double *, struct LocalCopies *);