blob: a0517dccb5db0c970c94b1c55b12d4df87b614a1 [file] [log] [blame]
/* */
/* Copyright (c) 1994 Stanford University */
/* */
/* All rights reserved. */
/* */
/* Permission is given to use, copy, and modify this software for any */
/* non-commercial purpose as long as this copyright notice is not */
/* removed. All other uses, including redistribution in whole or in */
/* part, are forbidden without prior written permission. */
/* */
/* This software is provided with absolutely no warranty and no */
/* support. */
/* */
* rt.h
* This file contains all the general definitions for constants, macros,
* data types, data structures, and variables global to the ray tracer
* (but not necessarily in global shared memory).
#define huge
* Bring in the correct parallel environment header.
#ifdef MAIN
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef void *(*dap_thread_fn_t)(void *);
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
* Define general constants.
#define NO 0
#define OFF 0
#define FALSE 0
#define YES 1
#define ON 1
#define TRUE 1
#define VOID void
#define X_AXIS 1 /* Rotation axis. */
#define Y_AXIS 2
#define Z_AXIS 3
#define MAX_X 1280 /* Max # pixels along x-axis. */
#define MAX_Y 1024 /* Max # pixels along y-axis. */
#define MAX_PROCS 128 /* Max # of processors. */
#define MAX_VERTS 100 /* Max # of vertices in a polygon. */
#define MAX_LIGHTS 20 /* Max # of lights in a scene. */
#define MAX_AA_ROW 9 /* Max antialias super sample is 9x9 */
#define MAX_AA_COL 9
#define INT_PAD_SIZE 256 /* padding size for 32-bit
quantities to avoid false-sharing. Pads are inserted in two
situations: (i) when variables are really private to a processor
but are declared in a shared array owing to the lack of a private
space in the sproc lightweight threads model, and (ii) when
there are simple situations of "control" variables that are written
by only one processor but read by several, and declared in a
shared array indexed by process id, e.g. wpstat and workpool
declared in this file */
#define MAX_SUBDIV_LEVEL 3 /* Max HUG subdivision level. */
#define NAME_LEN 30
#define ISECT_MAX 2
#define RAYEPS 1e-07 /* Roundoff error tolerance. */
#define HUGE_REAL 1e+32 /* A number we consider infinity. */
#define PI 3.141592654
#define PI_over_2 1.570796327
#define PIINV 0.318309886
#define TWOPIINV 0.159154943
#define LOG_CONV 3.321928094 /* Log base 2 of 10 (for base conv). */
* Define database traversal type codes.
#define TT_LIST 0 /* Linked list traversal. */
#define TT_HUG 1 /* Hierarchical uniform grid trav. */
* Define data file type codes.
#define DT_ASCII 0 /* Data is in ascii format. */
#define DT_BINARY 1 /* Data is in binary format. */
* Define work pool status codes.
#define WPS_EMPTY 0 /* Work pool is empty. */
#define WPS_VALID 1 /* Valid job is available. */
* Define ray tree status codes.
#define RTS_EMPTY 0 /* Ray tree stack is empty. */
#define RTS_VALID 1 /* Valid ray job is available. */
* Define projection type codes.
#define PT_PERSP 0 /* Perspective projection. */
#define PT_ORTHO 1 /* Orthographic projection. */
* Define object types for ObjectMalloc() and ObjectFree().
#define OT_GRID 0
#define OT_VOXEL 1
#define OT_HASHTABLE 2
#define OT_PELLIST 5
#define OT_BINTREE 6
#define OT_PEPARRAY 7
* Define cell status values.
#define MSB (((UINT)1) << (sizeof(UINT)*8 - 1))
#define NONEMPTY 0
#define EMPTY 1
#define UNPRUNED 0
#define PRUNED 1
#define NO_STEP 0
#define STEP 1
* Define voxel types.
#define LOCAL_VOXEL 0 /* Not currently in use. */
#define LOCAL_GRID 1 /* Not currently in use. */
#define GSM_VOXEL 2
#define GSM_GRID 3
#define REMOTE_VOXEL 4
#define REMOTE_GRID 5
* Define ray status values.
#define EXITED_WORLD 0
#define SENT_TO_REMOTE 1
#define IN_WORLD 2
* Define general macros.
#define Min(A, B) ( (A) < (B) ? (A) : (B) )
#define Max(A, B) ( (A) > (B) ? (A) : (B) )
#define ABS(A) ( (A) > 0.0 ? (A) : -(A) )
#define Sign(A) ( (A) > 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0 )
* Define vector manipulation macros.
#define VecZero(A) { A[0] = 0.0; A[1] = 0.0; A[2] = 0.0; }
#define VecLen(A) ( sqrt( A[0]*A[0] + A[1]*A[1] + A[2]*A[2] ))
#define VecDot(A, B) ( A[0]*B[0] + A[1]*B[1] + A[2]*B[2] )
#define VecCross(C, A, B) { C[0] = A[1]*B[2] - A[2]*B[1]; \
C[1] = A[2]*B[0] - A[0]*B[2]; \
C[2] = A[0]*B[1] - A[1]*B[0]; }
#define VecNegate(B, A) { B[0] = -A[0]; B[1] = -A[1]; B[2] = -A[2]; }
#define VecCopy(B, A) { B[0] = A[0]; B[1] = A[1]; B[2] = A[2]; }
#define VecAdd(C, A, B) { C[0] = A[0] + B[0]; \
C[1] = A[1] + B[1]; \
C[2] = A[2] + B[2]; }
#define VecSub(C, A, B) { C[0] = A[0] - B[0]; \
C[1] = A[1] - B[1]; \
C[2] = A[2] - B[2]; }
#define VecScale(B, scale, A) { B[0] = scale * A[0]; \
B[1] = scale * A[1]; \
B[2] = scale * A[2]; }
* Define ray trace macros.
#define IsectAdd(hit, tval, P) { (hit)->t = tval; \
(hit)->pelem = P; }
#define RayPoint(pi, ray, tval) { pi[0] = ray->P[0] + ray->D[0]*tval; \
pi[1] = ray->P[1] + ray->D[1]*tval; \
pi[2] = ray->P[2] + ray->D[2]*tval; }
* Define data types.
typedef char CHAR;
typedef char S8;
typedef unsigned char UCHAR;
typedef unsigned char U8;
typedef short SHORT;
typedef short S16;
typedef unsigned short USHORT;
typedef unsigned short U16;
typedef long INT;
typedef unsigned long UINT;
typedef unsigned long BOOL;
typedef long LONG;
typedef long S32;
typedef unsigned long ULONG;
typedef unsigned long U32;
typedef float FLOAT;
typedef float R32;
typedef double DOUBLE;
typedef double R64;
typedef double REAL;
typedef REAL UV[2]; /* A u, v coordinate. */
typedef REAL VEC3[3]; /* A 3-vector. */
typedef REAL VEC4[4]; /* A 4-vector. */
typedef REAL MATRIX[4][4]; /* A 4x4 matrix. */
typedef VEC4 POINT; /* An x, y, z, w point. */
typedef VEC3 COLOR; /* An r, g, b color. */
* Define primitive procedures.
typedef struct pprocs
CHAR *(*name)(); /* Primitive name. */
VOID (*print)(); /* Primitive print. */
VOID (*read)(); /* Read from model file. */
VOID (*binread)(); /* Binary read from model file. */
VOID (*transform)(); /* Transform primitive. */
INT (*intersect)(); /* Intersect object with a ray. */
INT (*pe_intersect)(); /* Intersect primelement with a ray. */
VOID (*normal)(); /* Compute normal vector. */
VOID (*normalize)(); /* Data normalization to unit cube. */
VOID (*bbox)(); /* Bounding box constructor. */
* Define surface properties structure.
typedef struct surf
COLOR fcolor; /* Front facing color. */
COLOR bcolor; /* Back facing color. */
REAL kdiff; /* Diffuse coefficient. */
REAL kspec; /* Specular coefficient. */
REAL ktran; /* Transmission coefficient. */
REAL refrindex; /* Index of refraction. */
REAL kspecn; /* Specular distribution coeff. */
* Define light source structure.
typedef struct light
VEC4 pos; /* Light position. */
COLOR col; /* Light color. */
BOOL shadow; /* Send shadow rays? */
struct light *next; /* Ptr to next light. */
* Define pixel data structure.
typedef struct pixel
R32 r;
R32 g;
R32 b;
* Define voxel structure.
typedef struct voxel
INT id; /* id = index1D */
CHAR *cell; /* Ptr to grid or ptr to ElemPtr list*/
CHAR celltype; /* 0 => local voxel, 1 => local grid */
/* 2 => GSM voxel, 3 => GSM grid */
/* 4 => remote voxel, 5 =>remote grid*/
INT numelements; /* Number of elements in voxel. */
struct voxel *next; /* Hashtable bucket list. */
* Define structure for bounding box (slab approach).
typedef struct bbox
REAL dnear[3];
REAL dfar[3];
* Define viewing variables.
typedef struct view
POINT eye; /* Eye position. */
POINT coi; /* Center position */
MATRIX vtrans; /* Viewing transformation */
MATRIX vtransInv; /* Inverse viewing transformation */
MATRIX model; /* Global model transformation */
COLOR bkg; /* Background color. */
INT projection; /* Projection type. */
REAL vang; /* View angle. */
COLOR ambient; /* Ambient light. */
BOOL shad; /* Shadow indicator. */
BOOL shading; /* Shading indicator. */
* Define display variables.
typedef struct display
INT maxlevel; /* Maximum raytrace level. */
INT maxAAsubdiv; /* Maximum antialiasing subdivision. */
INT aarow; /* Max anti row index for super-sampling. */
INT aacol; /* Max anti column index for super-sampling. */
REAL aatolerance; /* Antialiasing tolerance color difference. */
INT xres,yres; /* Display resolution. */
INT numpixels; /* Total number of pixels in framebuffer. */
REAL minweight; /* Minimum ray weight. */
REAL scrDist; /* Screen distance from eye. */
REAL scrWidth; /* Screen width. */
REAL scrHeight; /* Screen height. */
REAL scrHalfWidth; /* Screen half width. */
REAL scrHalfHeight; /* Screen half height. */
REAL vWscale; /* Screen width scale. */
REAL vHscale; /* Screen height scale. */
PIXEL *framebuffer; /* Ptr to the framebuffer. */
* Define structure for a primitive element.
typedef struct element
INT index;
BBOX bv; /* Element bounding volume. */
struct object *parent; /* Ptr back to parent object. */
CHAR *data; /* Pointer to data info. */
* Define structure for a primitive object.
typedef struct object
INT index;
CHAR name[NAME_LEN]; /* Name of object. */
BBOX bv; /* Bound volume. */
ELEMENT *pelem; /* Pointer to prim element list. */
INT numelements; /* Number of primitive elements. */
PPROCS *procs; /* Pointer to primitive procs. */
SURF *surf; /* Pointer to surface properties. */
struct object *next; /* Next primitive (linked list). */
* Define intersection record structure.
typedef struct irecord
REAL t; /* Line parameter at intersection. */
ELEMENT *pelem; /* Primitve element. */
REAL b1; /* Barycentric coordinates of */
REAL b2; /* intersection for triangles. */
REAL b3;
* Define binary tree node structure.
typedef struct btnode
ELEMENT **pe; /* Array of primitive element ptrs in node. */
REAL p[3]; /* Lower left corner of bounding box */
/* of space represented by node. */
INT nprims; /* # prims in node primElem list. */
INT n[3]; /* Gridsizes for this box. */
INT i[3]; /* Indices of cell (lower left corner */
/* if not a leaf) in grid. */
INT axis; /* subdiv axis, 0,1,2 => x,y,z */
INT totalPrimsAllocated; /* This is used for garbage allocation.*/
struct btnode *btn[2]; /* Ptrs to children. */
typedef struct grid
INT id;
VOXEL **hashtable; /* hashtable[ num_buckets ] is indexed */
/* by index1D mod num_buckets, */
/* num_buckets and n, the # of cells/ */
/* axis, should be relatively prime, */
/* grids at different levels may */
/* have different num_buckets. */
UINT *emptycells; /* emptycells[ ceil( NumCells */
/* sizeof(unsigned) ) ], a packed */
/* array of bits indicating for */
/* each cell if it is empty, */
/* 1 => empty, */
/* grids at different levels may */
/* have different NumCells. */
ELEMENT **pepa; /* prim element pointer list */
INT num_prims; /* number of prims on prim element */
/* list */
INT indx_inc[3]; /* if n is # of cells per axis, */
/* NumCells is n**3, */
/* indx_inc[0,1,2] = 1, n, n**2; */
/* inc for index1D. */
INT num_buckets; /* # buckets in hashtable */
REAL min[3]; /* cell min boundary, world coord */
REAL cellsize[3]; /* cellsize of voxels in this grid */
/* in world coord */
INT subdiv_level; /* # levels of space subdiv */
/* to reach this grid, */
/* 0 is top level. */
BTNODE *bintree; /* root of bintree for this grid */
struct grid *next; /* grid list */
* RAYINFO is ray information that is specific to a particular grid and
* is pushed onto a stack when the ray descends a level in the space
* subdivision heirarchy. Distances are in world coordinate units.
typedef struct rayinfo
GRID *grid; /* Grid for this rayinfo. */
REAL d[3]; /* Dist along ray from world coord origin to */
/* next voxel boundary. */
INT entry_plane; /* Entry plane for current voxel, */
/* (0,1,2) => (x,y,z). */
REAL t_in; /* Dist along ray from world coord origin to */
/* entry point of current voxel. */
INT exit_plane; /* Exit plane for current voxel, */
/* (0,1,2) => (x,y,z). */
REAL t_out; /* Dist along ray from world coord origin to */
/* exit point of current voxel. */
REAL delta[3]; /* Dist along ray between voxel boundaries. */
INT index3D[3]; /* Current cell in cell units wrt grid origin*/
INT index1D; /* Index1D = i + j * n + k * n**2 */
/* where index3D[] = i,j,k and n is the */
/* # of divisions per axis. */
INT indx_inc1D[3]; /* Including sign of ray direction. */
struct rayinfo *next; /* Ptr to next structure. */
* Define ray message information structure.
typedef struct ray
LONG id; /* Ray id. */
INT x, y; /* Pixel ray is part of. */
VEC3 P; /* Position (origin). */
VEC3 D; /* Direction. */
INT level; /* Level of ray in ray tree. */
R32 weight; /* Ray weight. */
INT indx_inc3D[3]; /* Incl sign of ray direction*/
RAYINFO *ri; /* Grid dependent ray info. */
INT ri_indx;
* Define ray job bundle structure.
typedef struct rayjob
INT x, y; /* Primary ray pixel start address. */
INT xlen, ylen; /* Length of scanline bundle. */
INT xcurr, ycurr; /* Current ray pixel address. */
* Define shared workpool job entry structure.
typedef struct wpjob
INT ypix, xpix; /* Primary ray pixel address. */
INT xdim, ydim; /* Pixel bundle size. */
struct wpjob *next;
* Define heap node header structure (the arena).
typedef struct node
struct node huge *next; /* Ptr to next free node. */
UINT size; /* Size of node in bytes excl header.*/
BOOL free; /* TRUE = free, FALSE = in use. */
UINT cksm; /* Arena integrity check. */
* Define global memory structure.
typedef struct gmem
INT nprocs; /* Number of processes. */
INT pid; /* Global process id counter. */
INT rid; /* Global ray id counter. */
OBJECT *modelroot; /* Root of model list. */
GRID *world_level_grid; /* Zero level grid pointer. */
NODE huge *freelist; /* Ptr to global free memory heap. */
INT wpstat[MAX_PROCS][INT_PAD_SIZE]; /* Shared work pool
status hints. Padded to avoid
false-sharing */
WPJOB *workpool[MAX_PROCS][INT_PAD_SIZE]; /* Ptr to heads of
shared work pools. Padded to
avoid false-sharing */
struct start_s {
int count;
pthread_mutex_t lock;
pthread_mutex_t queue;
} start; /* Barrier for startup sync. */
pthread_mutex_t pidlock; /* Lock to increment pid. */
pthread_mutex_t ridlock; /* Lock to increment rid. */
pthread_mutex_t memlock; /* Lock for memory manager. */
pthread_mutex_t wplock[MAX_PROCS]; /* Locks for shared work pools. */
UINT par_start_time;
UINT partime[MAX_PROCS];
* Define flags and associated types.
INT DataType; /* Ascii or binary geometry file. */
INT TraversalType; /* Linked list or HUG traversal. */
INT bundlex, bundley; /* Bundle sizes for workpools. */
INT blockx, blocky; /* Block sizes for workpools. */
INT NumSubRays; /* Number of subpixel rays to calc. */
BOOL GeoFile; /* TRUE if geometry file name found. */
BOOL PicFile; /* TRUE if picture file name found. */
BOOL ModelNorm; /* TRUE if model must be normalized. */
BOOL ModelTransform; /* TRUE if model transform present. */
BOOL AntiAlias; /* TRUE if antialiasing enabled. */
CHAR *ProgName; /* The program name. */
CHAR GeoFileName[80]; /* Geometry file name. */
CHAR PicFileName[80]; /* Picture file name. */
VIEW View; /* Viewing parameters. */
DISPLAY Display; /* Display parameters. */
LIGHT *lights; /* Ptr to light list. */
INT nlights; /* Number of lights in scene. */
GMEM *gm; /* Ptr to global memory structure. */
GRID *world_level_grid; /* Zero level grid pointer. */
GRID *gridlist;
INT hu_max_prims_cell; /* Max # of prims per cell. */
INT hu_gridsize; /* Grid size. */
INT hu_numbuckets; /* Hash table bucket size. */
INT hu_max_subdiv_level; /* Maximum level of hierarchy. */
INT hu_lazy; /* Lazy evaluation indicator. */
INT prim_obj_cnt; /* Totals for model. */
INT prim_elem_cnt;
INT subdiv_cnt;
INT bintree_cnt;
INT grids;
INT total_cells;
INT empty_voxels;
INT nonempty_voxels;
INT nonempty_leafs;
INT prims_in_leafs;
UINT empty_masks[sizeof(UINT)*8];
UINT nonempty_masks[sizeof(UINT)*8];
* Function prototypes.
extern void InquireBoundBoxValues(struct bbox *pbb,double *minx,double *miny,double *minz,double *maxx,double *maxy,double *maxz);
extern void NormalizeBoundBox(struct bbox *pbb,double (*mat)[4]);
extern void prn_gridlist(void );
extern void prn_ds_stats(void );
extern void init_masks(void );
extern struct grid *init_world_grid(struct voxel *v,ELEMENT **pepa,long num_pe);
extern struct voxel *init_world_voxel(ELEMENT **pepa, INT numelements);
extern void mark_empty(long index1D,struct grid *g);
extern void mark_nonempty(long index1D,struct grid *g);
extern void insert_in_hashtable(struct voxel *v,struct grid *g);
extern struct element * *prims_in_box2(struct element * *pepa,long n_in,struct bbox b,long *n);
extern struct btnode *init_bintree(struct grid *ng);
extern void subdiv_bintree(struct btnode *btn,struct grid *g);
extern void create_bintree(struct btnode *root,struct grid *g);
extern ELEMENT **bintree_lookup(struct btnode *root,long i,long j,long k,struct grid *g,long *n);
extern struct grid *create_grid(struct voxel *v,struct grid *g,long num_prims);
extern void PrintEnv(void );
extern void InitEnv(void );
extern void InitLights(void );
extern void InitDisplay(void );
extern unsigned long VerifyColorRange(double *c);
extern void TransformLights(double (*m)[4]);
extern void ViewRotate(double (*M)[4],double x,double y,double z);
extern void CreateViewMatrix(void );
extern void TransformViewRay(double *tray);
extern void NormalizeEnv(double (*normMat)[4]);
extern char LookupCommand(char *s);
extern void ReadEnvFile(char *EnvFileName);
extern void RunLengthEncode(FILE *pf,struct pixel *fb,long xsize);
extern void OpenFrameBuffer(void);
extern void AddPixelColor(double *c,long x,long y);
extern void CloseFrameBuffer(char *PicFileName);
extern ELEMENT **MakeElementArray(long *totalElements);
extern void PrintGeo(struct object *head);
extern void NormalizeGeo(struct object *po, double (*model)[4],double (*modelInvT)[4]);
extern void ReadGeoFile(char *mname);
extern void prn_voxel(struct voxel *v);
extern void prn_grid(struct grid *g);
extern void prn_ray(struct ray *r);
extern void prn_PrimElem(struct element *p);
extern void prn_bintree_node(struct btnode *b);
extern void prn_bintree_leaves(struct btnode *root);
extern void prn_pepa_prim_list(struct element * *pepa,long nprims);
extern void Huniform_defaults(void );
extern void BuildHierarchy_Uniform(void );
extern void IntersectHuniformPrimlist(long *intersectPrim,struct irecord *hit,VOXEL *v,struct ray *r,long pid);
extern double HuniformShadowIntersect(struct ray *r,double lightlength,struct element *pe,long pid);
extern unsigned long TraverseHierarchyUniform(struct ray *r,struct irecord *hit,long pid);
extern void prn_tv_stats(void );
extern long send_ray(struct ray *r,struct voxel *v);
extern struct voxel *lookup_hashtable(long indx,struct grid *g);
extern long lookup_emptycells(long indx,struct grid *g);
extern void pop_up_a_grid(struct ray *r);
extern void push_down_grid(struct ray *r,struct voxel *v);
extern long step_grid(struct ray *r);
extern long next_voxel(struct ray *r);
extern struct voxel *next_nonempty_voxel(struct ray *r);
extern struct voxel *next_nonempty_leaf(struct ray *r,long step,long *status);
extern struct voxel *init_ray(struct ray *r,struct grid *g);
extern unsigned long Intersect(struct ray *pr,struct irecord *hit);
extern double ShadowIntersect(struct ray *pr,double lightdist,struct element *pe);
extern void Usage(void );
extern void PrintStatistics(void );
extern void StartRayTrace(void );
extern int main(int argc,char * *argv);
extern void VecNorm(double *V);
extern void VecMatMult(double *Vt,double (*M)[4],double *V);
extern void PrintMatrix(double (*M)[4],char *s);
extern void MatrixIdentity(double (*M)[4]);
extern void MatrixCopy(double (*A)[4],double (*B)[4]);
extern void MatrixTranspose(double (*MT)[4],double (*M)[4]);
extern void MatrixMult(double (*C)[4],double (*A)[4],double (*B)[4]);
extern void MatrixInverse(double (*Minv)[4],double (*Mat)[4]);
extern void Translate(double (*M)[4],double dx,double dy,double dz);
extern void Scale(double (*M)[4],double sx,double sy,double sz);
extern void Rotate(long axis,double (*M)[4],double angle);
extern VOID *LocalMalloc(UINT, CHAR *);
extern VOID LocalFree(VOID *);
extern VOID GlobalHeapWalk(VOID);
extern BOOL GlobalHeapInit(UINT);
extern VOID *GlobalMalloc(UINT, CHAR *);
extern VOID *GlobalCalloc(UINT, UINT);
extern VOID *GlobalRealloc(VOID *, UINT);
extern VOID GlobalFree(VOID *);
extern UINT GlobalMemAvail(VOID);
extern UINT GlobalMemMax(VOID);
extern VOID *ObjectMalloc(INT, INT);
extern VOID ObjectFree(INT, INT, VOID *);
extern struct rayinfo *ma_rayinfo(struct ray *r);
extern void free_rayinfo(struct ray *r);
extern void reset_rayinfo(struct ray *r);
extern void ma_print(void );
* Define polygon function prototypes.
extern char *PolyName(void );
extern void PolyPrint(struct object *po);
//extern void PolyElementBoundBox(struct element *pe,struct poly *pp);
extern void PolyBoundBox(struct object *po);
extern void PolyNormal(struct irecord *hit,double *Pi,double *Ni);
extern void PolyDataNormalize(struct object *po,double (*normMat)[4]);
extern long PolyPeIntersect(struct ray *pr,struct element *pe,struct irecord *hit);
extern long PolyIntersect(struct ray *pr,struct object *po,struct irecord *hit);
extern void PolyTransform(struct object *po,double (*xtrans)[4],double (*xinvT)[4]);
extern void PolyRead(struct object *po,FILE *pf);
extern void CopyRayMsg(struct ray *rdst,struct ray *rsrc);
extern void InitRayTreeStack(long TreeDepth, INT pid);
extern void PushRayTreeStack(struct ray *rmsg, INT pid);
extern long PopRayTreeStack(struct ray *rmsg, INT pid);
extern void SpecularDirection(double *R,double *N,double *I);
extern unsigned long TransmissionDirection(double *T,double *N,double *I,double kn);
extern void Shade(double *iP,double *N,struct ray *ray,struct irecord *hit,long pid);
* Define sphere function prototypes.
extern char *SphName(void );
extern void SphPrint(struct object *po);
//extern void SphElementBoundBox(struct element *pe,struct sphere *ps);
extern void SphBoundBox(struct object *po);
extern void SphNormal(struct irecord *hit,double *Pi,double *Ni);
extern void SphDataNormalize(struct object *po,double (*normMat)[4]);
extern long SphPeIntersect(struct ray *pr,struct element *pe,struct irecord *hit);
extern long SphIntersect(struct ray *pr,struct object *po,struct irecord *hit);
extern void SphTransform(struct object *po,double (*xtrans)[4],double (*xinvT)[4]);
extern void SphRead(struct object *po,FILE *pf);
extern unsigned long GetRayJobFromBundle(struct rayjob *job,long *x,long *y);
extern void ConvertPrimRayJobToRayMsg(struct ray *ray,double x,double y);
extern void RayTrace(long pid);
* Define triangle function prototypes.
extern char *TriName(void );
extern void TriPrint(struct object *po);
//extern void TriElementBoundBox(struct element *pe,struct tri *pt);
extern void TriBoundBox(struct object *po);
extern void TriNormal(struct irecord *hit,double *Pi,double *Ni);
extern void TriDataNormalize(struct object *po,double (*normMat)[4]);
extern long TriPeIntersect(struct ray *pr,struct element *pe,struct irecord *hit);
extern long TriIntersect(struct ray *pr,struct object *po,struct irecord *hit);
extern void TriTransform(struct object *po,double (*xtrans)[4],double (*xinvT)[4]);
extern void TriRead(struct object *po,FILE *pf);
extern void InitWorkPool(long pid);
extern void PrintWorkPool(long pid);
extern void PutJob(long xs,long ys,long xe,long ye,long xbe,long ybe,long pid);
extern long GetJob(struct rayjob *job,long pid);
extern long GetJobs(struct rayjob *job,long pid);