blob: 0affff529e6a179e76257bc4f0e01b0f09e30a18 [file] [log] [blame]
// ____ _
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// |_| \___|\___)/_/\_\ Image Library
// 2006, Intel Corporation, licensed under Apache 2.0
// file : BinaryImage.h
// author : Scott Ettinger -
// description: BinaryImage definition. Simple Binary image storage object
// modified :
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include "FlexImage.h"
//Binary Image class. Stores each pixel as 1 bit. SetPixel is NOT thread safe
//as setting independent pixels can access the same byte.
class BinaryImage{
protected :
//std::vector<unsigned char> mData;
FlexImageStore<Im8u,1> *mStore;
unsigned char *mData;
int mWidth, mHeight;
BinaryImage() : mStore(NULL) {};
BinaryImage(int w, int h) : mStore(NULL) {Reallocate(w,h); };
//copy constructor
BinaryImage(const BinaryImage &src)
{ mStore = NULL;
*this = src;
int Width() const {return mWidth; };
int Height() const {return mHeight; };
FlexImageStore<Im8u,1> *ImageStore() const {return mStore; };
//allocate space for a given image size
void Reallocate(int w, int h)
{ mWidth = w; mHeight = h;
//set all pixels to zero
void Clear() { memset(mData, 0, mWidth * mHeight / 8 + 1); };
//pixel access
int operator()(int x, int y) const
{ int p = mWidth * y + x;
int i = p / 8;
return (mData[i] >> (p % 8)) & 1;
//set a given pixel to 1
void SetPixel(int x, int y)
{ int p = mWidth * y + x;
int i = p / 8;
mData[i] = mData[i] | (unsigned char)(1 << (p % 8));
//set a given pixel to 0
void ClearPixel(int x, int y)
{ int p = mWidth * y + x;
int i = p / 8;
mData[i] = mData[i] & ((unsigned char)255 ^ (unsigned char)(1 << (p % 8)));
//convert from an 8 bit grayscale image to a binary image
//all non-zero pixels will be a binary 1
void ConvertToBinary(const FlexImage<Im8u,1> &src)
Reallocate(src.Width(), src.Height());
int b = 0, i = 0;
for(int y = 0; y < src.Height(); y++)
{ Im8u *psrc = &src(0,y);
for(int x = 0; x < src.Width(); x++)
{ unsigned char d = *(psrc++) != 0 ? 1 : 0;
mData[i] = mData[i] | (d << b);
if(++b > 7)
{ b = 0;
//remove my reference to the current image data
void DecReference()
{ if(mStore != NULL) //if no references remain, destroy FlexImageStore object
if( mStore->DecReferences() )
delete mStore;
mStore = NULL;
//allocate new storage for image data
void Allocate()
{ DecReference(); //free old FlexImageStore if I am the only reference
mStore = new FlexImageStore<Im8u,1>(mWidth * mHeight / 8 + 1, 1); //Allocate a new FlexImageStore to own pixel data and copy parameters
mData = mStore->Data();
if( mStore->Err() )
std::cout << "Unable to allocate binary image." << std::endl;
//shallow copy - uses pointer and reference counting
void operator=(const BinaryImage &img)
{ mWidth = img.Width();
mHeight = img.Height();
if(mStore != img.ImageStore())
{ DecReference(); //copy pointer to FlexImageStore object and increment its reference count
mStore = (FlexImageStore<Im8u,1> *)img.ImageStore();
mData = mStore->Data();
//show image in text form
void Print() const
{ for(int y = 0; y < mHeight; y++)
{ std::cout << std::endl;
for(int x = 0; x < mWidth; x++)
std::cout << operator()(x, y) << " ";
//destructor - frees image data if no other images reference it
{ DecReference();