blob: 6fab06ca5b75530d7080d384c0affc7c1e11a351 [file] [log] [blame]
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\____|_| \_____|_| |_|\____|_| |_|(_) Media benchmarks
© 2006, Intel Corporation, licensed under Apache 2.0
Body Tracking benchmark
This benchmark tracks the 3D pose of a human body through an image sequence
using multiple cameras. This work is based upon the following works :
Articulated Body Motion Capture by Stochastic Search
Jonathan Deutscher and Ian Reid
International Journal of Computer Vision 61(2), 185-205, 2005
A. Balan, L. Sigal and M. Black.
A Quantitative Evaluation of Video-based 3D Person Tracking.
IEEE Workshop on VS-PETS, 349-356, 2005.
The algorithm uses an annealed particle filter to track the body pose using
edges and foreground segmentation as image features, based on a 10 segment
3D kinematic tree body model. The number of particles and annealing layers are
supplied as command line arguments.
Usage and File Structure
command line usage :
TrackingBenchmark (Dataset Path) (# of cameras) (# of frames to process)
(# of particles) (# of annealing layers)
[thread model] [# of threads] [write .bmp output (nonzero = yes)]
Example : TrackingBenchmark c:\tracking\sequenceB 4 260 3000 8
This will run 260 frames at the given path with 3000 particles and
8 annealing layers.
TrackingBenchmark c:\tracking\sequenceB 4 260 3000 8 1 8 1
This will run 260 frames at the given path with 3000 particles and
8 annealing layers using OpenMP with 8 threads, saving bmp output for
each frame.
The thread model and # of threads are optional parameters. If no thread model
is supplied it will default to single threaded mode.
The write BMP output parameter defaults to true. If true, it saves a bitmap
representation of the pose overlaid onto the original camera images for each
The OpenMP thread model defaults to # threads = # processors if no argument is
given for the number of threads.
The dataset folder must contain the following file structure :
|-<CAM1> CAM1 - CAMN contain the raw images for each camera 1 to N.
|-<CAM2> Images within these directories must be BW .bmp files
| ... named image0000.bmp, image0001.bmp, ... in sequence.
|-<FG1> FG1 - FGN contain the foreground segmentation images for each
|-<FG2> camera 1 to N. Images within these directories must be BW
| ... .bmp files binarized to pixel values of either 0 or 255.
|-<CALIB> CALIB contains the camera calibration files for each camera.
| | more information on the format of this file can be found
| | here :
| |...
| |
BodyShapeParameters.txt contains the data on the dimensions of the limbs of the
subject in the sequence (length, top and bottom radii).
PoseParameters.txt contains statistics on the motion of the kinematic tree model.
see BodyPose.h.
InitialPose.txt contains the initial pose of the body model (joint angles and
anchor in world space).
The code will generate the following files :
<DatasetPath>/poses.txt - this contains the pose for each tracked frame
<DatasetPath>/Result0000.bmp - these visualize the result with the tracked
<DatasetPath>/Result0001.bmp geometry overlaid onto all camera images
Building the Code
note: the code is best viewed with a tab spacing of 4
Windows :
A Microsoft Visual Studio 8 Solution file is provided.
To enable the threading models, add the following lines in main.cpp,
or add the defines to the project :
#define USE_OPENMP //enable one of these to build multithreaded code
#define USE_THREADS //if your environment supports them
.icproj files are also included for use with the intel vectorizing compiler. These
can be selected by using the compiler IDE integration selecting "Convert to use
Intel C++ project system" under the project properties.
Unix :
A build system based on the GNU autotools is provided to build the program
on Unix. It is recommended to build the benchmark in a separate directory which
does not contain the sources.
First, create a new directory for your build and run the configure script:
mkdir objdir
cd objdir
/path/to/srcdir/configure [ARGUMENTS...]
OpenMP and regular threading can be enabled by passing --enable-openmp resp.
--enable-threads to the script, the correct macros will be automatically
defined. To see a complete list with all supported options, the argument --help
can be used.
configure will generate all necessary Makefiles to compile and link the
program. Once it has finished, the program can be built and installed as
make install