blob: 6642cd3331a25571ff95e016f3048bb583ef4f13 [file] [log] [blame]
// ____ _ _
// / ___|____ _ _ ____ ____| |__ | |
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// \____|_| \_____|_| |_|\____|_| |_|(_) Media benchmarks
// © 2006, Intel Corporation, licensed under Apache 2.0
// file : AnnealingFactor.h
// author : Jean-Yves Bouguet -
// description : Estimates the annealing factor needed
// for the annealed particle filter to target
// a desired particle survival rate
// modified :
#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
# include "config.h"
#include "AnnealingFactor.h"
#include <math.h>
// Computes the difference between the particle survival rate alpha and the desired value alpha_desired
float delta_alpha(float beta,std::vector<float> &ets,float alpha_desired)
int N = (int) ets.size();
float B=0;
float F=0;
float ei;
double v;
for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
{ v = beta*ets[i];
if(v>LOG_MAX_FLOAT) return (-alpha_desired); // exit the function is the value is too large. Return the limit value
ei = (float)exp(v);
B += ei;
F += (ei*ei);
return (((B*B/F)/N) - alpha_desired);
// Estimates the optimal beta coefficient to achieve a particle survival rate of alpha_desired
float BetaAnnealingFactor(std::vector<float> &ets,float alpha_desired, float beta_min, float beta_max )
int n_iterations = 0;
// conpute the values at the range extremas:
float delta_alpha_min = delta_alpha(beta_min,ets,alpha_desired);
float delta_alpha_max = delta_alpha(beta_max,ets,alpha_desired);
// Make sure that there is a zero crossing within the range. Otherwise, return 1.0 (i.e. equivalent to no scaling)
if (((delta_alpha_min>0)&&(delta_alpha_max>0))||((delta_alpha_min<0)&&(delta_alpha_max<0))) return 1.0f;
float beta = (beta_min + beta_max)/2;
float delta_alpha_beta = delta_alpha(beta,ets,alpha_desired);
while(((delta_alpha_beta<0.0 ? -delta_alpha_beta : delta_alpha_beta)>ALPHA_PRECISION) && (n_iterations < N_ITER_MAX))
{ if(((delta_alpha_min>0)&&(delta_alpha_beta>0)) || ((delta_alpha_min<=0)&&(delta_alpha_beta<0)))
{ beta_min = beta;
delta_alpha_min = delta_alpha_beta;
{ beta_max = beta;
delta_alpha_max = delta_alpha_beta;
beta = (beta_min + beta_max)/2;
delta_alpha_beta = delta_alpha(beta,ets,alpha_desired);
return beta;
/******************** FUNCTIONS FOR DEBUG PURPOSES ***********************/
// Sets the value of the vector ets for debug purposes:
void set_ets(std::vector<float> &ets)
//float vals[25] = {
// 4.3128728695f,0.0000000000f,18.9053596273f,13.1425134762f,17.4484091251f,17.2461182394f,16.6566663579f,10.0850678559f,
// 15.7001027141f,14.6932104123f,9.4194667162f,8.7384354437f,10.1139429009f,14.0191494204f,9.4412632449f,17.4711466418f,
// 8.6149993135f,17.4476798776f,18.8192540642f,8.4540423726f,14.1630306404f,17.2265023809f,3.5324361101f,19.1927652329f,
// 12.5504577255f};
float vals[25] = {
for(int i=0;i<25;i++)
ets[i] = vals[i];