blob: 0bd9dc7018a2c64d402dce0abcaf7134c89e33b1 [file] [log] [blame]
// ____ _ _
// / ___|____ _ _ ____ ____| |__ | |
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// \____|_| \_____|_| |_|\____|_| |_|(_) Media benchmarks
// © 2006, Intel Corporation, licensed under Apache 2.0
// file : Dmatrix.h
// author : Scott Ettinger -
// description : Displacement matrix and vector math
// operations.
// modified :
#ifndef DMATRIX_H
#define DMATRIX_H
#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
# include "config.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include "SmallVectors.h"
typedef enum {X, Y, Z} DMAxis;
typedef enum {XYZ, ZYX, YXZ, ZXY} DMOrder;
//simple 3D Displacement Matrix class
template<class T>
class DMatrix{
T data[3][4];
DMatrix() {};
//constructor to initialize diagonal elements
DMatrix(T d1, T d2, T d3);
//constructor to initialize diagonal and translation elements
DMatrix(T d1, T d2, T d3, T t1, T t2, T t3);
//constructor given a pointer to data (copies the data)
DMatrix(const T *p) { memcpy(data, p, 12 * sizeof(T)); };
//constructor given an orthogonal axis and an angle in radians
DMatrix(DMAxis axis, T angle);
//constructor given a set of Euler angles in radians
DMatrix(float theta, float phi, float tau, DMOrder order);
~DMatrix() {};
///set to zero
void Clear() {memset(data, 0, sizeof(T) * 12); };
///set to identity
void SetIdentity() {Clear(); data[0][0] = (T)1; data[1][1] = (T)1; data[2][2] = (T)1; };
///element access
inline T &operator()(int r, int c) {return data[r][c]; };
///set to given data
void Set(const T *p) { memcpy(data, p, 12 * sizeof(T)); };
///set translation vector of Displacement matrix
void SetTranslation(const T t1, const T t2, const T t3) { data[0][3] = t1; data[1][3] = t2; data[2][3] = t3; };
///display matrix
void Print(std::ostream &s) {s << data[0][0] << " " << data[0][1] << " " << data[0][2] << " " << data[0][3] << std::endl;
s << data[1][0] << " " << data[1][1] << " " << data[1][2] << " " << data[1][3] << std::endl;
s << data[2][0] << " " << data[2][1] << " " << data[2][2] << " " << data[2][3] << std::endl; };
//------------- Operators Supported ---------------
//between Dmatrices : + - * +=
//between Dmatrix and scalar : * *=
//between Dmatrix and Vector3 : *
//-------------- Related functions ----------------------------------------------------------
//Displacement matrix inverse
template<class T>
DMatrix<T> Inverse(const DMatrix<T> &m);
//Frobenius norm squared of matrix
template<class T>
T FrobNorm2(const DMatrix<T> &m);
//Create a rotation matrix around a given axis
template<class T>
void AxisRotation(DMatrix<T> &m, DMAxis axis, T angle);
//Create a rotation matrix given Euler angles and axis order
template<class T>
void EulerRotation(DMatrix<T> &m, float theta, float phi, float tau, int order);
//--------------------------------- Implementation -------------------------------------------
//Constructor initializing diagonal elements
template<class T>
DMatrix<T>::DMatrix(T d1, T d2, T d3)
{ Clear();
data[0][0] = d1; data[1][1] = d2; data[2][2] = d3;
//Constructor initializing diagonal elements and translation
template<class T>
DMatrix<T>::DMatrix(T d1, T d2, T d3, T t1, T t2, T t3)
{ Clear();
data[0][0] = d1; data[1][1] = d2; data[2][2] = d3;
data[0][3] = t1; data[1][3] = t2; data[2][3] = t3;
//Constructor given an axis and an angle
template<class T>
DMatrix<T>::DMatrix(DMAxis axis, T angle)
{ AxisRotation(*this, axis, angle);
//Constructor given a set of Euler angles and rotation order
template<class T>
DMatrix<T>::DMatrix(float theta, float phi, float tau, DMOrder order)
{ EulerRotation(*this, theta, phi, tau, order);
//--------------------------------- Arithmetic Operators --------------------------------------
//Matrix-vector product with normalized coordinates (3x4 Matrix * 3x1 vector)
template<class T1, class T2>
inline Vector3<T1> operator*(const DMatrix<T2> &dm, const Vector3<T1> &v)
Vector3<T1> r;
DMatrix<T2> &m = *((DMatrix<T2> *)&dm);
r.x = m(0,0) * v.x + m(0,1) * v.y + m(0,2) * v.z + m(0,3);
r.y = m(1,0) * v.x + m(1,1) * v.y + m(1,2) * v.z + m(1,3);
r.z = m(2,0) * v.x + m(2,1) * v.y + m(2,2) * v.z + m(2,3);
return r;
//Matrix Subtraction
template<class T>
inline DMatrix<T> operator-(const DMatrix<T> &m1, const DMatrix<T> &m2)
DMatrix<T> r;
T *pr = (T *), *p1 = (T *), *p2 = (T *);
for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
*(pr++) = *(p1++) - *(p2++);
//Matrix Addition
template<class T>
inline DMatrix<T> operator+(const DMatrix<T> &m1, const DMatrix<T> &m2)
DMatrix<T> r;
T *pr = (T *), *p1 = (T *), *p2 = (T *);
for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
*(pr++) = *(p1++) + *(p2++);
//Matrix Addition in place +=
template<class T>
inline void operator+=(DMatrix<T> &m1, const DMatrix<T> &m2)
T *p1 = (T *), *p2 = (T *);
for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
*(p1++) += *(p2++);
//Matrix Subtraction in place -=
template<class T>
inline void operator-=(DMatrix<T> &m1, const DMatrix<T> &m2)
T *p1 = (T *), *p2 = (T *);
for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
*(p1++) -= *(p2++);
//Scalar multiplication in place
template<class T>
inline void operator*=(DMatrix<T> &m, T s)
{ for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
((T *)[i] *= s;
//Scalar multiplication
template<class T>
inline DMatrix<T> operator*(DMatrix<T> m, T s)
{ m *= s;
return m;
//Matrix-Matrix product
template<class T>
inline DMatrix<T> operator*(const DMatrix<T> &dm1, const DMatrix<T> &dm2)
DMatrix<T> m3, &m1 = *((DMatrix<T> *)&dm1), &m2 = *((DMatrix<T> *)&dm2); //get non-const references to dm1 and dm2 to allow () operator
for(int r = 0; r < 3; r++)
for(int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
m3(r,c) = m1(r,0) * m2(0,c) + m1(r,1) * m2(1,c) + m1(r,2) * m2(2,c);
m3(0,3) += m1(0,3); m3(1,3) += m1(1,3); m3(2,3) += m1(2,3);
return m3;
//---------------------------- Mathematical Functions ------------------------------------------
//Frobenius norm squared of matrix
template<class T>
T FrobNorm2(DMatrix<T> &m)
{ T *p = (T *), r = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
{ r += *p * *p;
return r;
//Displacement matrix inverse
template<class T>
DMatrix<T> Inverse(const DMatrix<T> &dm)
DMatrix<T> r, &m = *((DMatrix<T> *)&dm);
T k1 = m(1,1) * m(2,2) - m(1,2) * m(2,1); //calculate rotation matrix determinant
T k2 = m(1,0) * m(2,2) - m(1,2) * m(2,0);
T k3 = m(1,0) * m(2,1) - m(1,1) * m(2,0);
T c = (T)1.0 / (m(0,0) * k1 - m(0,1) * k2 + m(0,2) * k3);
r(0,0) = c * k1; //calculate inverse of rotation matrix
r(0,1) = c * (m(0,2) * m(2,1) - m(0,1) * m(2,2));
r(0,2) = c * (m(0,1) * m(1,2) - m(0,2) * m(1,1));
r(1,0) = c * -k2;
r(1,1) = c * (m(0,0) * m(2,2) - m(0,2) * m(2,0));
r(1,2) = c * (m(0,2) * m(1,0) - m(0,0) * m(1,2));
r(2,0) = c * k3;
r(2,1) = c * (m(0,1) * m(2,0) - m(0,0) * m(2,1));
r(2,2) = c * (m(0,0) * m(1,1) - m(0,1) * m(1,0));
Vector3<T> v(-m(0,3), -m(1,3), -m(2,3)); //calculate new translation vector
Vector3<T> t = r * v;
r(0,3) = t.x; r(1,3) = t.y; r(2,3) = t.z;
return r;
//--------------------------------- Rotation Matrix functions -----------------------------------
//generate a rotation matrix about a given axis
template<class T>
inline void AxisRotation(DMatrix<T> &m, DMAxis axis, T angle)
{ m.Clear();
float c = cos(angle), s = sin(angle);
{ case X : m(0,0) = 1; m(1,1) = c; m(1,2) = -s; m(2,1) = s; m(2,2) = c;
case Y : m(0,0) = c; m(0,2) = s; m(1,1) = 1; m(2,0) = -s; m(2,2) = c;
case Z : m(0,0) = c; m(0,1) = -s; m(1,0) = s; m(1,1) = c; m(2,2) = 1;
//Constructor given a set of Euler angles
template<class T>
void EulerRotation(DMatrix<T> &m, float theta, float phi, float tau, DMOrder order)
{ DMatrix<T> Rx(X, theta), Ry(Y, phi), Rz(Z, tau);
switch (order)
{ case XYZ:
m = (Rx * Ry) * Rz; break;
case ZYX:
m = (Rz * Ry) * Rx; break;
case YXZ:
m = (Ry * Rx) * Rz; break;
case ZXY:
m = (Rz * Rx) * Ry; break;
m = (Rx * Ry) * Rz; break;