blob: 5349f528a1a01b0feede380431ea6137e4bd51c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// ____ _ _
// / ___|____ _ _ ____ ____| |__ | |
// | | / ___| | | | _ \/ ___| _ \| |
// | |___| | | |_| | | | | |___| | | ||_|
// \____|_| \_____|_| |_|\____|_| |_|(_) Media benchmarks
// © 2006, Intel Corporation, licensed under Apache 2.0
// file : ParticleFilter.h
// author : Scott Ettinger -
// description : Generic Particle Filter class. Supports annealed
// particle filtering. Templated on a model object
// which evaluates the particle likelihoods. Vector width
// is determined by the model initial state. Number of
// annealing steps is determined by model StdDevs() function.
// Model object must support member functions :
// std::vector<fpType> InitialState();
// fpType LogLikelihood(std::vector<fpType> &v, bool &valid);
// std::vector<std::vector<fpType> > StdDevs();
// void GetObservation(fpType timeval);
// modified :
#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
# include "config.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
#include <math.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "RandomGenerator.h"
#include "AnnealingFactor.h"
#ifndef uint
#define uint unsigned int
#undef min
//Generic particle filter class templated on model object
template<class T>
class ParticleFilter{
typedef float fpType;
typedef std::vector<fpType> Vectorf;
T *mModel; //templated model object evaluates particle likelihoods
std::vector<Vectorf > mParticles, mNewParticles; //lists of particles
Vectorf mWeights, mCdf; //particle weights, cumulative distribution
Vectorf mBins, mSamples, mLikelihoods; //resampling bins, new samples, particle likelihoods
int mNParticles; //number of particles used
int mBestParticle; //index of particle with highest likelihood
int mMinParticles; //minimum number of particles allowed
std::vector<RandomGenerator> mRnd; //random number generators - should be replaced with a single parallel leapfrog generator for better quality random numbers.
bool mInitialized; //particle initialization flag
void CalcCDF(const Vectorf &weights, Vectorf &dst); //calculate the cumulative distribution function from particle weights
void AddGaussianNoise(Vectorf &p, const Vectorf &stdDevs, RandomGenerator &rnd) const; //distribute particle randomly according to given standard deviations
void Resample(Vectorf &cdf, Vectorf &bins, Vectorf &samples, int n); //Monte Carlo resampling given a CDF
virtual void CalcWeights(std::vector<Vectorf > &particles); //calculate particle weights based on model likelihood
virtual void GenerateNewParticles(int k); //generate new particles distributed by model annealing level std dev
ParticleFilter() {mMinParticles = 5; mInitialized = false;};
ParticleFilter(T &model) {mModel = &model; mMinParticles = 5; mInitialized = false;};
virtual ~ParticleFilter() {};
//Get Functions
T &Model() {return *mModel; };
int NumParticles() const {return mNParticles; };
int GoodParticles() const {return (int)mParticles.size(); };
std::vector<Vectorf > &StdDevs() const {return mModel->StdDevs(); };
//Set Functions
void SetModel(T &model) {mModel = &model; };
void SetMinimumParticles(int n) {mMinParticles = n;};
//Set number of particles to n and generate initial values
void InitializeParticles(int n);
//Update filter to a new set of particles - returns false if model observation fails
//calls model to get observation at given time, and to get likelihoods of each particle
virtual bool Update(fpType timeVal);
//State estimate (weighted mean of all particles)
void Estimate(Vectorf &estimate);
//Return particle with highest likelihood
void BestParticle(Vectorf &p) {p = mParticles[mBestParticle]; };
//------------------------------------------ Implementation -----------------------------------------------------
//vector multiply by scalar
template<class T1, class T2>
inline void operator*=(std::vector<T1> &v, const T2 c)
{ for(uint i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
v[i] *= c;
//vector constant subtraction
template<class T1, class T2>
inline void operator-=(std::vector<T1> &v, const T2 c)
{ for(uint i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
v[i] -= c;
//distribute particle randomly according to given standard deviations
template<class T>
inline void ParticleFilter<T>::AddGaussianNoise(Vectorf &p, const Vectorf &stdDevs, RandomGenerator &rnd) const
{ for(uint i = 0; i < stdDevs.size(); i++)
p[i] += (fpType)rnd.RandN() * stdDevs[i];
//calculate the CDF from particle weights
template<class T>
inline void ParticleFilter<T>::CalcCDF(const Vectorf &weights, Vectorf &dst)
{ dst.resize(weights.size());
dst[0] = weights[0];
for(uint i = 1; i < weights.size(); i++) //compute cumulative sum
dst[i] = dst[i - 1] + weights[i];
dst *= fpType(1.0) / dst[dst.size() - 1]; //normalize cdf
//Monte Carlo resampling given a cdf. Uses incremental eponential random values to
//create a sorted uniform random sample for fast inverse of the cdf for all samples in 1 pass
template<class T>
inline void ParticleFilter<T>::Resample(Vectorf &cdf, Vectorf &bins, Vectorf &samples, int n)
RandomGenerator r;
samples[0] = (fpType)r.RandExp();
for(int i = 1; i < n; i++) //generate a new set of sorted random samples
samples[i] = samples[i - 1] + (fpType)r.RandExp();
samples *= (fpType)1.0 / (samples[samples.size() - 1]); //normalize
cdf[cdf.size() - 1] += 1; //prevent overrun due to numerical error
int p = 0;
bins.assign(cdf.size(), 0);
for(uint i = 0; i < samples.size(); i++) //populate sample bins based on probability distribution
{ while(cdf[p] < samples[i])
//calculate particle weights (mWeights) and find highest likelihood particle.
//computes an optimal annealing factor and scales the likelihoods.
//Also removes any particles reported as invalid by the model.
template<class T>
void ParticleFilter<T>::CalcWeights(std::vector<Vectorf > &particles)
bool valid;
mBestParticle = 0;
fpType total = 0, best = 0, minWeight = 1e30f, annealingFactor = 1;
uint i = 0;
while(i < particles.size()) //compute likelihood weights for each particle
{ mWeights[i] = mModel->LogLikelihood(particles[i], valid);
if(!valid) //if not valid(model prior), remove the particle from the list
{ particles[i] = particles[particles.size() - 1];
particles.pop_back(); mWeights.pop_back();
minWeight = std::min(mWeights[i++], minWeight); //find minimum weight
if((int)particles.size() < mMinParticles) return; //bail out if not enough valid particles
mWeights -= minWeight; //shift weights to zero for numerical stability
if(mModel->StdDevs().size() > 1)
annealingFactor = BetaAnnealingFactor(mWeights, 0.5f); //calculate annealing factor if more than 1 step
for(uint i = 0; i < mWeights.size(); i++)
{ double wa = annealingFactor * mWeights[i];
mWeights[i] = (float)exp(wa);
total += mWeights[i]; //save sum of all weights
if(i == 0 || mWeights[i] > best) //find highest likelihood particle
{ best = mWeights[i];
mBestParticle = i;
mWeights *= fpType(1.0) / total; //normalize weights
//Generate a set of inital particles
template<class T>
void ParticleFilter<T>::InitializeParticles(int n)
mRnd.resize(n); //initialize random number generators
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
mRnd[i].Seed(i * 2);
mNParticles = n;
Vectorf initVector = mModel->InitialState(); //get inital state vector
if(initVector.size() != mModel->StdDevs()[0].size() )
std::cout << "Warning!! PF::Model initial Vector and stdDev vector are not equal lengths!" << std::endl;
bool minValid = false;
{ mParticles.resize(n);
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
{ Vectorf &p = mParticles[i]; //create new particle with randomized initial value
p = initVector;
AddGaussianNoise(p, mModel->StdDevs()[0], mRnd[i]); //distribute particles randomly about the initial vector
CalcWeights(mParticles); //calculate initial weights and remove any particles that are invalid by model prior
minValid = (int)mParticles.size() >= mMinParticles; //repeat until minimum number of valid particles is met
std::cout << "Warning : initial particle set does not meet minimum number of particles. Resampling.." << std::endl;
mCdf.resize(n); //allocate space
mInitialized = true;
//generate new particles distributed with std deviation given by the model annealing parameter
template<class T>
void ParticleFilter<T>::GenerateNewParticles(int k)
{ int p = 0;
for(uint i = 0; i < mBins.size(); i++) //distribute new particles randomly according to model stdDevs
for(uint j = 0; j < mBins[i]; j++)
{ mNewParticles[p] = mParticles[i]; //add new particle for each entry in each bin distributed randomly about duplicated particle
AddGaussianNoise(mNewParticles[p], mModel->StdDevs()[k], mRnd[p]);
//Particle filter update (model and observation updates must be called first)
template<class T>
bool ParticleFilter<T>::Update(fpType timeval) //weights have already been computed from previous step or initialization
if(!mInitialized) //check for proper initialization
{ std::cout << "Update Error : Particles not initialized" << std::endl;
return false;
{ std::cout << "Update Error : Model observation failed for time : " << timeval << std::endl;
return false;
for(int k = (int)mModel->StdDevs().size() - 1; k >= 0 ; k--) //loop over all annealing steps starting with highest
{ CalcCDF(mWeights, mCdf); //Monte Carlo re-sampling
Resample(mCdf, mBins, mSamples, mNParticles);
bool minValid = false;
{ GenerateNewParticles(k);
CalcWeights(mNewParticles); //calculate particle weights and remove any invalid particles
minValid = (int)mNewParticles.size() >= mMinParticles; //repeat if not enough valid particles
std::cout << "Not enough valid particles - Resampling!!!" << std::endl;
mParticles = mNewParticles; //save new particle set
return true;
//calculate expected value of the particle set
template<class T>
void ParticleFilter<T>::Estimate(Vectorf &estimate)
estimate.assign(mParticles[0].size(), 0); //clear estimate values
for(uint i = 0; i < mParticles.size(); i++) //calculate expected value
for(uint j = 0; j < estimate.size(); j++)
estimate[j] += mParticles[i][j] * mWeights[i];