blob: 0867dd1260ddc425033c0a036ac9e3c5a85a9a3f [file] [log] [blame]
// ____ _ _
// / ___|____ _ _ ____ ____| |__ | |
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// \____|_| \_____|_| |_|\____|_| |_|(_) Media benchmarks
// 2006, Intel Corporation, licensed under Apache 2.0
// file : ParticleFilterOMP.h
// author : Scott Ettinger -
// description : OpenMP parallelized version of the particle filter
// object derived from ParticleFilter.h
// modified :
#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
# include "config.h"
#include <omp.h>
#include "ParticleFilter.h"
template<class T>
class ParticleFilterOMP : public ParticleFilter<T> {
using ParticleFilter<T>:: mModel;
using ParticleFilter<T>:: mWeights;
using ParticleFilter<T>:: mParticles;
using ParticleFilter<T>:: mNewParticles;
using ParticleFilter<T>:: mBestParticle;
using ParticleFilter<T>:: mNParticles;
using ParticleFilter<T>:: mMinParticles;
using ParticleFilter<T>:: mBins;
using ParticleFilter<T>:: mRnd;
typedef typename ParticleFilter<T>::fpType fpType;
typedef typename ParticleFilter<T>::Vectorf Vectorf;
std::vector<int> mIndex; //list of particles to regenerate
//calculate particle weights - threaded version
void CalcWeights(std::vector<Vectorf > &particles); //calculate particle weights based on model likelihood
//New particle generation - threaded version
void GenerateNewParticles(int k);
//Calculate particle weights (mWeights) and find highest likelihood particle.
//computes an optimal annealing factor and scales the likelihoods.
template<class T>
void ParticleFilterOMP<T>::CalcWeights(std::vector<Vectorf > &particles)
std::vector<unsigned char> valid(particles.size());
mBestParticle = 0;
fpType total = 0, best = 0, minWeight = 1e30f, annealingFactor = 1;
int np = (int)particles.size(), j;
#pragma omp parallel for //OpenMP parallelized loop to compute log-likelihoods
for(j = 0; j < np; j++)
{ bool vflag;
int n = omp_get_thread_num();
mWeights[j] = mModel->LogLikelihood(particles[j], vflag, n); //compute log-likelihood weights for each particle
valid[j] = vflag ? 1 : 0;
uint i = 0;
while(i < particles.size())
{ if(!valid[i]) //if not valid(model prior), remove the particle from the list
{ particles[i] = particles[particles.size() - 1];
mWeights[i] = mWeights[particles.size() - 1];
valid[i] = valid[valid.size() - 1];
particles.pop_back(); mWeights.pop_back(); valid.pop_back();
minWeight = std::min(mWeights[i++], minWeight); //find minimum log-likelihood
if((int)particles.size() < mMinParticles) return; //bail out if not enough valid particles
mWeights -= minWeight; //shift weights to zero for numerical stability
if(mModel->StdDevs().size() > 1)
annealingFactor = BetaAnnealingFactor(mWeights, 0.5f); //calculate annealing factor if more than 1 step
for(i = 0; i < mWeights.size(); i++)
{ double wa = annealingFactor * mWeights[i];
mWeights[i] = (float)exp(wa); //exponentiate log-likelihoods scaled by annealing factor
total += mWeights[i]; //save sum of all weights
if(i == 0 || mWeights[i] > best) //find highest likelihood particle
{ best = mWeights[i];
mBestParticle = i;
mWeights *= fpType(1.0) / total; //normalize weights
//generate new particles distributed with std deviation given by the model annealing parameter - threaded
template<class T>
void ParticleFilterOMP<T>::GenerateNewParticles(int k)
{ int p = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < (int)mBins.size(); i++)
for(uint j = 0; j < mBins[i]; j++) //index particles to be regenerated
mIndex[p++] = i;
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i = 0; i < mNParticles; i++) //distribute new particles randomly according to model stdDevs
{ mNewParticles[i] = mParticles[mIndex[i]]; //add new particle for each entry in each bin distributed randomly about duplicated particle
AddGaussianNoise(mNewParticles[i], mModel->StdDevs()[k], mRnd[i]);