blob: 999f8c65b449c36971cffec03ffc0bef0b507946 [file] [log] [blame]
// ____ _ _
// / ___|____ _ _ ____ ____| |__ | |
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// \____|_| \_____|_| |_|\____|_| |_|(_) Media benchmarks
// 2006, Intel Corporation, licensed under Apache 2.0
// file : TBBTypes.h
// author : Scott Ettinger
// description : types for TBB pipelining
// modified :
#ifndef TBBTYPES_H
#define TBBTYPES_H
#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
# include "config.h"
#include "ImageMeasurements.h"
//typedefs for convenient movement of image sets
typedef std::vector<FlexImage8u > ImageSet;
typedef std::vector<BinaryImage> BinaryImageSet;
//structure containing edge maps and foreground maps to be sent between pipeline stages
struct ImageSetToken {
ImageSet edgeMaps;
BinaryImageSet FGmaps;