blob: 2621e28239e7f2a6a55b0ccf7835cd51b8fc7659 [file] [log] [blame]
// (C) Copyright Christian Bienia 2007
// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
// Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// file : WorkerGroup.h
// author : Christian Bienia -
// description : A class which can manage a group of worker threads
#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
# include "config.h"
#include <vector>
#include "Thread.h"
#include "ThreadGroup.h"
#include "Mutex.h"
#include "Condition.h"
#include "Barrier.h"
namespace threads {
//type of a user command which can be sent to the threads
typedef unsigned short int thread_cmd_t;
//worker threads have a unique rank which which starts with 0
typedef unsigned int thread_rank_t;
//General group exception
class WorkerGroupException: public std::exception {
virtual const char *what() const noexcept {return "Unspecified worker group exception";}
//General group exception
class WorkerGroupCommandException: public WorkerGroupException {
virtual const char *what() const noexcept {return "Illegal command exception";}
//General group exception
class WorkerGroupCommandRangeException: public WorkerGroupCommandException {
virtual const char *what() const noexcept {return "Command out of range";}
class Threadable {
virtual ~Threadable() {};
//Thread objects will call the Exec() method and will pass the command and the rank of the thread
virtual void Exec(thread_cmd_t, thread_rank_t) =0;
class WorkerGroup: protected ThreadGroup, protected Runnable {
typedef int thread_internal_cmd_t;
enum internal_cmds {
std::vector<Threadable *> cmds;
thread_internal_cmd_t cmd;
threads::Mutex workDispatch; //mutex controlling work dispatch
threads::Condition workAvailable; //condition to wait on for work
threads::Barrier *workDoneBarrier; //barrier to wait on for results
threads::Barrier *poolReadyBarrier; //work done, reset completed
//Receive command with proper synchronization
thread_internal_cmd_t RecvCmd();
//Send a internal command to all worker threads
void SendInternalCmd(thread_internal_cmd_t _cmd);
//Acknowledge completion of command with proper synchronization
void AckCmd();
void Run();
WorkerGroup(int nThreads);
//Add a new cmd -> object/function mapping to the pool
void RegisterCmd(int _cmd, Threadable &obj);
void RegisterCmd(thread_cmd_t _cmd, Threadable &obj);
//Send a command to all worker threads
void SendCmd(thread_cmd_t _cmd);
//Terminate all threads in the group
void JoinAll();
//Number of workers in group
int Size() const;
} //namespace threads