blob: 425cc6b656cbc94a26b1681f381f7e0252915892 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2004, Ronald Fedkiw.
// This file is part of PhysBAM whose distribution is governed by the license contained in the accompanying file PHYSBAM_COPYRIGHT.txt.
// Class ARRAYS
#ifndef __ARRAYS__
#define __ARRAYS__
#include "ARRAY.h"
namespace PhysBAM
template<class T>
class ARRAYS
typedef T ELEMENT;
int length; // length of the vector
int m; // end_of_the_array
T* base_pointer;
: length (1), m (0)
Set_Base_Pointer (0);
ARRAYS (const int length_input, const int m_input, const bool initialize_using_default_constructor = true)
: length (length_input), m (m_input)
T *array = new T[length * m];
Set_Base_Pointer (array);
if (initialize_using_default_constructor) for (int index = 0, size = length * m; index < size; index++) array[index] = T();
ARRAYS (const ARRAYS<T>& array_input)
: length (array_input.length), m (array_input.m)
T* array = new T[length * m];
Set_Base_Pointer (array);
T* old_array = array_input.Get_Array_Pointer();
for (int index = 0, size = length * m; index < size; index++) array[index] = old_array[index];
ARRAYS (std::istream& input_stream)
: length (1), m (0)
Set_Base_Pointer (0);
Read<T> (input_stream);
void Clean_Memory()
Resize_Array (1, 0, false, false);
T* Allocate_Base_Pointer (const int length_input, const int m_input)
return (new T[length_input * m_input]) - length_input - 1;
void Set_Base_Pointer (T* array) // using current length for offset
base_pointer = array - length - 1;
T* Get_Array_Pointer() const // using current length for offset
return base_pointer + length + 1;
void Deallocate_Base_Pointer() // using current length for offset
delete[] (base_pointer + length + 1);
ARRAYS<T>& operator= (const ARRAYS<T>& source)
if (!Equal_Dimensions (*this, source))
length = source.length;
m = source.m;
base_pointer = Allocate_Base_Pointer (length, m);
for (int index = Standard_Begin(), end = Standard_End(); index <= end; index++) base_pointer[index] = source.base_pointer[index];
return *this;
T& operator() (const int k, const int i)
assert (Valid_Index (k, i));
return * (base_pointer + i * length + k);
const T& operator() (const int k, const int i) const
assert (Valid_Index (k, i));
return * (base_pointer + i * length + k);
int Standard_Index (const int k, const int i) const
return i * length + k;
int Standard_Begin() const
return Standard_Index (1, 1);
int Standard_End() const
return Standard_Index (length, m);
bool Valid_Index (const int k, const int i) const
return 1 <= k && k <= length && 1 <= i && i <= m;
bool Valid_Index (const int i) const
return 1 <= i && i <= m;
ARRAYS<T>& operator+= (const ARRAYS<T>& v)
assert (Equal_Dimensions (*this, v));
for (int index = Standard_Begin(), end = Standard_End(); index <= end; index++) base_pointer[index] += v.base_pointer[index];
return *this;
ARRAYS<T>& operator+= (const T& a)
for (int index = Standard_Begin(), end = Standard_End(); index <= end; index++) base_pointer[index] += a;
return *this;
ARRAYS<T>& operator-= (const ARRAYS<T>& v)
assert (Equal_Dimensions (*this, v));
for (int index = Standard_Begin(), end = Standard_End(); index <= end; index++) base_pointer[index] -= v.base_pointer[index];
return *this;
ARRAYS<T>& operator-= (const T& a)
for (int index = Standard_Begin(), end = Standard_End(); index <= end; index++) base_pointer[index] -= a;
return *this;
template<class T2>
ARRAYS<T>& operator*= (const ARRAYS<T2>& v)
assert (Equal_Dimensions (*this, v));
for (int index = Standard_Begin(), end = Standard_End(); index <= end; index++) base_pointer[index] *= v.base_pointer[index];
return *this;
template<class T2>
ARRAYS<T>& operator*= (const T2 a)
for (int index = Standard_Begin(), end = Standard_End(); index <= end; index++) base_pointer[index] *= a;
return *this;
template<class T2>
ARRAYS<T>& operator/= (const T2 a)
T2 one_over_a = 1 / a;
for (int index = Standard_Begin(), end = Standard_End(); index <= end; index++) base_pointer[index] *= one_over_a;
return *this;
template<class T2>
ARRAYS<T>& operator/= (const ARRAYS<T2>& a)
for (int index = Standard_Begin(), end = Standard_End(); index <= end; index++)
assert (a.base_pointer[index] > 0);
base_pointer[index] /= a.base_pointer[index];
return *this;
void Resize_Array (const int length_new, const int m_new, const bool initialize_new_elements = true, const bool copy_existing_elements = true, const T& initialization_value = T())
if (Equal_Dimensions (*this, length_new, m_new)) return;
T* base_pointer_new = Allocate_Base_Pointer (length_new, m_new);
if (copy_existing_elements)
int length_min = PhysBAM::min (length, length_new), m_end = PhysBAM::min (m, m_new);
for (int i = 1; i <= m_end; i++) for (int k = 1; k <= length_min; k++) base_pointer_new[i * length_new + k] = base_pointer[i * length + k];
if (initialize_new_elements)
int length_min = PhysBAM::min (length, length_new), m_end = PhysBAM::min (m, m_new);
if (length_new > length) for (int i = 1; i <= m_end; i++) for (int k = length_min + 1; k <= length_new; k++) base_pointer_new[i * length_new + k] = initialization_value;
for (int index = (m_end + 1) * length_new + 1, end = m_new * length_new + length_new; index <= end; index++) base_pointer_new[index] = initialization_value;
length = length_new;
m = m_new;
base_pointer = base_pointer_new;
void Append_Elements (const ARRAYS<T>& append_array)
int index = m;
Resize_Array (length, m + append_array.m);
for (int i = 1; i <= append_array.m; i++)
for (int k = 1; k <= length; k++) (*this) (k, index) = append_array (k, i);
void Remove_Index (const int index) // maintains ordering of remaining elements
assert (Valid_Index (index));
T* base_pointer_new = Allocate_Base_Pointer (length, m - 1);
int i, cut = Standard_Index (1, index);
for (i = Standard_Index (1, 1); i < cut; i++) base_pointer_new[i] = base_pointer[i];
for (int j = i + length, end = Standard_Index (length, m - 1); i <= end; i++, j++) base_pointer_new[i] = base_pointer[j];
base_pointer = base_pointer_new;
void Remove_Indices (const ARRAY<int>& index)
if (index.m == 0) return;
for (int kk = 1; kk <= index.m - 1; kk++)
assert (Valid_Index (index (kk)));
for (int i = index (kk) + 1 - kk; i <= index (kk + 1) - 1 - kk; i++) for (int k = 1; k <= length; k++) (*this) (k, i) = (*this) (k, i + kk);
for (int i = index (index.m) + 1 - index.m; i <= m - index.m; i++) for (int k = 1; k <= length; k++) (*this) (k, i) = (*this) (k, i + index.m);
Resize_Array (length, m - index.m);
static void copy (const T& constant, ARRAYS<T>& new_copy)
for (int index = new_copy.Standard_Begin(), end = new_copy.Standard_End(); index <= end; index++) new_copy.base_pointer[index] = constant;
static void copy (const ARRAYS<T>& old_copy, ARRAYS<T>& new_copy)
assert (Equal_Dimensions (old_copy, new_copy));
for (int index = new_copy.Standard_Begin(), end = new_copy.Standard_End(); index <= end; index++) new_copy.base_pointer[index] = old_copy.base_pointer[index];
template<class T2>
static void copy (const T2 constant, const ARRAYS<T>& old_copy, ARRAYS<T>& new_copy)
assert (Equal_Dimensions (old_copy, new_copy));
for (int index = new_copy.Standard_Begin(), end = new_copy.Standard_End(); index <= end; index++) new_copy.base_pointer[index] = constant * old_copy.base_pointer[index];
template<class T2>
static void copy (const T2 c1, const ARRAYS<T>& v1, const ARRAYS<T>& v2, ARRAYS<T>& result)
assert (Equal_Dimensions (v1, v2) && Equal_Dimensions (v2, result));
for (int index = result.Standard_Begin(), end = result.Standard_End(); index <= end; index++) result.base_pointer[index] = c1 * v1.base_pointer[index] + v2.base_pointer[index];
template<class T2>
static void copy (const T2 c1, const ARRAYS<T>& v1, const T2 c2, const ARRAYS<T>& v2, ARRAYS<T>& result)
assert (Equal_Dimensions (v1, v2) && Equal_Dimensions (v2, result));
for (int index = result.Standard_Begin(), end = result.Standard_End(); index <= end; index++) result.base_pointer[index] = c1 * v1.base_pointer[index] + c2 * v2.base_pointer[index];
static void get (ARRAYS<T>& new_copy, const ARRAYS<T>& old_copy)
ARRAYS<T>::put (old_copy, new_copy, new_copy.length, new_copy.m);
static void put (const ARRAYS<T>& old_copy, ARRAYS<T>& new_copy)
ARRAYS<T>::put (old_copy, new_copy, old_copy.length, old_copy.m);
template<class T2>
static void put (const T2 constant, const ARRAYS<T>& old_copy, ARRAYS<T>& new_copy)
ARRAYS<T>::put (constant, old_copy, new_copy, old_copy.length, old_copy.m);
static void put (const ARRAYS<T>& old_copy, ARRAYS<T>& new_copy, const int length, const int m)
if (length == old_copy.length && old_copy.length == new_copy.length)
assert (m <= old_copy.m);
assert (m <= new_copy.m);
T *new_array = new_copy.Get_Array_Pointer(), *old_array = old_copy.Get_Array_Pointer();
for (int t = 0, size = length * m; t < size; t++) new_array[t] = old_array[t];
else for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++) for (int k = 1; k <= length; k++) new_copy (k, i) = old_copy (k, i);
template<class T2>
static void put (T2 constant, const ARRAYS<T>& old_copy, ARRAYS<T>& new_copy, const int length, const int m)
if (length == old_copy.length && old_copy.length == new_copy.length)
assert (m <= old_copy.m);
assert (m <= new_copy.m);
T *new_array = new_copy.Get_Array_Pointer(), *old_array = old_copy.Get_Array_Pointer();
for (int t = 0, size = length * m; t < size; t++) new_array[t] = constant * old_array[t];
else for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++) for (int k = 1; k <= length; k++) new_copy (k, i) = constant * old_copy (k, i);
static void exchange_arrays (ARRAYS<T>& a, ARRAYS<T>& b)
exchange (a.base_pointer, b.base_pointer);
exchange (a.length, b.length);
exchange (a.m, b.m);
template<class T2>
static bool Equal_Dimensions (const ARRAYS<T>& a, const ARRAYS<T2>& b)
return a.length == b.length && a.m == b.m;
static bool Equal_Dimensions (const ARRAYS<T>& a, const int length, const int m)
return a.length == length && a.m == m;
void Get (const int i, T& element1, T& element2) const
assert (length == 2);
assert (Valid_Index (i));
T* a = base_pointer + i * 2 + 1;
element1 = a[0];
element2 = a[1];
void Get (const int i, T& element1, T& element2, T& element3) const
assert (length == 3);
assert (Valid_Index (i));
T* a = base_pointer + i * 3 + 1;
element1 = a[0];
element2 = a[1];
element3 = a[2];
void Get (const int i, T& element1, T& element2, T& element3, T& element4) const
assert (length == 4);
assert (Valid_Index (i));
T* a = base_pointer + i * 4 + 1;
element1 = a[0];
element2 = a[1];
element3 = a[2];
element4 = a[3];
void Get (const int i, T& element1, T& element2, T& element3, T& element4, T& element5) const
assert (length == 5);
assert (Valid_Index (i));
T* a = base_pointer + i * 5 + 1;
element1 = a[0];
element2 = a[1];
element3 = a[2];
element4 = a[3];
element5 = a[4];
void Get (const int i, T& element1, T& element2, T& element3, T& element4, T& element5, T& element6) const
assert (length == 6);
assert (Valid_Index (i));
T* a = base_pointer + i * 6 + 1;
element1 = a[0];
element2 = a[1];
element3 = a[2];
element4 = a[3];
element5 = a[4];
element6 = a[5];
void Get (const int i, T& element1, T& element2, T& element3, T& element4, T& element5, T& element6, T& element7) const
assert (length == 7);
assert (Valid_Index (i));
T* a = base_pointer + i * 7 + 1;
element1 = a[0];
element2 = a[1];
element3 = a[2];
element4 = a[3];
element5 = a[4];
element6 = a[5];
element7 = a[6];
void Get (const int i, T& element1, T& element2, T& element3, T& element4, T& element5, T& element6, T& element7, T& element8) const
assert (length == 8);
assert (Valid_Index (i));
T* a = base_pointer + i * 8 + 1;
element1 = a[0];
element2 = a[1];
element3 = a[2];
element4 = a[3];
element5 = a[4];
element6 = a[5];
element7 = a[6];
element8 = a[7];
void Set (const int i, const T& element1, const T& element2)
assert (length == 2);
assert (Valid_Index (i));
T* a = base_pointer + i * 2 + 1;
a[0] = element1;
a[1] = element2;
void Set (const int i, const T& element1, const T& element2, const T& element3)
assert (length == 3);
assert (Valid_Index (i));
T* a = base_pointer + i * 3 + 1;
a[0] = element1;
a[1] = element2;
a[2] = element3;
void Set (const int i, const T& element1, const T& element2, const T& element3, const T& element4)
assert (length == 4);
assert (Valid_Index (i));
T* a = base_pointer + i * 4 + 1;
a[0] = element1;
a[1] = element2;
a[2] = element3;
a[3] = element4;
void Set (const int i, const T& element1, const T& element2, const T& element3, const T& element4, const T& element5)
assert (length == 5);
assert (Valid_Index (i));
T* a = base_pointer + i * 5 + 1;
a[0] = element1;
a[1] = element2;
a[2] = element3;
a[3] = element4;
a[4] = element5;
void Set (const int i, const T& element1, const T& element2, const T& element3, const T& element4, const T& element5, const T& element6)
assert (length == 6);
assert (Valid_Index (i));
T* a = base_pointer + i * 6 + 1;
a[0] = element1;
a[1] = element2;
a[2] = element3;
a[3] = element4;
a[4] = element5;
a[5] = element6;
void Set (const int i, const T& element1, const T& element2, const T& element3, const T& element4, const T& element5, const T& element6, const T& element7)
assert (length == 7);
assert (Valid_Index (i));
T* a = base_pointer + i * 7 + 1;
a[0] = element1;
a[1] = element2;
a[2] = element3;
a[3] = element4;
a[4] = element5;
a[5] = element6;
a[6] = element7;
void Set (const int i, const T& element1, const T& element2, const T& element3, const T& element4, const T& element5, const T& element6, const T& element7, const T& element8)
assert (length == 8);
assert (Valid_Index (i));
T* a = base_pointer + i * 8 + 1;
a[0] = element1;
a[1] = element2;
a[2] = element3;
a[3] = element4;
a[4] = element5;
a[5] = element6;
a[6] = element7;
a[7] = element8;
template<class RW>
void Read (std::istream& input_stream)
Read_Binary<RW> (input_stream, length, m);
assert (length > 0);
assert (m >= 0);
T* array = 0;
if (length * m > 0)
array = new T[length * m];
Read_Binary_Array<RW> (input_stream, array, length * m);
Set_Base_Pointer (array);
template<class RW>
void Write (std::ostream& output_stream) const
Write_Prefix<RW> (output_stream, m);
template<class RW>
void Write_Prefix (std::ostream& output_stream, const int prefix) const
assert (0 <= prefix && prefix <= m);
Write_Binary<RW> (output_stream, length, prefix);
Write_Binary_Array<RW> (output_stream, Get_Array_Pointer(), length * prefix);
// old forms of functions which should not be called!
ARRAYS (const int length_input, const int m_start, const int m_end) {}
void Resize_Array (const int length_new, const int m_start, const int m_end) {}
void Resize_Array (const int length_new, const int m_start, const int m_end, const bool initialize_new_elements) {}
void Resize_Array (const int length_new, const int m_start, const int m_end, const bool initialize_new_elements, const bool copy_existing_elements) {}