blob: 72952aab3563033d66b5c6c1a9f09a869b0413ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2002-2004, Robert Bridson, Ronald Fedkiw, Eran Guendelman, Geoffrey Irving, Sergey Koltakov, Igor Neverov, Duc Nguyen, Andrew Selle, Joseph Teran.
// This file is part of PhysBAM whose distribution is governed by the license contained in the accompanying file PHYSBAM_COPYRIGHT.txt.
// Class ARRAYS_1D
#ifndef __ARRAYS_1D__
#define __ARRAYS_1D__
#include <assert.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "../Math_Tools/exchange.h"
#include "../Math_Tools/max.h"
#include "../Math_Tools/maxabs.h"
#include "../Math_Tools/maxmag.h"
#include "../Math_Tools/min.h"
#include "../Math_Tools/minmag.h"
#include "../Math_Tools/clamp.h"
#include "../Math_Tools/exchange.h"
#include "../Matrices_And_Vectors/VECTOR_2D.h"
#include "../Read_Write/READ_WRITE_FUNCTIONS.h"
#include "../Grids/GRID_1D.h"
namespace PhysBAM
template<class T>
class ARRAYS_1D
T* array; // pointer to the array
int length; // length of the vector
int m_start, m_end; // starting and ending values for x direction
int m; // used in overloaded () operator
int size; // total length of the one dimensional array
T* base_pointer;
: array (0), length (1), m_start (1), m_end (0), m (0), size (0)
ARRAYS_1D (const int m_start_input, const int m_end_input, const bool initialize_using_default_constructor = true)
: length (1), m_start (m_start_input), m_end (m_end_input), m (m_end - m_start + 1), size (m)
array = new T[size]; // allocate a new array
if (initialize_using_default_constructor) for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) array[index] = T(); // initialize array using default constructor
ARRAYS_1D (const int length_input, const int m_start_input, const int m_end_input, const bool initialize_using_default_constructor = true)
: length (length_input), m_start (m_start_input), m_end (m_end_input), m (m_end - m_start + 1), size (length*m)
array = new T[size]; // allocate a new array
if (initialize_using_default_constructor) for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) array[index] = T(); // initialize array using default constructor
template<class T2>
ARRAYS_1D (const GRID_1D<T2>& grid, const int ghost_cells = 0, const bool initialize_using_default_constructor = true)
: length (1), m_start (1 - ghost_cells), m_end (grid.m + ghost_cells), m (m_end - m_start + 1), size (m)
array = new T[size]; // allocate a new array
if (initialize_using_default_constructor) for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) array[index] = T(); // initialize array using default constructor
template<class T2>
ARRAYS_1D (const int length_input, const GRID_1D<T2>& grid, const int ghost_cells = 0, const bool initialize_using_default_constructor = true)
: length (length_input), m_start (1 - ghost_cells), m_end (grid.m + ghost_cells), m (m_end - m_start + 1), size (length*m)
array = new T[size]; // allocate a new array
if (initialize_using_default_constructor) for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) array[index] = T(); // initialize array using default constructor
ARRAYS_1D (const ARRAYS_1D<T>& old_array, const bool initialize_with_old_array = true)
: length (old_array.length), m_start (old_array.m_start), m_end (old_array.m_end), m (old_array.m), size (old_array.size)
array = new T[size]; // allocate a new array
if (initialize_with_old_array) for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) array[index] = old_array.array[index];
ARRAYS_1D (std::istream& input_stream)
: array (0), length (1), m_start (1), m_end (0), m (0), size (0)
Read<T> (input_stream);
delete [] array;
void Clean_Memory()
Resize_Array (1, 0, false, false);
void Delete_Pointers_And_Clean_Memory() // only valid if T is a pointer type
for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) delete array[index];
void Calculate_Acceleration_Constants()
base_pointer = array ? array - m_start * length : 0;
ARRAYS_1D<T>& operator= (const ARRAYS_1D<T>& source)
if (size != source.size)
delete [] array;
size = source.size;
array = new T[source.size];
length = source.length;
m = source.m;
m_start = source.m_start;
m_end = source.m_end;
for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) array[index] = source.array[index];
return *this;
T& operator() (const int i)
assert (length == 1);
assert (m_start <= i && i <= m_end);
return * (base_pointer + i);
const T& operator() (const int i) const
assert (length == 1);
assert (m_start <= i && i <= m_end);
return * (base_pointer + i);
T& operator() (const VECTOR_1D<int>& index)
assert (length == 1);
assert (m_start <= index.x && index.x <= m_end);
return * (base_pointer + index.x);
const T& operator() (const VECTOR_1D<int>& index) const
assert (length == 1);
assert (m_start <= index.x && index.x <= m_end);
return * (base_pointer + index.x);
T& operator() (const int k, const int i)
assert (1 <= k && k <= length);
assert (m_start <= i && i <= m_end);
return * (base_pointer + i * length + (k - 1));
const T& operator() (const int k, const int i) const
assert (1 <= k && k <= length);
assert (m_start <= i && i <= m_end);
return * (base_pointer + i * length + (k - 1));
bool Valid_Index (const VECTOR_1D<int>& index) const
return m_start <= index.x && index.x <= m_end;
bool Valid_Index (const int i) const
return m_start <= i && i <= m_end;
bool Valid_Index (const int k, const int i) const
return 1 <= k && k <= length && m_start <= i && i <= m_end;
int Standard_Index (const int i) const
assert (length == 1);
assert (m_start <= i && i <= m_end);
return i - m_start;
int Standard_Index (const int k, const int i) const
assert (1 <= k && k <= length);
assert (m_start <= i && i <= m_end);
return (i - m_start) * length + (k - 1);
int I_Plus_One (const int index) const
assert (index + 1 >= 0 && index + 1 < size);
return index + 1;
int I_Minus_One (const int index) const
assert (index - 1 >= 0 && index - 1 < size);
return index - 1;
ARRAYS_1D<T>& operator+= (const ARRAYS_1D<T>& v)
assert (Equal_Dimensions (*this, v));
for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) array[index] += v.array[index];
return *this;
ARRAYS_1D<T>& operator+= (const T& a)
for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) array[index] += a;
return *this;
ARRAYS_1D<T>& operator-= (const ARRAYS_1D<T>& v)
assert (Equal_Dimensions (*this, v));
for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) array[index] -= v.array[index];
return *this;
ARRAYS_1D<T>& operator-= (const T& a)
for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) array[index] -= a;
return *this;
template<class T2>
ARRAYS_1D<T>& operator*= (const ARRAYS_1D<T2>& v)
assert (Equal_Dimensions (*this, v));
for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) array[index] *= v.array[index];
return *this;
template<class T2>
ARRAYS_1D<T>& operator*= (const T2 a)
for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) array[index] *= a;
return *this;
template<class T2>
ARRAYS_1D<T>& operator/= (const T2 a)
T2 one_over_a = 1 / a;
for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) array[index] *= one_over_a;
return *this;
template<class T2>
ARRAYS_1D<T>& operator/= (const ARRAYS_1D<T2>& a)
for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)
assert (a.array[index] > 0);
array[index] /= a.array[index];
return *this;
void Resize_Array (const int m_start_new, const int m_end_new, const bool initialize_new_elements = true, const bool copy_existing_elements = true, const T& initialization_value = T())
if (m_start_new == m_start && m_end_new == m_end) return;
int m_new = m_end_new - m_start_new + 1;
size = length * m_new;
T* array_new = new T[size];
if (initialize_new_elements) for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) array_new[index] = initialization_value;
if (copy_existing_elements)
int m1 = PhysBAM::max (m_start, m_start_new), m2 = PhysBAM::min (m_end, m_end_new);
int start = (m1 - m_start_new) * length, old_start = (m1 - m_start) * length, difference = old_start - start, end = (m2 - m_start_new) * length + (length - 1);
for (int k = start; k <= end; k++) array_new[k] = array[k + difference];
m_start = m_start_new;
m_end = m_end_new;
m = m_new;
delete [] array;
array = array_new;
void Resize_Array (const int length_new, const int m_start_new, const int m_end_new, const bool initialize_new_elements = true, const bool copy_existing_elements = true, const T& initialization_value = T())
if (length_new == length)
Resize_Array (m_start_new, m_end_new);
int m_new = m_end_new - m_start_new + 1;
size = length_new * m_new;
T* array_new = new T[size];
if (initialize_new_elements) for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) array_new[index] = initialization_value;
if (copy_existing_elements)
int length_min = PhysBAM::min (length, length_new), m1 = PhysBAM::max (m_start, m_start_new), m2 = PhysBAM::min (m_end, m_end_new);
for (int i = m1; i <= m2; i++) for (int k = 1; k <= length_min; k++) array_new[ (i - m_start_new) *length_new + (k - 1)] = array[ (i - m_start) * length + (k - 1)];
length = length_new;
m_start = m_start_new;
m_end = m_end_new;
m = m_end - m_start + 1;
delete [] array;
array = array_new;
template<class T2>
void Resize_Array (const GRID_1D<T2>& grid, const int ghost_cells = 0, const bool initialize_new_elements = true, const bool copy_existing_elements = true, const T& initialization_value = T())
Resize_Array (1 - ghost_cells, grid.m + ghost_cells, initialize_new_elements, copy_existing_elements, initialization_value);
template<class T2>
void Resize_Array (const int length_new, const GRID_1D<T2>& grid, const int ghost_cells = 0, const bool initialize_new_elements = true, const bool copy_existing_elements = true, const T& initialization_value = T())
Resize_Array (length_new, 1 - ghost_cells, grid.m + ghost_cells, initialize_new_elements, copy_existing_elements, initialization_value);
void Clamp (int& i) const
i = clamp (i, m_start, m_end);
void Clamp_End_Minus_One (int& i) const
i = clamp (i, m_start, m_end - 1);
void Clamp_End_Minus_Two (int& i) const
i = clamp (i, m_start, m_end - 2);
void Clamp_End_Minus_Three (int& i) const
i = clamp (i, m_start, m_end - 3);
void Clamp_Interior (int& i) const
i = clamp (i, m_start + 1, m_end - 1);
void Clamp_Interior_End_Minus_One (int& i) const
i = clamp (i, m_start + 1, m_end - 2);
int Number_True() const
int count = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) if (array[index]) count++;
return count;
static void copy (const T& constant, ARRAYS_1D<T>& new_copy)
for (int index = 0; index < new_copy.size; index++) new_copy.array[index] = constant;
static void copy (const ARRAYS_1D<T>& old_copy, ARRAYS_1D<T>& new_copy)
assert (Equal_Dimensions (old_copy, new_copy));
for (int index = 0; index < old_copy.size; index++) new_copy.array[index] = old_copy.array[index];
template<class T2>
static void copy (const T2 constant, const ARRAYS_1D<T>& old_copy, ARRAYS_1D<T>& new_copy)
assert (Equal_Dimensions (old_copy, new_copy));
for (int index = 0; index < old_copy.size; index++) new_copy.array[index] = constant * old_copy.array[index];
template<class T2>
static void copy (const T2 c1, const ARRAYS_1D<T>& v1, const ARRAYS_1D<T>& v2, ARRAYS_1D<T>& result)
assert (Equal_Dimensions (v1, v2) && Equal_Dimensions (v2, result));
for (int index = 0; index < result.size; index++) result.array[index] = c1 * v1.array[index] + v2.array[index];
template<class T2>
static void copy (const T2 c1, const ARRAYS_1D<T>& v1, const T2 c2, const ARRAYS_1D<T>& v2, ARRAYS_1D<T>& result)
assert (Equal_Dimensions (v1, v2) && Equal_Dimensions (v2, result));
for (int index = 0; index < result.size; index++) result.array[index] = c1 * v1.array[index] + c2 * v2.array[index];
static void get (ARRAYS_1D<T>& new_copy, const ARRAYS_1D<T>& old_copy)
ARRAYS_1D<T>::put (old_copy, new_copy, new_copy.length, new_copy.m_start, new_copy.m_end);
static void put (const ARRAYS_1D<T>& old_copy, ARRAYS_1D<T>& new_copy)
ARRAYS_1D<T>::put (old_copy, new_copy, old_copy.length, old_copy.m_start, old_copy.m_end);
template<class T2>
static void put (const T2 constant, const ARRAYS_1D<T>& old_copy, ARRAYS_1D<T>& new_copy)
ARRAYS_1D<T>::put (constant, old_copy, new_copy, old_copy.length, old_copy.m_start, old_copy.m_end);
static void put (const ARRAYS_1D<T>& old_copy, ARRAYS_1D<T>& new_copy, const int length, const int m_start, const int m_end)
if (length == old_copy.length && old_copy.length == new_copy.length)
assert (old_copy.m_start <= m_start && m_end <= old_copy.m_end);
assert (new_copy.m_start <= m_start && m_end <= new_copy.m_end);
int old_index = old_copy.Standard_Index (1, m_start), new_index = new_copy.Standard_Index (1, m_start);
const int inner_loop_copy_size = (m_end - m_start + 1) * length;
for (int t = 1; t <= inner_loop_copy_size; t++) new_copy.array[new_index++] = old_copy.array[old_index++];
else for (int i = m_start; i <= m_end; i++) for (int k = 1; k <= length; k++) new_copy (k, i) = old_copy (k, i);
template<class T2>
static void put (T2 constant, const ARRAYS_1D<T>& old_copy, ARRAYS_1D<T>& new_copy, const int length, const int m_start, const int m_end)
if (length == old_copy.length && old_copy.length == new_copy.length)
assert (old_copy.m_start <= m_start && m_end <= old_copy.m_end);
assert (new_copy.m_start <= m_start && m_end <= new_copy.m_end);
int old_index = old_copy.Standard_Index (1, m_start), new_index = new_copy.Standard_Index (1, m_start);
const int inner_loop_copy_size = (m_end - m_start + 1) * length;
for (int t = 1; t <= inner_loop_copy_size; t++) new_copy.array[new_index++] = constant * old_copy.array[old_index++];
else for (int i = m_start; i <= m_end; i++) for (int k = 1; k <= length; k++) new_copy (k, i) = constant * old_copy (k, i);
template<class TCONSTANT, class TGRID>
static void put_ghost (const TCONSTANT constant, ARRAYS_1D<T>& x, const GRID_1D<TGRID>& grid, const int ghost_cells)
if (x.length == 1)
for (int s = 1; s <= ghost_cells; s++) x (1 - s) = x (grid.m + s) = constant;
for (int s = 1; s <= ghost_cells; s++) for (int k = 1; k <= x.length; k++) x (k, 1 - s) = x (k, grid.m + s) = constant;
static T max (const ARRAYS_1D<T>& a)
assert (a.size > 0);
T result = a.array[0];
for (int index = 1; index < a.size; index++) result = PhysBAM::max (result, a.array[index]);
return result;
static T maxabs (const ARRAYS_1D<T>& a)
assert (a.size > 0);
T result = (T) fabs (a.array[0]);
for (int index = 1; index < a.size; index++) result = maxabs_incremental (result, a.array[index]);
return result;
static T maxmag (const ARRAYS_1D<T>& a)
assert (a.size > 0);
T result = a.array[0];
for (int index = 1; index < a.size; index++) result = PhysBAM::maxmag (result, a.array[index]);
return result;
static T min (const ARRAYS_1D<T>& a)
assert (a.size > 0);
T result = a.array[0];
for (int index = 1; index < a.size; index++) result = PhysBAM::min (result, a.array[index]);
return result;
static T minmag (ARRAYS_1D<T>& a)
assert (a.size > 0);
T result = a.array[0];
for (int index = 1; index < a.size; index++) result = PhysBAM::minmag (result, a.array[index]);
return result;
static T sum (const ARRAYS_1D<T>& a)
T result = (T) 0;
for (int index = 0; index < a.size; index++) result += a.array[index];
return result;
static T sumabs (const ARRAYS_1D<T>& a)
T result = (T) 0;
for (int index = 0; index < a.size; index++) result += fabs (a.array[index]);
return result;
static T Dot_Product (const ARRAYS_1D<T>& a1, const ARRAYS_1D<T>& a2)
assert (a1.length == 1 && a2.length == 1);
assert (a1.m_start == a2.m_start && a1.m_end == a2.m_end);
T result = (T) 0;
for (int index = 0; index < a1.size; index++) result += a1.array[index] * a2.array[index];
return result;
template<class TS>
static TS Maximum_Vector_Magnitude (const ARRAYS_1D<T>& a)
assert (a.length == 1);
TS result = (TS) 0;
for (int index = 0; index < a.size; index++) result = PhysBAM::max (result, a.array[index].Magnitude_Squared());
return sqrt (result);
static void exchange_arrays (ARRAYS_1D<T>& a, ARRAYS_1D<T>& b)
exchange (a.array, b.array);
exchange (a.length, b.length);
exchange (a.size, b.size);
exchange (a.m_start, b.m_start);
exchange (a.m_end, b.m_end);
exchange (a.m, b.m);
template<class T2>
static bool Equal_Dimensions (const ARRAYS_1D<T>& a, const ARRAYS_1D<T2>& b)
return a.length == b.length && a.m_start == b.m_start && a.m_end == b.m_end;
static bool Equal_Dimensions (const ARRAYS_1D<T>& a, const int length, const int m_start, const int m_end)
return a.length == length && a.m_start == m_start && a.m_end == m_end;
static bool Equal_Dimensions (const ARRAYS_1D<T>& a, const int m_start, const int m_end)
return Equal_Dimensions (a, 1, m_start, m_end);
void Move_Left (const int increment = 1)
int jump = increment * length;
for (int i = 0; i < size - jump; i++) array[i] = array[i + jump];
void Move_Right (const int increment = 1)
int jump = increment * length;
for (int i = size; i >= jump; i--) array[i] = array[i - jump];
template<class RW>
void Read (std::istream& input_stream)
Read_Binary<RW> (input_stream, length, m_start, m_end);
assert (length > 0);
m = m_end - m_start + 1;
assert (m >= 0);
size = length * m;
delete[] array;
if (size > 0)
array = new T[size];
Read_Binary_Array<RW> (input_stream, array, size);
else array = 0;
template<class RW>
void Write (std::ostream& output_stream) const
Write_Binary<RW> (output_stream, length, m_start, m_end);
Write_Binary_Array<RW> (output_stream, array, size);