blob: c03980f954218c9ec32e563be18ab5203bf30e73 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2004-2005, Eran Guendelman, Geoffrey Irving.
// This file is part of PhysBAM whose distribution is governed by the license contained in the accompanying file PHYSBAM_COPYRIGHT.txt.
// Elements in this list are identified by persistent id's (assigned sequentially as elements are added to the list).
// At any given time, the set of active elements is a subset of all of the elements previously allocated.
// One typically accesses elements by their unique id using Element(id), but it is also possible to acccess them using their index in the list of currently active elements using Active_Element(index).
// The latter is less preferrable since this index is not persistent.
// The state of the dynamic list can be read/written at any time using Read/Write.
// Elements are destroyed when they become inactive using the Destroy_Element callback (implemented in derived classes).
#ifndef __DYNAMIC_LIST__
#define __DYNAMIC_LIST__
#include "../Arrays/LIST_ARRAY.h"
#include "../Read_Write/FILE_UTILITIES.h"
namespace PhysBAM
template<class T>
LIST_ARRAY<T> array; // active elements
LIST_ARRAY<int> index_to_id_map, id_to_index_map;
mutable LIST_ARRAY<int> needs_write; // by id
int last_unique_id;
: last_unique_id (0)
virtual ~DYNAMIC_LIST()
virtual void Clean_Up_Memory()
for (int i = 1; i <= array.m; i++)
Destroy_Element (array (i), index_to_id_map (i));
last_unique_id = 0;
T& Element (const int id)
return array (id_to_index_map (id));
const T& Element (const int id) const
return array (id_to_index_map (id));
int Element_Index (const int id) const
return id_to_index_map (id);
int Number_Of_Elements() const // including inactive elements
return last_unique_id;
bool Is_Active (const int id) const
return id <= id_to_index_map.m && id_to_index_map (id);
T& Active_Element (const int index)
return array (index);
const T& Active_Element (const int index) const
return array (index);
int Active_Element_Id (const int index) const
return index_to_id_map (index);
int Number_Of_Active_Elements() const
return array.m;
// returns id
virtual int Add_Element (const T& element)
array.Append_Element (element);
needs_write.Append_Element (last_unique_id);
index_to_id_map.Append_Element (last_unique_id);
id_to_index_map.Append_Element (array.m);
assert (id_to_index_map.m == last_unique_id);
return last_unique_id;
void Remove_Element (const int id)
int index = id_to_index_map (id);
assert (index);
Destroy_Element (array (index), id);
id_to_index_map (id) = 0;
array.Remove_Index_Lazy (index);
index_to_id_map.Remove_Index_Lazy (index);
if (index <= array.m) id_to_index_map (index_to_id_map (index)) = index;
template<class RW> void Read (const std::string& prefix, const int frame, LIST_ARRAY<int>& needs_init);
template<class RW> void Write (const std::string& prefix, const int frame) const;
virtual void Destroy_Element (T& element, const int id) = 0;
// Function Read
// Reads the set of active id's and updates the index<->id maps.
// needs_init is filled with id's of those elements which have become newly active and need to be iniitalized.
template<class T> template<class RW> void DYNAMIC_LIST<T>::
Read (const std::string& prefix, const int frame, LIST_ARRAY<int>& needs_init)
LIST_ARRAY<int> active_ids;
char version;
FILE_UTILITIES::Read_From_File<RW> (STRING_UTILITIES::string_sprintf ("%sactive_ids.%d", prefix.c_str(), frame), version, last_unique_id, active_ids);
assert (version == 1);
LIST_ARRAY<T> new_array;
ARRAY<bool> element_copied (array.m);
id_to_index_map.Resize_Array (last_unique_id);
for (int i = 1; i <= active_ids.m; i++)
int index = id_to_index_map (active_ids (i));
if (index)
new_array.Append_Element (array (index));
element_copied (index) = true;
new_array.Append_Element (T());
needs_init.Append_Element (active_ids (i));
for (int i = 1; i <= array.m; i++) if (!element_copied (i)) Destroy_Element (array (i), index_to_id_map (i));
index_to_id_map.Resize_Array (active_ids.m);
LIST_ARRAY<int>::copy (0, id_to_index_map);
for (int i = 1; i <= new_array.m; i++)
index_to_id_map (i) = active_ids (i);
id_to_index_map (active_ids (i)) = i;
LIST_ARRAY<T>::exchange_arrays (array, new_array);
// Function Write
// Writes the set of active id's.
// needs_write indicates which elements have not been written since their creation, so derived classes should write those out (and reset the needs_write list).
template<class T> template<class RW> void DYNAMIC_LIST<T>::
Write (const std::string& prefix, const int frame) const
const char version = 1;
FILE_UTILITIES::Write_To_File<RW> (STRING_UTILITIES::string_sprintf ("%sactive_ids.%d", prefix.c_str(), frame), version, last_unique_id, index_to_id_map);
for (int i = needs_write.m; i >= 1; i--) if (!id_to_index_map (needs_write (i))) needs_write.Remove_Index_Lazy (i); // handle case of new element which was removed without being written