blob: 1d5a9a4b0571cb29f85e1c9730df97ff768a182f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2002-2004, Robert Bridson, Ronald Fedkiw, Eran Guendelman, Geoffrey Irving.
// This file is part of PhysBAM whose distribution is governed by the license contained in the accompanying file PHYSBAM_COPYRIGHT.txt.
// Class GRID_2D
// A number of functions (e.g. the Clamp functions) assume the grid indexing starts at 1. This way we can use truncation rather than floor because floor is really slow.
#ifndef __GRID_2D__
#define __GRID_2D__
#include "../Geometry/BOX_2D.h"
#include "../Matrices_And_Vectors/VECTOR_2D.h"
#include "../Math_Tools/clamp.h"
namespace PhysBAM
template<class T>
class GRID_2D
int m, n; // # of points: x and y direction
T xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax; // left and right wall, bottom and top wall
T dx, dy; // cell sizes
T one_over_dx, one_over_dy, min_dx_dy, max_dx_dy;
T MAC_offset; // 0 for a regular grid and .5 for a MAC grid
int number_of_cells_x, number_of_cells_y; // not saved to file
Initialize (0, 0);
GRID_2D (const int m_input, const int n_input, const T xmin_input, const T xmax_input, const T ymin_input, const T ymax_input)
Initialize (m_input, n_input, xmin_input, xmax_input, ymin_input, ymax_input);
GRID_2D (const int m_input, const int n_input, const BOX_2D<T>& box_input)
Initialize (m_input, n_input, box_input.xmin, box_input.xmax, box_input.ymin, box_input.ymax);
GRID_2D (const int m_input, const int n_input)
Initialize (m_input, n_input);
GRID_2D (const GRID_2D<T>& grid_input)
Initialize (grid_input.m, grid_input.n, grid_input.xmin, grid_input.xmax, grid_input.ymin, grid_input.ymax);
if (grid_input.MAC_offset) Set_MAC_Grid();
template<class T2>
GRID_2D (const GRID_2D<T2>& grid_input)
Initialize (grid_input.m, grid_input.n, (T) grid_input.xmin, (T) grid_input.xmax, (T) grid_input.ymin, (T) grid_input.ymax);
if (grid_input.MAC_offset) Set_MAC_Grid();
GRID_2D<T>& operator= (const GRID_2D<T>& grid_input)
if (this == &grid_input) return *this;
Initialize (grid_input.m, grid_input.n, grid_input.xmin, grid_input.xmax, grid_input.ymin, grid_input.ymax);
if (grid_input.MAC_offset) Set_MAC_Grid();
return *this;
void Initialize (const int m_input, const int n_input, const BOX_2D<T>& box)
m = m_input;
n = n_input;
xmin = box.xmin;
xmax = box.xmax;
ymin = box.ymin;
ymax = box.ymax;
void Initialize (const int m_input, const int n_input, const T xmin_input = 0, const T xmax_input = 1, const T ymin_input = 0, const T ymax_input = 1)
m = m_input;
n = n_input;
xmin = xmin_input;
xmax = xmax_input;
ymin = ymin_input;
ymax = ymax_input;
void Set_Regular_Grid()
if (m > 1 && n > 1)
MAC_offset = 0;
dx = (xmax - xmin) / (m - 1);
dy = (ymax - ymin) / (n - 1);
one_over_dx = 1 / dx;
one_over_dy = 1 / dy;
min_dx_dy = min (dx, dy);
max_dx_dy = max (dx, dy);
number_of_cells_x = m - 1;
number_of_cells_y = n - 1;
MAC_offset = 0;
dx = 0;
dy = 0;
one_over_dx = 0;
one_over_dy = 0;
min_dx_dy = 0;
max_dx_dy = 0;
number_of_cells_x = 0;
number_of_cells_y = 0;
void Set_MAC_Grid()
if (m > 0 && n > 0)
MAC_offset = (T).5;
dx = (xmax - xmin) / m;
dy = (ymax - ymin) / n;
one_over_dx = 1 / dx;
one_over_dy = 1 / dy;
min_dx_dy = min (dx, dy);
max_dx_dy = max (dx, dy);
number_of_cells_x = m;
number_of_cells_y = n;
MAC_offset = 0;
dx = 0;
dy = 0;
one_over_dx = 0;
one_over_dy = 0;
min_dx_dy = 0;
max_dx_dy = 0;
number_of_cells_x = 0;
number_of_cells_y = 0;
bool Is_MAC_Grid() const
return MAC_offset == .5;
T x (const int i) const // x at the i=1 to i=m grid points
return xmin + (i - (T) 1 + MAC_offset) * dx;
T y (const int j) const // y at the j=1 to j=n grid points
return ymin + (j - (T) 1 + MAC_offset) * dy;
T x_plus_half (const int i) const
return xmin + (i - (T).5 + MAC_offset) * dx;
T x_minus_half (const int i) const
return xmin + (i - (T) 1.5 + MAC_offset) * dx;
T y_plus_half (const int j) const
return ymin + (j - (T).5 + MAC_offset) * dy;
T y_minus_half (const int j) const
return ymin + (j - (T) 1.5 + MAC_offset) * dy;
VECTOR_2D<T> X (const int i, const int j) const
return VECTOR_2D<T> (x (i), y (j));
VECTOR_2D<T> X (const VECTOR_2D<int>& index) const
return VECTOR_2D<T> (x (index.x), y (index.y));
VECTOR_2D<T> Node (const int i, const int j) const
return VECTOR_2D<T> (xmin + (i - (T) 1) * dx, ymin + (j - (T) 1) * dy);
VECTOR_2D<T> Node (const VECTOR_2D<int>& index) const
return VECTOR_2D<T> (xmin + (index.x - (T) 1) * dx, ymin + (index.y - (T) 1) * dy);
VECTOR_2D<T> Center (const int i, const int j) const
return VECTOR_2D<T> (xmin + (i - (T).5) * dx, ymin + (j - (T).5) * dy);
VECTOR_2D<T> Center (const VECTOR_2D<int>& index) const
return VECTOR_2D<T> (xmin + (index.x - (T).5) * dx, ymin + (index.y - (T).5) * dy);
VECTOR_2D<T> X_Face (const int i, const int j) const
return VECTOR_2D<T> (xmin + (i - (T) 1) * dx, ymin + (j - (T).5) * dy);
VECTOR_2D<T> X_Face (const VECTOR_2D<int>& index) const
return VECTOR_2D<T> (xmin + (index.x - (T) 1) * dx, ymin + (index.y - (T).5) * dy);
VECTOR_2D<T> Y_Face (const int i, const int j) const
return VECTOR_2D<T> (xmin + (i - (T).5) * dx, ymin + (j - (T) 1) * dy);
VECTOR_2D<T> Y_Face (const VECTOR_2D<int>& index) const
return VECTOR_2D<T> (xmin + (index.x - (T).5) * dx, ymin + (index.y - (T) 1) * dy);
void Index (const VECTOR_2D<T>& location, int& i, int& j) const // returns the left and bottom indices
i = (int) floor ( (location.x - xmin) * one_over_dx + 1 - MAC_offset); // note that "floor" is expensive
j = (int) floor ( (location.y - ymin) * one_over_dy + 1 - MAC_offset);
void Cell (const VECTOR_2D<T>& location, int& i, int& j, const int number_of_ghost_cells) const // returns the left and bottom
int number_of_ghost_cells_plus_one = number_of_ghost_cells + 1;
i = (int) ( (location.x - xmin) * one_over_dx + number_of_ghost_cells_plus_one) - number_of_ghost_cells;
j = (int) ( (location.y - ymin) * one_over_dy + number_of_ghost_cells_plus_one) - number_of_ghost_cells;
VECTOR_2D<T> Clamp (const VECTOR_2D<T>& location) const
return VECTOR_2D<T> (clamp (location.x, xmin, xmax), clamp (location.y, ymin, ymax));
VECTOR_2D<T> Clamp (const VECTOR_2D<T>& location, int number_of_ghost_cells) const // clamps to the grid (with ghost cells)
T extra_x = number_of_ghost_cells * dx, extra_y = number_of_ghost_cells * dy;
return VECTOR_2D<T> (clamp (location.x, xmin - extra_x, xmax + extra_x), clamp (location.y, ymin - extra_y, ymax + extra_y));
void Clamp (int& i, int& j) const
i = clamp (i, 1, m);
j = clamp (j, 1, n);
void Clamp_End_Minus_One (int& i, int& j) const
i = clamp (i, 1, m - 1);
j = clamp (j, 1, n - 1);
void Clamped_Index (const VECTOR_2D<T>& location, int& i, int& j) const
i = min (m, 1 + max (0, (int) ( (location.x - xmin) * one_over_dx - MAC_offset)));
j = min (n, 1 + max (0, (int) ( (location.y - ymin) * one_over_dy - MAC_offset)));
void Clamped_Index (const VECTOR_2D<T>& location, VECTOR_2D<int>& index) const
Clamped_Index (location, index.x, index.y);
void Clamped_Index_End_Minus_One (const VECTOR_2D<T>& location, int& i, int& j) const
i = min (m - 1, 1 + max (0, (int) ( (location.x - xmin) * one_over_dx - MAC_offset)));
j = min (n - 1, 1 + max (0, (int) ( (location.y - ymin) * one_over_dy - MAC_offset)));
void Clamped_Index_End_Minus_One (const VECTOR_2D<T>& location, VECTOR_2D<int>& index) const
Clamped_Index_End_Minus_One (location, index.x, index.y);
void Clamp_To_Cell (const VECTOR_2D<T>& location, int& i, int& j) const
i = min (number_of_cells_x, 1 + max (0, (int) ( (location.x - xmin) * one_over_dx)));
j = min (number_of_cells_y, 1 + max (0, (int) ( (location.y - ymin) * one_over_dy)));
void Clamp_To_Cell (const VECTOR_2D<T>& location, VECTOR_2D<int>& index) const
Clamp_To_Cell (location, index.x, index.y);
void Clamp_To_Cell (const VECTOR_2D<T>& location, int& i, int& j, const int number_of_ghost_cells) const
i = min (number_of_cells_x + number_of_ghost_cells, 1 - number_of_ghost_cells + max (0, (int) ( (location.x - xmin) * one_over_dx + number_of_ghost_cells)));
j = min (number_of_cells_y + number_of_ghost_cells, 1 - number_of_ghost_cells + max (0, (int) ( (location.y - ymin) * one_over_dy + number_of_ghost_cells)));
void Clamp_To_Cell (const VECTOR_2D<T>& location, VECTOR_2D<int>& index, const int number_of_ghost_cells) const
Clamp_To_Cell (location, index.x, index.y, number_of_ghost_cells);
void Closest_Node (const VECTOR_2D<T>& location, int& i, int& j) const
i = min (m, 1 + max (0, (int) ( (location.x - xmin) * one_over_dx + (T).5)));
j = min (n, 1 + max (0, (int) ( (location.y - ymin) * one_over_dy + (T).5)));
void Closest_Node (const VECTOR_2D<T>& location, VECTOR_2D<int>& index) const
Closest_Node (location, index.x, index.y);
BOX_2D<T> Domain() const
return BOX_2D<T> (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
bool Outside (const VECTOR_2D<T>& location) const
return location.x < xmin || location.x > xmax || location.y < ymin || location.y > ymax;
GRID_2D<T> Get_MAC_Grid() const
GRID_2D<T> new_grid (number_of_cells_x, number_of_cells_y, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
return new_grid;
GRID_2D<T> Get_X_Face_Grid() const
return GRID_2D<T> (number_of_cells_x + 1, number_of_cells_y, xmin, xmax, ymin + (T).5 * dy, ymax - (T).5 * dy);
GRID_2D<T> Get_Y_Face_Grid() const
return GRID_2D<T> (number_of_cells_x, number_of_cells_y + 1, xmin + (T).5 * dx, xmax - (T).5 * dx, ymin, ymax);
GRID_2D<T> Get_Regular_Grid_At_MAC_Positions() const
assert (MAC_offset == (T).5);
return GRID_2D<T> (m, n, xmin + (T).5 * dx, xmax - (T).5 * dx, ymin + (T).5 * dy, ymax - (T).5 * dy);
static GRID_2D<T> Create_Grid_Given_Cell_Size (const BOX_2D<T>& domain, const T cell_size, const bool mac_grid, const int boundary_nodes = 0)
int number_of_cells_x = (int) ceil ( (domain.xmax - domain.xmin) / cell_size) + 2 * boundary_nodes, number_of_cells_y = (int) ceil ( (domain.ymax - domain.ymin) / cell_size) + 2 * boundary_nodes;
VECTOR_2D<T> domain_center = domain.Center(), actual_domain_half_size ( (T).5 * number_of_cells_x * cell_size, (T).5 * number_of_cells_y * cell_size);
BOX_2D<T> actual_domain (domain_center - actual_domain_half_size, domain_center + actual_domain_half_size);
if (mac_grid)
GRID_2D<T> grid (number_of_cells_x, number_of_cells_y, actual_domain);
return grid;
else return GRID_2D<T> (number_of_cells_x + 1, number_of_cells_y + 1, actual_domain);
template<class RW>
void Read (std::istream& input_stream)
Read_Binary<RW> (input_stream, m, n);
assert (m > 0 && n > 0);
Read_Binary<RW> (input_stream, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
Initialize (m, n, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
Read_Binary<RW> (input_stream, MAC_offset);
if (MAC_offset) Set_MAC_Grid();
template<class RW>
void Write (std::ostream& output_stream) const
Write_Binary<RW> (output_stream, m, n);
Write_Binary<RW> (output_stream, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
Write_Binary<RW> (output_stream, MAC_offset);
// global functions
template<class T>
inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& output_stream, const GRID_2D<T>& grid)
output_stream << grid.Domain() << " divided by (" << grid.m << "," << grid.n << ")";
return output_stream;