blob: 12be763a5cd25abb033fe315ae42b6a956a9c285 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2004-2006, Geoffrey Irving, Frank Losasso, Andrew Selle.
// This file is part of PhysBAM whose distribution is governed by the license contained in the accompanying file PHYSBAM_COPYRIGHT.txt.
#include "LOG.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <sstream>
#include "TIMER.h"
#include "LOG_ENTRY.h"
#include "LOG_SCOPE.h"
namespace PhysBAM
std::ostream LOG::cout (std::cout.rdbuf());
std::ostream LOG::cerr (std::cerr.rdbuf());
LOG* LOG::instance = 0;
int LOG::verbosity_level = (1 << 30) - 1;
bool LOG::suppress_cout = false;
bool LOG::suppress_timing = false;
FILE* LOG::log_file = 0;
bool LOG::log_file_temporary = false;
class LOG_COUT_BUFFER: public std::stringbuf
int sync()
if (!LOG::suppress_cout && LOG::instance->current_entry->depth < LOG::instance->verbosity_level)
if (LOG_ENTRY::start_on_separate_line) putchar ('\n');
std::string buffer = str();
for (std::string::size_type start = 0, end; start < buffer.length();)
end = buffer.find ('\n', start);
if (LOG_ENTRY::needs_indent)
printf ("%*s", 2 * LOG::instance->current_entry->depth + 2, "");
LOG_ENTRY::needs_indent = false;
fputs (buffer.substr (start, end - start).c_str(), stdout);
if (end != std::string::npos)
putchar ('\n');
LOG_ENTRY::needs_indent = true;
start = end + 1;
else break;
LOG_ENTRY::start_on_separate_line = false;
LOG::instance->current_entry->end_on_separate_line = true;
fflush (stdout);
if (LOG::log_file)
if (LOG_ENTRY::log_file_start_on_separate_line) putc ('\n', LOG::log_file);
std::string buffer = str();
for (std::string::size_type start = 0, end; start < buffer.length();)
end = buffer.find ('\n', start);
if (LOG_ENTRY::log_file_needs_indent)
fprintf (LOG::log_file, "%*s", 2 * LOG::instance->current_entry->depth + 2, "");
LOG_ENTRY::log_file_needs_indent = false;
fputs (buffer.substr (start, end - start).c_str(), LOG::log_file);
if (end != std::string::npos)
putc ('\n', LOG::log_file);
LOG_ENTRY::log_file_needs_indent = true;
start = end + 1;
else break;
LOG_ENTRY::log_file_start_on_separate_line = false;
LOG::instance->current_entry->log_file_end_on_separate_line = true;
fflush (LOG::log_file);
str ("");
return std::stringbuf::sync();
class LOG_CERR_BUFFER: public std::stringbuf
int sync()
if (LOG_ENTRY::start_on_separate_line) putchar ('\n');
LOG_ENTRY::start_on_separate_line = false;
fputs (str().c_str(), stderr);
if (LOG::log_file)
if (LOG_ENTRY::log_file_start_on_separate_line) putc ('\n', LOG::log_file);
LOG_ENTRY::log_file_start_on_separate_line = false;
fputs (str().c_str(), LOG::log_file);
str ("");
return std::stringbuf::sync();
// Constructor
timer_id = TIMER::Singleton()->Register_Timer();
cout.rdbuf (new LOG_COUT_BUFFER);
cerr.rdbuf (new LOG_CERR_BUFFER);
root = new LOG_SCOPE (0, 0, timer_id, "SIMULATION", "Simulation", verbosity_level);
current_entry = root;
// Destructor
while (current_entry != 0) instance->current_entry = instance->current_entry->Get_Pop_Scope();
if (log_file) fclose (log_file);
std::streambuf* cout_buffer = cout.rdbuf();
cout.rdbuf (std::cout.rdbuf());
delete cout_buffer;
std::streambuf* cerr_buffer = cerr.rdbuf();
cerr.rdbuf (std::cerr.rdbuf());
delete cerr_buffer;
TIMER::Singleton()->Release_Timer (timer_id);
// Function Initialize_Logging
void LOG::
Initialize_Logging (const bool suppress_cout_input, const bool suppress_timing_input, const int verbosity_level_input, const bool cache_initial_output)
if (instance) delete instance;
LOG::suppress_cout = suppress_cout_input;
LOG::suppress_timing = suppress_timing_input;
LOG::verbosity_level = verbosity_level_input - 1;
if (cache_initial_output)
log_file = tmpfile();
if (!log_file)
LOG::cerr << "Couldn't create temporary log file" << std::endl;
exit (1);
log_file_temporary = true;
instance = new LOG();
// Function Copy_Log_To_File
void LOG::
Copy_Log_To_File (const std::string& filename, const bool append)
if (!instance) Initialize_Logging();
FILE* temporary_file = 0;
if (log_file && log_file_temporary)
temporary_file = log_file;
log_file = 0;
if (log_file)
if (LOG_ENTRY::log_file_start_on_separate_line) putc ('\n', log_file);
instance->root->Dump_Log (log_file);
fclose (log_file);
log_file = 0;
if (!filename.empty())
if (append)
log_file = fopen (filename.c_str(), "a");
if (!log_file)
LOG::cerr << "Can't open log file " << filename << " for append" << std::endl;
exit (1);
putc ('\n', log_file);
log_file = fopen (filename.c_str(), "w");
if (!log_file)
LOG::cerr << "Can't open log file " << filename << " for writing" << std::endl;
exit (1);
if (!temporary_file)
instance->root->Dump_Names (log_file);
LOG_ENTRY::log_file_start_on_separate_line = LOG_ENTRY::log_file_needs_indent = instance->current_entry->log_file_end_on_separate_line = true;
fflush (temporary_file);
fseek (temporary_file, 0, SEEK_SET);
ARRAY<char> buffer (4096, false);
for (;;)
int n = (int) fread (buffer.Get_Array_Pointer(), sizeof (char), buffer.m, temporary_file);
fwrite (buffer.Get_Array_Pointer(), sizeof (char), n, log_file);
if (n < buffer.m) break;
fflush (log_file);
if (temporary_file) fclose (temporary_file);
log_file_temporary = false;
// Function Finish_Logging
void LOG::
if (instance) delete instance;
// Function Time
void LOG::
Time (const char* format, ...)
if (!instance) Initialize_Logging();
if (instance->suppress_timing) return;
va_list marker;
va_start (marker, format);
instance->current_entry = instance->current_entry->Get_New_Item (STRING_UTILITIES::string_vsprintf (format, marker));
va_end (marker);
// Function Stop_Time
void LOG::
if (!instance) Initialize_Logging();
if (instance->suppress_timing) return;
instance->current_entry = instance->current_entry->Get_Stop_Time();
// Function Print
void LOG::
Print (const char* format, ...)
if (!instance) Initialize_Logging();
if (instance->suppress_timing) return;
if (instance->current_entry->depth < instance->verbosity_level)
if (LOG_ENTRY::start_on_separate_line) putchar ('\n');
if (LOG_ENTRY::needs_indent) printf ("%*s", 2 * instance->current_entry->depth + 2, "");
va_list marker;
va_start (marker, format);
vprintf (format, marker);
va_end (marker);
LOG_ENTRY::start_on_separate_line = false;
LOG_ENTRY::needs_indent = instance->current_entry->end_on_separate_line = true;
if (log_file)
if (LOG_ENTRY::log_file_start_on_separate_line) putc ('\n', log_file);
if (LOG_ENTRY::log_file_needs_indent) fprintf (log_file, "%*s", 2 * instance->current_entry->depth + 2, "");
va_list marker;
va_start (marker, format);
vfprintf (log_file, format, marker);
va_end (marker);
LOG_ENTRY::log_file_start_on_separate_line = false;
LOG_ENTRY::log_file_needs_indent = instance->current_entry->log_file_end_on_separate_line = true;
// Function Push_Scope
void LOG::
Push_Scope (const std::string& scope_identifier, const char* format, ...)
if (!instance) Initialize_Logging();
if (instance->suppress_timing) return;
va_list marker;
va_start (marker, format);
instance->current_entry = instance->current_entry->Get_New_Scope (scope_identifier, STRING_UTILITIES::string_vsprintf (format, marker));
va_end (marker);
// Function Pop_Scope
void LOG::
if (!instance) Initialize_Logging();
if (instance->suppress_timing) return;
instance->current_entry = instance->current_entry->Get_Pop_Scope();
if (instance->current_entry == 0)
LOG::cerr << "Could not pop scope. Defaulting to root" << std::endl;
instance->current_entry = instance->root;
// Function Reset
void LOG::
if (!instance) Initialize_Logging();
if (instance->suppress_timing) return;
delete instance->root;
instance->root = new LOG_SCOPE (0, 0, instance->timer_id, "SIMULATION", "Simulation", instance->verbosity_level);
instance->current_entry = instance->root;
// Function Dump_Log
void LOG::
if (!instance) Initialize_Logging();
if (instance->suppress_timing) return;
if (LOG_ENTRY::start_on_separate_line)
putchar ('\n');
LOG_ENTRY::start_on_separate_line = false;
if (!suppress_cout) instance->root->Dump_Log (stdout);
if (log_file)
if (LOG_ENTRY::log_file_start_on_separate_line)
putc ('\n', log_file);
LOG_ENTRY::log_file_start_on_separate_line = false;
instance->root->Dump_Log (log_file);
// Function Dump_Log_XML
void LOG::
Dump_Log_XML (std::ostream& output)
if (!instance) Initialize_Logging();
if (instance->suppress_timing) return;
if (LOG_ENTRY::start_on_separate_line) output << std::endl;
LOG_ENTRY::start_on_separate_line = false;
instance->root->Dump_Log_XML (output);