blob: d268837cd6cc8f665e50f0d85df24fc08679e5eb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2006, Geoffrey Irving, Eftychios Sifakis.
// This file is part of PhysBAM whose distribution is governed by the license contained in the accompanying file PHYSBAM_COPYRIGHT.txt.
#ifndef __TYPE_UTILITIES__
#define __TYPE_UTILITIES__
namespace PhysBAM
template<bool b, class T = void> struct ENABLE_IF {};
template<class T> struct ENABLE_IF<true, T>
typedef T TYPE;
template<bool b, class T1, class T2> struct IF
typedef T1 TYPE;
template<class T1, class T2> struct IF<false, T1, T2>
typedef T2 TYPE;
template<class T> struct IS_PRIMITIVE
static const bool value = false;
template<> struct IS_PRIMITIVE<char>
static const bool value = true;
template<> struct IS_PRIMITIVE<int>
static const bool value = true;
template<> struct IS_PRIMITIVE<short>
static const bool value = true;
template<> struct IS_PRIMITIVE<long>
static const bool value = true;
template<> struct IS_PRIMITIVE<unsigned char>
static const bool value = true;
template<> struct IS_PRIMITIVE<unsigned int>
static const bool value = true;
template<> struct IS_PRIMITIVE<unsigned short>
static const bool value = true;
template<> struct IS_PRIMITIVE<unsigned long>
static const bool value = true;
template<> struct IS_PRIMITIVE<bool>
static const bool value = true;
template<> struct IS_PRIMITIVE<float>
static const bool value = true;
template<> struct IS_PRIMITIVE<double>
static const bool value = true;
template<class T1, class T2> struct IS_SAME
static const bool value = false;
template<class T> struct IS_SAME<T, T>
static const bool value = true;
template<class T> struct IS_CONST
static const bool value = false;
template<class T> struct IS_CONST<const T>
static const bool value = true;