blob: e0aef2105c70ff1c735713f789cda3f483105fa3 [file] [log] [blame]
@end menu
@node cass_init
@section @command{cass_init}
@table @asis
@item @emph{Synopsis:}
@code{cass_init <@var{path}>}
@item @emph{Description:}
Creat a database in the given directory.
@item @emph{Options:}
@table @gcctabopt
@item @var{path}
The path to where to create the database.
@end table
@end table
@node cass_describe
@section @command{cass_describe}
@table @asis
@item @emph{Synopsis:}
@code{cass_describe <@var{path}>}
@item @emph{Description:}
Dump textual description of the database.
@item @emph{Options:}
@table @gcctabopt
@item @var{path}
The database directory.
@end table
@end table
@node cass_add_vec_dist
@section @command{cass_add_vec_dist }
@table @asis
@item @emph{Synopsis:}
@code{cass_add_vec_dist <@var{path}> <@var{name}> <@var{class}> <@var{param}>}
@item @emph{Description:}
Add a vector distance to the databse.
@item @emph{Options:}
@table @gcctabopt
@item @var{path}
The database directory.
@item @var{name}
The name of the distance to add.
@item @var{class}
The name of the class of the distance.
@item @var{param}
Parameters to the construct method of the class.
@end table
@end table
@node cass_add_vec_set_dist
@section @command{cass_add_vec_set_dist}
@table @asis
@item @emph{Synopsis:}
@code{cass_add_vec_set_dist <@var{path}> <@var{name}> <@var{class}> <@var{param}>}
@item @emph{Description:}
Add a vecset distance to the database.
@item @emph{Options:}
@table @gcctabopt
@item @var{path}
The database directory.
@item @var{name}
The name of the distance to add.
@item @var{class}
The name of the class of the distance.
@item @var{param}
Parameters to the construct method of the class.
@end table
@end table
@node cass_add_cfg
@section @command{cass_add_cfg}
@table @asis
@item @emph{Synopsis:}
@code{cass_add_cfg <@var{path}> <@var{cfg name}> <@var{vecset type}> <@var{vec
type}> <@var{dim}>}
@item @emph{Description:}
Add a vecset configuration to the database.
@item @emph{Options:}
@table @gcctabopt
@item @var{path}
The database.
@item @var{cfg name}
Name of the configuration to add.
@item @var{vecset type}
The vecset type, can be the following values.
@table @code
@item 1
@item 2
@end table
@item @var{vec type}
The vector type, can be the following values.
@table @code
@item int
@item float
@item bit
@end table
@item @var{dim}
Dimension of feature vector.
@end table
@end table
@node cass_add_map
@section @command{cass_add_map}
@table @asis
@item @emph{Synopsis:}
@code{cass_add_map <@var{path}> <@var{map name}> <@var{param}>}
@item @emph{Description:}
Add a map to the database.
@item @emph{Options:}
@table @gcctabopt
@item @var{path}
The database.
@item @var{map name}
Name of the map to add.
@item @var{param}
Can be one of the following values.
@table @code
@item direct
The external ID are sequential integers start from 0 and do not require mapping.
@item indirect
The external ID are strings and require to be converted to sequential integers
for internal usage.
@end table
@end table
@end table
@node cass_add_table
@section @command{cass_add_table}
@table @asis
@item @emph{Synopsis:}
@code{cass_add_table <@var{path}> <@var{table name}> <@var{cfg}> <@var{map}>}
@item @emph{Description:}
Add a table to the database.
@item @emph{Options:}
@table @gcctabopt
@item @var{path}
The database.
@item @var{table name}
Name of the table.
@item @var{cfg}
Name of the configuration to use for the table.
@item @var{map}
Name of the map to use for the table.
@end table
@end table
@node cass_add_sketch
@section @command{cass_add_sketch}
@table @asis
@item @emph{Synopsis:}
@item @emph{Description:}
@item @emph{Options:}
@table @gcctabopt
@end table
@end table
@node cass_query
@section @command{cass_query}
@table @asis
@item @emph{Synopsis:}
@code{cass_query <@var{path}> <@var{table}> <@var{benchmark}> <@var{#query}>
<@var{K}> <@var{T1}> <@var{T2}> [@var{extra1}] [@var{extra2}]}
@item @emph{Description:}
The table parameter should be like "shape@@sketch2", which indicates the database
to use the sketch. If "shape" is used, then sketch will not be used and linear
scan will be carried out.
The query algorithm works in the following way:
1. @var{T1} candidates are found using the sketch algorithm. If @var{extra1} presents, it
is passed to the sketch query algorithm.
2. The candidates are further filtered using the sketch algorithm, with the best
@var{T2} candidates left. If @var{extra2} presents, it is passed to the sketch query
The benchmark files use true K-NN's found by linear scan as ground truth.
Examples are
../cass_run_query all shape@@sketch2 ~/data/query_shape 100 100 2000 1000 ""
This will first use the sketch to find 2000 candidate, and then use asymmetric
method to refine the candidate set to 1000 candidates.
For now, the benchmark file has 10000 queries, each with 200 nearest neighbors,
so you need to make sure that <# query> <= 10000 && <top k> <= 200.
@item @emph{Options:}
@table @gcctabopt
@end table
@end table
@node cass_import
@section @command{cass_import}
@table @asis
@item @emph{Synopsis:}
@code{cass_import <@var{path}> <@var{table}> <@var{input}>}
@item @emph{Description:}
Import external data to a table
@item @emph{Options:}
@table @gcctabopt
@item @var{path}
The database.
@item @var{table}
The table to import data to.
@item @var{input}
The path to the input file.
@end table
@end table
@node cass_export
@section @command{cass_export}
@table @asis
@item @emph{Synopsis:}
@code{cass_export <@var{path}> <@var{table}> <@var{ouput}>}
@item @emph{Description:}
Dump the data of a table to a text file.
@item @emph{Options:}
@table @gcctabopt
@item @var{path}
The database.
@item @var{table}
The table to export.
@item @var{output}
The output file name.
@end table
@end table