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% Copyright (C) 2007 Princeton University
% This file is part of Ferret Toolkit.
% Ferret Toolkit is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
% any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
% Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
\section{CASS Vecset}
We have three levels of feature related data structures in the system:
\item cass\_vec: This is a single fix-sized feature vector. It could
be a fix-sized array of floating point number, or a fix-sized L1
sketch, or other compact feature representations. Eg: a 64 dimension
color histogram is a cass\_vec.
\item cass\_vecset: This is individual cass\_vecset, which can be made up
with a set of cass\_vecs. Eg: An image (represented here as a
cass\_vecset) can contain a set of regions where each region is
represented by a cass\_vec.
\item cass\_table: This is a collection of cass\_vecsets. Eg:
A collection of images used in content based similarity search
corresponds to cass\_table.
To create correspondence of cass\_vecset with external world, we also
keep the mapping between cass\_vecset\_id and external data\_obj\_name
where data\_obj\_name is provided when the data are imported into the system.
Since we would like to allow import cass\_vecsets continuously, we would
allow the cass\_table to be present in memory when we grow the on-disk
cass\_table. We would also try not to require restarting the whole
process after import a batch of vecsets.
\subsection{CASS Vector Related Data Structure}
typedef struct _cass_vecset_cfg_t {
char *vecset_name; // vecset_config can be shared between
// different datasets with same feature(eg: color hist)
enum cass_vecset_type_t vecset_type; // TBD
enum cass_vec_type_t cass_vec_type; // float_array, bitvec, vec_quant, etc.
uint32_t cass_vec_size; // number of bytes
cass_vecset_flag_t flag; // one flag: data_obj_name can be used
// as vecset_id.
} cass_vecset_cfg_t; // one per vecset type
typedef cass_vecset_id_t uint32_t;
typedef struct _cass_table_t {
cass_env_t *env; // The containing cass_env.
char *table_name; // Name of the table, (when create/drop, use name)
cass_vecset_cfg_t *cfg;
cass_map_t *map;
uint32_t *num_index;
cass_idx_t *idxes; // the set of indexes for this collection.
bool vecsets_in_memory; // Whether vecsets are in memory.
cass_vecset_id_t num_vecsets;
cass_vecset_t *vecsets; // If in memory: array of vecset indexed by
vecset_id, (size: num_vecsets)
data_log_t *datalog; // on disk storage.
} cass_table_t;
typedef struct _cass_vecset_t {
uint32_t num_regions;
cass_vec_t *cass_vecs; // Array of cass_vec (size: num_regions)
} cass_vecset_t; // continuously allocated indexed by vecset_id.
typedef struct _cass_vec_t {
float_array | L1_sketch | multires_sketch | other;
float weight;
cass_vecset_id_t vecset_parent; // vecset containing this cass_vec.
} cass_vec_t;
typedef struct _cass_map_t {
char *dataset_name; // same dataset can have multiple features.
int num_tables; // # of associated cass_tables.
cass_table_t *tables; // tables that uses the map.
char **data_obj_name; // map: vecset_id => data_obj_name;
hash_table data_obj_name => vecset_id. // map: data_obj_name =>
// vecset_id (maybe not needed if user is required
// to provide vecset in the query.)
data_log_t *data_log; // note, if we separate map from the
// cass_table, it need its own storage.
} cass_map_t;
typdef struct _cass_qry_filterset_t {
uint32_t num_ids;
bool flag; // Whether data_obj_names or ids are used.
union {
char **data_obj_names;
cass_vecset_id_t *ids;
} cass_qry_filterset_t; // Used to provide interface for external DB.
typedef struct _cass_qry_param_t {
uint32_t topk;
float range;
char *extra_params; // note: we can use more efficient repre if needed.
cass_qry_filterset_t *filterset; // NULL means no filter.
} cass_qry_param_t;
typedef struct _cass_qry_result_t {
uint32_t flag; // eg: CASS_USERMEMORY
cass_vecset_id_t num_results;
cass_vec_t **vecs; // array of pointers to vecs
} cass_qry_result_t;
enum {
typedef struct _cass_datum_t {
uchar *data;
u32int size;
u32int ulen;
u32int flags;
} cass_datum_t;
\subsection {Functions}
Interfaces to handle the cass\_tables:
cass_table_t *cass_table_create(cass_env_t *env, // See management section
char *table_name,
cass_vecset_cfg_t *cfg,
cass_map_t *map,
data_log_t *datalog);
int cass_table_import_data(cass_table_t *table, char *fname);
int cass_table_insert(cass_table_t *table,
cass_vecset_t *vecset);
int cass_table_checkpoint(cass_table_t *table, cass_datum_t **chkpnt_data);
// Initiate the checkpoint, upon success,
// return the chkpnt_data to store in the
// cass_env for checkpointing and future recovery.
int cass_table_restore_checkpoint(cass_table_t *table, cass_datum_t *chkpnt_data);
int cass_table_set_in_mem(cass_table_t *table, bool in_mem);
int cass_table_release_mem(cass_table_t *table); // release in-mem data.
int cass_table_disk_to_mem(cass_table_t *table); // bring data to in-mem.
int cass_table_associate_index(cass_table_t *table,
cass_idx_t *idx);
int cass_table_disassociate_index(cass_table_t *table,
cass_idx_t *idx);
int cass_table_associate_table(cass_table_t *table,
cass_table_t *tbl2); // For auto sketching,etc.
int cass_table_disassociate_table(cass_table_t *table,
cass_table_t *tbl2);
int cass_table_destroy(cass_table_t *table);
// Destroy on-disk version as well.
// Note, if data is not in memory, this will trigger on-disk sequential scan.
// Need to add linear scan cursor interface.
int cass_table_query(cass_table_t *table, cass_vecset_t *qry_vecset,
cass_qry_param_t *param, cass_qry_result_t *qry);
int cass_table_batch_query(cass_table_t *table, uint32_t count,
cass_vecset_t **qry_vecset,
cass_qry_param_t **params,
cass_qry_result_t **qries);
cass_datum_t *cass_table_meta_marshal(cass_table_t *table, cass_datum_t *data);
cass_table_t *cass_table_meta_unmarshal(cass_marshal_t *data);
// marshal and unmarshal provide ways to
// save/restore the table/maps from/to env.
// Deal with cass_map_t.
cass_map_t *cass_map_create(cass_env_t *env, char *name,
data_log_t *datalog, bool flag);
// flag says whether the dataobj name can be treated as id,
// then translation need no memory overhead.
int cass_map_associate_table(cass_map_t *map, cass_table_t *table);
int cass_map_disassociate_table(cass_map_t *map, cass_table_t *table);
int cass_map_insert(cass_map_t *map, cass_vecset_id_t *id,
char *dataobj_name); // Will return the id assigned.
int cass_map_disk_to_mem(cass_map_t *map, data_log_t *datalog);
cass_datum_t *cass_map_meta_marshal(cass_map_t *map, cass_datum_t *data);
cass_map_t *cass_map_meta_unmarshal(cass_marshal_t *data);
int cass_map_checkpoint(cass_map_t *map, cass_datum_t **chkpnt_data);
int cass_map_restore_checkpoint(cass_map_t *map, cass_datum_t *chkpnt_data);