blob: 06c9c3bfb36e3e9f33f97df7927d67f7c3939fdf [file] [log] [blame]
// Written by Christian Bienia
// The code in this file implements a memory pool of Cell structures.
// It serves three purposes:
// 1.) To minimize calls to malloc and free as much as possible
// 2.) To reuse cell structures as much as possible
// 3.) To eliminate unnecessary synchronization for memory allocation
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "fluid.hpp"
#include "cellpool.hpp"
/* *** REMINDER ***
The following asserts were added to the serial program:
1. assert struct Cell aligned
2. assert struct Cell and struct Cell_aux same size
// Define ENABLE_MALLOC_FALLBACK to replace the more sophisticated cell poool
// implementation that uses its own memory management with a simple implementation
// that calls malloc & free directly every time a new cell is requested or
// released. This is only intended for debugging.
//Allocate and initialize a new data block for `cells' number of cells
//Data blocks will have the following format:
// | struct datablockhdr | struct Cell | struct Cell | ..... |
//The cells inside the block will be connected to a NULL-terminated linked list
//with the cell at the lowest memory location being the first of its elements.
static struct datablockhdr *cellpool_allocblock(int cells) {
struct datablockhdr *block = NULL;
struct Cell *temp1, *temp2;
int i;
//allocate a full block
assert(cells > 0);
#if defined(WIN32)
block = (struct datablockhdr *)_aligned_malloc(sizeof(struct datablockhdr) + cells * sizeof(struct Cell), CACHELINE_SIZE);
#elif defined(SPARC_SOLARIS)
block = (struct datablockhdr *)memalign(CACHELINE_SIZE, sizeof(struct datablockhdr) + cells * sizeof(struct Cell));
int rv = posix_memalign((void **)(&block), CACHELINE_SIZE, sizeof(struct datablockhdr) + cells * sizeof(struct Cell));
//initialize header and cells
block->next = NULL;
temp1 = (struct Cell *)(block+1);
for(i=0; i<cells; i++) {
//If all structures are correctly padded then all pointers should also be correctly aligned,
//but let's verify that nevertheless because the padding might change.
assert((uint64_t)(temp1) % sizeof(void *) == 0);
if(i != cells-1) {
temp2 = temp1 + 1;
temp1->next = temp2;
temp1 = temp2;
} else {
//last Cell structure in block
temp1->next = NULL;
return block;
//Initialize the memory pool
//particles is used to determine the initial capacity and should correspond to the
//number of particles that the pool is expected to manage
void cellpool_init(cellpool *pool, int particles) {
int ALLOC_MIN_CELLS = 1024;
assert(sizeof(struct datablockhdr) % CACHELINE_SIZE == 0);
assert(pool != NULL);
assert(particles > 0);
//Allocate the initial data, let's start with 4 times more cells than
//best case (ignoring statically allocated Cells structures)
pool->alloc = 4 * (particles/PARTICLES_PER_CELL); //PARTICLES_PER_CELL particles per cell structure
pool->alloc = pool->alloc < ALLOC_MIN_CELLS ? ALLOC_MIN_CELLS : pool->alloc;
pool->datablocks = cellpool_allocblock(pool->alloc);
pool->cells = (struct Cell *)(pool->datablocks + 1);
//Get a Cell structure from the memory pool
Cell *cellpool_getcell(cellpool *pool) {
struct Cell *temp;
assert(pool != NULL);
//If no more cells available then allocate more
if(pool->cells == NULL) {
//keep doubling the number of cells
struct datablockhdr *block = cellpool_allocblock(pool->alloc);
pool->alloc = 2 * pool->alloc;
block->next = pool->datablocks;
pool->datablocks = block;
pool->cells = (struct Cell *)(pool->datablocks + 1);
//return first cell in list
temp = pool->cells;
pool->cells = temp->next;
temp->next = NULL;
return temp;
//Return a Cell structure to the memory pool
void cellpool_returncell(cellpool *pool, Cell *cell) {
assert(pool != NULL);
assert(cell != NULL);
cell->next = pool->cells;
pool->cells = cell;
//Destroy the memory pool
void cellpool_destroy(cellpool *pool) {
assert(pool != NULL);
//iterate through data blocks and free them all, this will also free all cells
struct datablockhdr *ptr = pool->datablocks;
struct datablockhdr *temp;
while(ptr != NULL) {
temp = ptr;
ptr = ptr->next;
#if defined(WIN32)
//Do nothing because there is no cell pool
void cellpool_init(cellpool *pool, int particles) {
std::cout << "WARNING: Malloc fallback enabled for cell pool." << std::endl;
//Get a Cell structure
Cell *cellpool_getcell(cellpool *pool) {
Cell *cell;
cell = (struct Cell *)malloc(sizeof(struct Cell));
assert(cell != NULL);
return cell;
//Return a Cell structure
void cellpool_returncell(cellpool *pool, Cell *cell) {
//Do nothing because there is no cell pool
void cellpool_destroy(cellpool *pool) {
//Uncomment to turn this file into an independent program that runs a self-test
#include <stdio.h>
//constants to compute contents of array elements (based on type of array)
const float p_vec_const = 0.0;
const float hv_vec_const = 1.0;
const float v_vec_const = 2.0;
const float a_vec_const = 3.0;
const float density_vec_const = 0.1;
const Vec3 coord_const(-1.1, -2.2, -3.3);
//fill a cell with constant, predetermined data
void write_cell(struct Cell *cell) {
int i;
//write to every element of cell to break as much as possible if pointers are wrong
for(i=0; i<PARTICLES_PER_CELL; i++) {
void *addr;
//values depend only on memory location and constants
addr = (void *)&(cell->p[i]);
cell->p[i] = coord_const + p_vec_const + (uint64_t)addr;
addr = (void *)&(cell->hv[i]);
cell->hv[i] = coord_const + hv_vec_const + (uint64_t)addr;
addr = (void *)&(cell->v[i]);
cell->v[i] = coord_const + v_vec_const + (uint64_t)addr;
addr = (void *)&(cell->a[i]);
cell->a[i] = coord_const + a_vec_const + (uint64_t)addr;
addr = (void *)&(cell->density[i]);
cell->density[i] = density_vec_const + (uint64_t)addr;
//check whether a cell filled with write_cell has still the same data
//returns true if the data has not changed
bool check_cell(struct Cell *cell) {
Vec3 dummy;
bool rv = true;
int i;
//check every element of cell
for(i=0; i<PARTICLES_PER_CELL; i++) {
void *addr;
//values depend only on memory location and constants
addr = (void *)&(cell->p[i]);
dummy = coord_const + p_vec_const + (uint64_t)addr;
rv = rv && (dummy == cell->p[i]);
addr = (void *)&(cell->hv[i]);
dummy = coord_const + hv_vec_const + (uint64_t)addr;
rv = rv && (dummy == cell->hv[i]);
addr = (void *)&(cell->v[i]);
dummy = coord_const + v_vec_const + (uint64_t)addr;
rv = rv && (dummy == cell->v[i]);
addr = (void *)&(cell->a[i]);
dummy = coord_const + a_vec_const + (uint64_t)addr;
rv = rv && (dummy == cell->a[i]);
addr = (void *)&(cell->density[i]);
float fdummy = density_vec_const + (uint64_t)addr;
rv = rv && (fdummy == cell->density[i]);
return rv;
//A simple self-test program that stresses the cell pool a little
//The basic strategy is to allocate lots of cells and write pre-determined values to
//the cell arrays. Then we read the values to make sure they haven't been overwritten.
int main() {
int nCells = 2 * 1000 * 1000; //test with 2 million cells
const int size_array = 389; //number of statically allocated cells (a prime number)
struct Cell cells[size_array]; //array of dummy cells, serves as entry points for lists
cellpool *pool;
int i;
//init with low number of particles to cause lots of work
cellpool_init(&pool, 1);
//initialize statically allocated cells
for(i=0; i<size_array; i++) {
cells[i].next = NULL;
printf("Testing (1st pass): ");fflush(NULL);
//allocate all cells and initialize them with predetermined values
for(i=0; i<nCells; i++) {
struct Cell *ptr, *temp;
//get a new cell and append it to lists in round-robin way
temp = cellpool_getcell(pool);
ptr = &(cells[i % size_array]);
while(ptr->next != NULL) {
ptr = ptr->next;
ptr->next = temp;
//print a progress message every 1/10th of the work
if((i+1) % (nCells/10) == 0) {
printf("...%i%%", (i+1) / (nCells/100));fflush(NULL);
//now make a 2nd pass and check that all values are still correct
printf("Testing (2nd pass): ");fflush(NULL);
int count = 0;
for(i=0; i<size_array; i++) {
struct Cell *ptr;
ptr = &(cells[i]);
do {
if(!check_cell(ptr)) {
printf("ERROR: Cell contents altered!\n");
//print a progress message every 1/10th of the work
if((count+1) % (nCells/10) == 0) {
printf("...%i%%", (count+1) / (nCells/100));fflush(NULL);
ptr = ptr->next;
} while(ptr != NULL);
//cleanup & shutdown
return 0;