blob: 1870b9d8702ef7bf0fbc52cb42214ad50f23b2d8 [file] [log] [blame]
//Code written by Richard O. Lee, Gilberto Contreras and Christian Bienia
//Modified by Christian Fensch
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
#define NUM_TASKS (8)
#include "tbb/blocked_range.h"
#include "tbb/parallel_reduce.h"
#include "tbb/task_scheduler_init.h"
#include "tbb/spin_mutex.h"
#include "fluid.hpp"
#include "cellpool.hpp"
#include "fluidview.hpp"
#include <hooks.h>
//Uncomment to add code to check that Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy condition is satisfied at runtime
typedef tbb::spin_mutex tbbMutex;
cellpool *pools; //each thread has its private cell pool
fptype restParticlesPerMeter, h, hSq;
fptype densityCoeff, pressureCoeff, viscosityCoeff;
int nx, ny, nz; // number of grid cells in each dimension
Vec3 delta; // cell dimensions
int numParticles = 0;
int numCells = 0;
Cell *cells = 0;
Cell *cells2 = 0;
int *cnumPars = 0;
int *cnumPars2 = 0;
Cell **last_cells = NULL; //helper array with pointers to last cell structure of "cells" array lists
Vec3 vMax(0.0,0.0,0.0);
Vec3 vMin(0.0,0.0,0.0);
int XDIVS = 1; // number of partitions in X
int ZDIVS = 1; // number of partitions in Z
#define NUM_GRIDS ((XDIVS) * (ZDIVS))
#define MUTEXES_PER_CELL 128
#define CELL_MUTEX_ID 0
struct Grid
union {
struct {
int sx, sy, sz;
int ex, ey, ez;
unsigned char pp[CACHELINE_SIZE];
} *grids;
bool *border; // flags which cells lie on grid boundaries
tbbMutex **mutex; // used to lock cells in RebuildGrid and also particles in other functions
* hmgweight
* Computes the hamming weight of x
* x - input value
* lsb - if x!=0 position of smallest bit set, else -1
* return - the hamming weight
unsigned int hmgweight(unsigned int x, int *lsb) {
unsigned int weight=0;
unsigned int mask= 1;
unsigned int count=0;
while(x > 0) {
unsigned int temp;
if((x&mask) == 1) {
if(*lsb == -1) *lsb = count;
x >>= 1;
return weight;
void InitSim(char const *fileName, unsigned int threadnum)
//Compute partitioning based on square root of number of threads
//NOTE: Other partition sizes are possible as long as XDIVS * ZDIVS == threadnum,
// but communication is minimal (and hence optimal) if XDIVS == ZDIVS
int lsb;
if(hmgweight(threadnum,&lsb) != 1) {
std::cerr << "Number of threads must be a power of 2" << std::endl;
XDIVS = 1<<(lsb/2);
ZDIVS = 1<<(lsb/2);
if(XDIVS*ZDIVS != threadnum) XDIVS*=2;
assert(XDIVS * ZDIVS == threadnum);
grids = new struct Grid[NUM_GRIDS];
pools = new cellpool[NUM_GRIDS*NUM_TASKS];
//Load input particles
std::cout << "Loading file \"" << fileName << "\"..." << std::endl;
std::ifstream file(fileName, std::ios::binary);
if(!file) {
std::cerr << "Error opening file. Aborting." << std::endl;
//Always use single precision float variables b/c file format uses single precision
float restParticlesPerMeter_le;
int numParticles_le; *)&restParticlesPerMeter_le, FILE_SIZE_FLOAT); *)&numParticles_le, FILE_SIZE_INT);
if(!isLittleEndian()) {
restParticlesPerMeter = bswap_float(restParticlesPerMeter_le);
numParticles = bswap_int32(numParticles_le);
} else {
restParticlesPerMeter = restParticlesPerMeter_le;
numParticles = numParticles_le;
for(int i=0; i<NUM_GRIDS*NUM_TASKS; i++) cellpool_init(&pools[i], numParticles/(NUM_GRIDS*NUM_TASKS));
h = kernelRadiusMultiplier / restParticlesPerMeter;
hSq = h*h;
fptype coeff1 = 315.0 / (64.0*pi*powf(h,9.0));
fptype coeff2 = 15.0 / (pi*powf(h,6.0));
fptype coeff3 = 45.0 / (pi*powf(h,6.0));
fptype coeff1 = 315.0 / (64.0*pi*pow(h,9.0));
fptype coeff2 = 15.0 / (pi*pow(h,6.0));
fptype coeff3 = 45.0 / (pi*pow(h,6.0));
fptype particleMass = 0.5*doubleRestDensity / (restParticlesPerMeter*restParticlesPerMeter*restParticlesPerMeter);
densityCoeff = particleMass * coeff1;
pressureCoeff = 3.0*coeff2 * 0.50*stiffnessPressure * particleMass;
viscosityCoeff = viscosity * coeff3 * particleMass;
Vec3 range = domainMax - domainMin;
nx = (int)(range.x / h);
ny = (int)(range.y / h);
nz = (int)(range.z / h);
assert(nx >= 1 && ny >= 1 && nz >= 1);
numCells = nx*ny*nz;
std::cout << "Number of cells: " << numCells << std::endl;
delta.x = range.x / nx;
delta.y = range.y / ny;
delta.z = range.z / nz;
assert(delta.x >= h && delta.y >= h && delta.z >= h);
assert(nx >= XDIVS && nz >= ZDIVS);
int gi = 0;
int sx, sz, ex, ez;
ex = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < XDIVS; ++i)
sx = ex;
ex = (int)((fptype)(nx)/(fptype)(XDIVS) * (i+1) + 0.5);
assert(sx < ex);
ez = 0;
for(int j = 0; j < ZDIVS; ++j, ++gi)
sz = ez;
ez = (int)((fptype)(nz)/(fptype)(ZDIVS) * (j+1) + 0.5);
assert(sz < ez);
grids[gi].sx = sx;
grids[gi].ex = ex;
grids[gi].sy = 0;
grids[gi].ey = ny;
grids[gi].sz = sz;
grids[gi].ez = ez;
assert(gi == NUM_GRIDS);
border = new bool[numCells];
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_GRIDS; ++i)
for(int iz = grids[i].sz; iz < grids[i].ez; ++iz)
for(int iy = grids[i].sy; iy < grids[i].ey; ++iy)
for(int ix = grids[i].sx; ix < grids[i].ex; ++ix)
int index = (iz*ny + iy)*nx + ix;
border[index] = false;
for(int dk = -1; dk <= 1; ++dk)
for(int dj = -1; dj <= 1; ++dj)
for(int di = -1; di <= 1; ++di)
int ci = ix + di;
int cj = iy + dj;
int ck = iz + dk;
if(ci < 0) ci = 0; else if(ci > (nx-1)) ci = nx-1;
if(cj < 0) cj = 0; else if(cj > (ny-1)) cj = ny-1;
if(ck < 0) ck = 0; else if(ck > (nz-1)) ck = nz-1;
if( ci < grids[i].sx || ci >= grids[i].ex ||
cj < grids[i].sy || cj >= grids[i].ey ||
ck < grids[i].sz || ck >= grids[i].ez )
border[index] = true;
mutex = new tbbMutex *[numCells];
for(int i = 0; i < numCells; ++i)
int n = (border[i] ? MUTEXES_PER_CELL : CELL_MUTEX_ID+1);
mutex[i] = new tbbMutex[n];
//make sure Cell structure is multiple of estiamted cache line size
assert(sizeof(Cell) % CACHELINE_SIZE == 0);
//make sure helper Cell structure is in sync with real Cell structure
assert(offsetof(struct Cell_aux, padding) == offsetof(struct Cell, padding));
#if defined(WIN32)
cells = (struct Cell*)_aligned_malloc(sizeof(struct Cell) * numCells, CACHELINE_SIZE);
cells2 = (struct Cell*)_aligned_malloc(sizeof(struct Cell) * numCells, CACHELINE_SIZE);
cnumPars = (int*)_aligned_malloc(sizeof(int) * numCells, CACHELINE_SIZE);
cnumPars2 = (int*)_aligned_malloc(sizeof(int) * numCells, CACHELINE_SIZE);
last_cells = (struct Cell **)_aligned_malloc(sizeof(struct Cell *) * numCells, CACHELINE_SIZE);
assert((cells!=NULL) && (cells2!=NULL) && (cnumPars!=NULL) && (cnumPars2!=NULL) && (last_cells!=NULL));
#elif defined(SPARC_SOLARIS)
cells = (Cell*)memalign(CACHELINE_SIZE, sizeof(struct Cell) * numCells);
cells2 = (Cell*)memalign(CACHELINE_SIZE, sizeof(struct Cell) * numCells);
cnumPars = (int*)memalign(CACHELINE_SIZE, sizeof(int) * numCells);
cnumPars2 = (int*)memalign(CACHELINE_SIZE, sizeof(int) * numCells);
last_cells = (Cell**)memalign(CACHELINE_SIZE, sizeof(struct Cell *) * numCells);
assert((cells!=0) && (cells2!=0) && (cnumPars!=0) && (cnumPars2!=0) && (last_cells!=0));
int rv0 = posix_memalign((void **)(&cells), CACHELINE_SIZE, sizeof(struct Cell) * numCells);
int rv1 = posix_memalign((void **)(&cells2), CACHELINE_SIZE, sizeof(struct Cell) * numCells);
int rv2 = posix_memalign((void **)(&cnumPars), CACHELINE_SIZE, sizeof(int) * numCells);
int rv3 = posix_memalign((void **)(&cnumPars2), CACHELINE_SIZE, sizeof(int) * numCells);
int rv4 = posix_memalign((void **)(&last_cells), CACHELINE_SIZE, sizeof(struct Cell *) * numCells);
assert((rv0==0) && (rv1==0) && (rv2==0) && (rv3==0) && (rv4==0));
// because cells and cells2 are not allocated via new
// we construct them here
for(int i=0; i<numCells; ++i)
new (&cells[i]) Cell;
new (&cells2[i]) Cell;
memset(cnumPars, 0, numCells*sizeof(int));
//Always use single precision float variables b/c file format uses single precision float
int pool_id = 0;
float px, py, pz, hvx, hvy, hvz, vx, vy, vz;
for(int i = 0; i < numParticles; ++i)
if(!isLittleEndian()) {
px = bswap_float(px);
py = bswap_float(py);
pz = bswap_float(pz);
hvx = bswap_float(hvx);
hvy = bswap_float(hvy);
hvz = bswap_float(hvz);
vx = bswap_float(vx);
vy = bswap_float(vy);
vz = bswap_float(vz);
int ci = (int)((px - domainMin.x) / delta.x);
int cj = (int)((py - domainMin.y) / delta.y);
int ck = (int)((pz - domainMin.z) / delta.z);
if(ci < 0) ci = 0; else if(ci > (nx-1)) ci = nx-1;
if(cj < 0) cj = 0; else if(cj > (ny-1)) cj = ny-1;
if(ck < 0) ck = 0; else if(ck > (nz-1)) ck = nz-1;
int index = (ck*ny + cj)*nx + ci;
Cell *cell = &cells[index];
//go to last cell structure in list
int np = cnumPars[index];
while(np > PARTICLES_PER_CELL) {
cell = cell->next;
//add another cell structure if everything full
if( (np % PARTICLES_PER_CELL == 0) && (cnumPars[index] != 0) ) {
//Get cells from pools in round-robin fashion to balance load during parallel phase
cell->next = cellpool_getcell(&pools[pool_id]);
pool_id = (pool_id+1) % (NUM_GRIDS*NUM_TASKS);
cell = cell->next;
cell->p[np].x = px;
cell->p[np].y = py;
cell->p[np].z = pz;
cell->hv[np].x = hvx;
cell->hv[np].y = hvy;
cell->hv[np].z = hvz;
cell->v[np].x = vx;
cell->v[np].y = vy;
cell->v[np].z = vz;
vMin.x = std::min(vMin.x, cell->v[np].x);
vMax.x = std::max(vMax.x, cell->v[np].x);
vMin.y = std::min(vMin.y, cell->v[np].y);
vMax.y = std::max(vMax.y, cell->v[np].y);
vMin.z = std::min(vMin.z, cell->v[np].z);
vMax.z = std::max(vMax.z, cell->v[np].z);
std::cout << "Number of particles: " << numParticles << std::endl;
void SaveFile(char const *fileName)
std::cout << "Saving file \"" << fileName << "\"..." << std::endl;
std::ofstream file(fileName, std::ios::binary);
//Always use single precision float variables b/c file format uses single precision
if(!isLittleEndian()) {
float restParticlesPerMeter_le;
int numParticles_le;
restParticlesPerMeter_le = bswap_float((float)restParticlesPerMeter);
numParticles_le = bswap_int32(numParticles);
file.write((char *)&restParticlesPerMeter_le, FILE_SIZE_FLOAT);
file.write((char *)&numParticles_le, FILE_SIZE_INT);
} else {
file.write((char *)&restParticlesPerMeter, FILE_SIZE_FLOAT);
file.write((char *)&numParticles, FILE_SIZE_INT);
int count = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < numCells; ++i)
Cell *cell = &cells[i];
int np = cnumPars[i];
for(int j = 0; j < np; ++j)
//Always use single precision float variables b/c file format uses single precision
float px, py, pz, hvx, hvy, hvz, vx,vy, vz;
if(!isLittleEndian()) {
px = bswap_float((float)(cell->p[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].x));
py = bswap_float((float)(cell->p[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].y));
pz = bswap_float((float)(cell->p[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].z));
hvx = bswap_float((float)(cell->hv[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].x));
hvy = bswap_float((float)(cell->hv[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].y));
hvz = bswap_float((float)(cell->hv[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].z));
vx = bswap_float((float)(cell->v[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].x));
vy = bswap_float((float)(cell->v[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].y));
vz = bswap_float((float)(cell->v[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].z));
} else {
px = (float)(cell->p[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].x);
py = (float)(cell->p[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].y);
pz = (float)(cell->p[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].z);
hvx = (float)(cell->hv[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].x);
hvy = (float)(cell->hv[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].y);
hvz = (float)(cell->hv[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].z);
vx = (float)(cell->v[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].x);
vy = (float)(cell->v[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].y);
vz = (float)(cell->v[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].z);
file.write((char *)&px, FILE_SIZE_FLOAT);
file.write((char *)&py, FILE_SIZE_FLOAT);
file.write((char *)&pz, FILE_SIZE_FLOAT);
file.write((char *)&hvx, FILE_SIZE_FLOAT);
file.write((char *)&hvy, FILE_SIZE_FLOAT);
file.write((char *)&hvz, FILE_SIZE_FLOAT);
file.write((char *)&vx, FILE_SIZE_FLOAT);
file.write((char *)&vy, FILE_SIZE_FLOAT);
file.write((char *)&vz, FILE_SIZE_FLOAT);
//move pointer to next cell in list if end of array is reached
cell = cell->next;
assert(count == numParticles);
void CleanUpSim()
// first return extended cells to cell pools
for(int i=0; i< numCells; ++i)
Cell& cell = cells[i];
Cell *temp =; = temp->next;
cellpool_returncell(&pools[0], temp);
// now return cell pools
//NOTE: Cells from cell pools can migrate to different pools during the parallel phase.
// This is no problem as long as all cell pools are destroyed together. Each pool
// uses its internal meta information to free exactly the cells which it allocated
// itself. This guarantees that all allocated cells will be freed but it might
// render other cell pools unusable so they also have to be destroyed.
for(int i=0; i<NUM_GRIDS*NUM_TASKS; i++) cellpool_destroy(&pools[i]);
for(int i = 0; i < numCells; ++i)
int n = (border[i] ? MUTEXES_PER_CELL : CELL_MUTEX_ID+1);
delete[] mutex[i];
delete[] mutex;
delete[] border;
#if defined(WIN32)
delete[] grids;
template <class T>
class WorkerLauncher: public tbb::task {
bool is_continuation;
int i_;
WorkerLauncher(int i):i_(i),is_continuation(false){}
task *execute() {
tbb::task_list list;
int sz;
int ez;
if(!is_continuation) {
sz = grids[i_].sz;
ez = grids[i_].ez;
for(int t=1;t<NUM_TASKS;t++)
list.push_back( *new( tbb::task::allocate_child() ) T(t, i_, sz, ez) );
T &me = *new (tbb::task::allocate_child()) T(0,i_,sz,ez);
is_continuation = true;
return &me;
} else {
return NULL;
template<class T>
class GridLauncher: public tbb::task {
bool is_continuation;
int num_grids;
GridLauncher(int n_):num_grids(n_), is_continuation(false) {}
task *execute() {
tbb::task_list list;
if(!is_continuation) {
for(int i=1;i<num_grids;i++)
list.push_back( *new( tbb::task::allocate_child() ) WorkerLauncher<T>(i) );
WorkerLauncher<T> &me = *new (tbb::task::allocate_child()) WorkerLauncher<T>(0);
is_continuation = true;
return &me;
} else {
return NULL;
class ClearParticlesMTWorker: public tbb::task {
int tid;
int pid;
int start;
int end;
ClearParticlesMTWorker(int id, int tid_, int s, int e):
pid(id), tid(tid_), start(s), end(e) {}
task *execute() {
int block = (end - start)/NUM_TASKS;
int sz = start + block*pid;
int ez = sz + block;
ez = end;
for(int iz = sz; iz < ez; ++iz)
for(int iy = grids[tid].sy; iy < grids[tid].ey; ++iy)
for(int ix = grids[tid].sx; ix < grids[tid].ex; ++ix)
int index = (iz*ny + iy)*nx + ix;
cnumPars[index] = 0;
cells[index].next = NULL;
last_cells[index] = &cells[index];
return NULL;
class RebuildGridMTWorker: public tbb::task {
int tid;
int pid;
int start;
int end;
RebuildGridMTWorker(int id, int tid_, int s, int e):
pid(id), tid(tid_), start(s), end(e) {}
task *execute() {
int block = (end - start)/NUM_TASKS;
int sz = start + block*pid;
int ez = sz + block;
ez = end;
//iterate through source cell lists
for(int iz = sz; iz < ez; ++iz)
for(int iy = grids[tid].sy; iy < grids[tid].ey; ++iy)
for(int ix = grids[tid].sx; ix < grids[tid].ex; ++ix)
int index2 = (iz*ny + iy)*nx + ix;
Cell *cell2 = &cells2[index2];
int np2 = cnumPars2[index2];
//iterate through source particles
for(int j = 0; j < np2; ++j)
//get destination for source particle
int ci = (int)((cell2->p[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].x - domainMin.x) / delta.x);
int cj = (int)((cell2->p[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].y - domainMin.y) / delta.y);
int ck = (int)((cell2->p[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].z - domainMin.z) / delta.z);
if(ci < 0) ci = 0; else if(ci > (nx-1)) ci = nx-1;
if(cj < 0) cj = 0; else if(cj > (ny-1)) cj = ny-1;
if(ck < 0) ck = 0; else if(ck > (nz-1)) ck = nz-1;
//check that source cell is a neighbor of destination cell
bool cfl_cond_satisfied=false;
for(int di = -1; di <= 1; ++di)
for(int dj = -1; dj <= 1; ++dj)
for(int dk = -1; dk <= 1; ++dk)
int ii = ci + di;
int jj = cj + dj;
int kk = ck + dk;
if(ii >= 0 && ii < nx && jj >= 0 && jj < ny && kk >= 0 && kk < nz)
int index = (kk*ny + jj)*nx + ii;
if(index == index2)
std::cerr << "FATAL ERROR: Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy condition not satisfied." << std::endl;
Cell *cell;
int np;
int index = (ck*ny + cj)*nx + ci;
{ //NOTE: Braces are important for scoped lock
// this assumes that particles cannot travel more than one grid cell per time step
tbbMutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex[index][CELL_MUTEX_ID]);
cell = last_cells[index];
np = cnumPars[index];
//add another cell structure if everything full
if( (np % PARTICLES_PER_CELL == 0) && (cnumPars[index] != 0) ) {
cell->next = cellpool_getcell(&pools[tid*NUM_TASKS+pid]);
cell = cell->next;
last_cells[index] = cell;
} //NOTE: Scoped lock is automatically released right after brace
//copy source to destination particle
cell->p[np % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].x = cell2->p[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].x;
cell->p[np % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].y = cell2->p[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].y;
cell->p[np % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].z = cell2->p[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].z;
cell->hv[np % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].x = cell2->hv[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].x;
cell->hv[np % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].y = cell2->hv[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].y;
cell->hv[np % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].z = cell2->hv[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].z;
cell->v[np % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].x = cell2->v[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].x;
cell->v[np % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].y = cell2->v[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].y;
cell->v[np % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].z = cell2->v[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].z;
//move pointer to next source cell in list if end of array is reached
Cell *temp = cell2;
cell2 = cell2->next;
//return cells to pool that are not statically allocated head of lists
if(temp != &cells2[index2]) {
//NOTE: This is thread-safe because temp and pool are thread-private, no need to synchronize
cellpool_returncell(&pools[tid*NUM_TASKS+pid], temp);
} // for(int j = 0; j < np2; ++j)
//return cells to pool that are not statically allocated head of lists
if((cell2 != NULL) && (cell2 != &cells2[index2]))
cellpool_returncell(&pools[tid], cell2);
} // for(int ix = grids[tid].sx; ix < grids[tid].ex; ++ix)
} // for(int iy = grids[tid].sy; iy < grids[tid].ey; ++iy)
} // for(int iz = sz; iz < ez; ++iz)
return NULL;
int InitNeighCellList(int ci, int cj, int ck, int *neighCells)
int numNeighCells = 0;
// have the nearest particles first -> help branch prediction
int my_index = (ck*ny + cj)*nx + ci;
neighCells[numNeighCells] = my_index;
for(int di = -1; di <= 1; ++di)
for(int dj = -1; dj <= 1; ++dj)
for(int dk = -1; dk <= 1; ++dk)
int ii = ci + di;
int jj = cj + dj;
int kk = ck + dk;
if(ii >= 0 && ii < nx && jj >= 0 && jj < ny && kk >= 0 && kk < nz)
int index = (kk*ny + jj)*nx + ii;
if((index < my_index) && (cnumPars[index] != 0))
neighCells[numNeighCells] = index;
return numNeighCells;
class InitDensitiesAndForcesMTWorker: public tbb::task {
int tid;
int pid;
int start;
int end;
InitDensitiesAndForcesMTWorker(int id, int tid_, int s, int e):
pid(id), tid(tid_), start(s), end(e){}
task *execute() {
int block = (end - start)/NUM_TASKS;
int sz = start + block*pid;
int ez = sz + block;
ez = end;
for(int iz = sz; iz < ez; ++iz)
for(int iy = grids[tid].sy; iy < grids[tid].ey; ++iy)
for(int ix = grids[tid].sx; ix < grids[tid].ex; ++ix)
int index = (iz*ny + iy)*nx + ix;
Cell *cell = &cells[index];
int np = cnumPars[index];
for(int j = 0; j < np; ++j)
cell->density[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL] = 0.0;
cell->a[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL] = externalAcceleration;
//move pointer to next cell in list if end of array is reached
cell = cell->next;
return NULL;
class ComputeDensitiesMTWorker: public tbb::task {
int tid;
int pid;
int start;
int end;
ComputeDensitiesMTWorker(int id, int tid_, int s, int e):
pid(id), tid(tid_), start(s), end(e) {}
task *execute() {
int neighCells[3*3*3];
int block = (end - start)/NUM_TASKS;
int sz = start + block*pid;
int ez = sz + block;
ez = end;
for(int iz = sz; iz < ez; ++iz)
for(int iy = grids[tid].sy; iy < grids[tid].ey; ++iy)
for(int ix = grids[tid].sx; ix < grids[tid].ex; ++ix)
int index = (iz*ny + iy)*nx + ix;
int np = cnumPars[index];
if(np == 0)
int numNeighCells = InitNeighCellList(ix, iy, iz, neighCells);
Cell *cell = &cells[index];
for(int ipar = 0; ipar < np; ++ipar)
for(int inc = 0; inc < numNeighCells; ++inc)
int indexNeigh = neighCells[inc];
Cell *neigh = &cells[indexNeigh];
int numNeighPars = cnumPars[indexNeigh];
for(int iparNeigh = 0; iparNeigh < numNeighPars; ++iparNeigh)
//Check address to make sure densities are computed only once per pair
if(&neigh->p[iparNeigh % PARTICLES_PER_CELL] < &cell->p[ipar % PARTICLES_PER_CELL])
fptype distSq = (cell->p[ipar % PARTICLES_PER_CELL] - neigh->p[iparNeigh % PARTICLES_PER_CELL]).GetLengthSq();
if(distSq < hSq)
fptype t = hSq - distSq;
fptype tc = t*t*t;
tbbMutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex[index][ipar % MUTEXES_PER_CELL]);
cell->density[ipar % PARTICLES_PER_CELL] += tc;
cell->density[ipar % PARTICLES_PER_CELL] += tc;
tbbMutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex[indexNeigh][iparNeigh % MUTEXES_PER_CELL]);
neigh->density[iparNeigh % PARTICLES_PER_CELL] += tc;
neigh->density[iparNeigh % PARTICLES_PER_CELL] += tc;
//move pointer to next cell in list if end of array is reached
neigh = neigh->next;
//move pointer to next cell in list if end of array is reached
cell = cell->next;
return NULL;
class ComputeDensities2MTWorker: public tbb::task {
int tid;
int pid;
int start;
int end;
ComputeDensities2MTWorker(int id, int tid_, int s, int e):
pid(id), tid(tid_), start(s), end(e) {}
task *execute() {
const fptype tc = hSq*hSq*hSq;
int block = (end - start)/NUM_TASKS;
int sz = start + block*pid;
int ez = sz + block;
ez = end;
for(int iz = sz; iz < ez; ++iz)
for(int iy = grids[tid].sy; iy < grids[tid].ey; ++iy)
for(int ix = grids[tid].sx; ix < grids[tid].ex; ++ix)
int index = (iz*ny + iy)*nx + ix;
Cell *cell = &cells[index];
int np = cnumPars[index];
for(int j = 0; j < np; ++j)
cell->density[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL] += tc;
cell->density[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL] *= densityCoeff;
//move pointer to next cell in list if end of array is reached
cell = cell->next;
return NULL;
class ComputeForcesMTWorker: public tbb::task {
int tid;
int pid;
int start;
int end;
ComputeForcesMTWorker(int id, int tid_, int s, int e):
pid(id), tid(tid_), start(s), end(e){}
task *execute() {
int neighCells[3*3*3];
int block = (end - start)/NUM_TASKS;
int sz = start + block*pid;
int ez = sz + block;
ez = end;
for(int iz = sz; iz < ez; ++iz)
for(int iy = grids[tid].sy; iy < grids[tid].ey; ++iy)
for(int ix = grids[tid].sx; ix < grids[tid].ex; ++ix)
int index = (iz*ny + iy)*nx + ix;
int np = cnumPars[index];
if(np == 0)
int numNeighCells = InitNeighCellList(ix, iy, iz, neighCells);
Cell *cell = &cells[index];
for(int ipar = 0; ipar < np; ++ipar)
for(int inc = 0; inc < numNeighCells; ++inc)
int indexNeigh = neighCells[inc];
Cell *neigh = &cells[indexNeigh];
int numNeighPars = cnumPars[indexNeigh];
for(int iparNeigh = 0; iparNeigh < numNeighPars; ++iparNeigh)
//Check address to make sure forces are computed only once per pair
if(&neigh->p[iparNeigh % PARTICLES_PER_CELL] < &cell->p[ipar % PARTICLES_PER_CELL])
Vec3 disp = cell->p[ipar % PARTICLES_PER_CELL] - neigh->p[iparNeigh % PARTICLES_PER_CELL];
fptype distSq = disp.GetLengthSq();
if(distSq < hSq)
fptype dist = sqrtf(std::max(distSq, (fptype)1e-12));
fptype dist = sqrt(std::max(distSq, 1e-12));
fptype hmr = h - dist;
Vec3 acc = disp * pressureCoeff * (hmr*hmr/dist) * (cell->density[ipar % PARTICLES_PER_CELL]+neigh->density[iparNeigh % PARTICLES_PER_CELL] - doubleRestDensity);
acc += (neigh->v[iparNeigh % PARTICLES_PER_CELL] - cell->v[ipar % PARTICLES_PER_CELL]) * viscosityCoeff * hmr;
acc /= cell->density[ipar % PARTICLES_PER_CELL] * neigh->density[iparNeigh % PARTICLES_PER_CELL];
tbbMutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex[index][ipar % MUTEXES_PER_CELL]);
cell->a[ipar % PARTICLES_PER_CELL] += acc;
cell->a[ipar % PARTICLES_PER_CELL] += acc;
tbbMutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex[indexNeigh][iparNeigh % MUTEXES_PER_CELL]);
neigh->a[iparNeigh % PARTICLES_PER_CELL] -= acc;
neigh->a[iparNeigh % PARTICLES_PER_CELL] -= acc;
//move pointer to next cell in list if end of array is reached
neigh = neigh->next;
//move pointer to next cell in list if end of array is reached
cell = cell->next;
return NULL;
class ProcessCollisionsMTWorker: public tbb::task {
int tid;
int pid;
int start;
int end;
ProcessCollisionsMTWorker(int id, int tid_, int s, int e):
pid(id), tid(tid_), start(s), end(e){}
task *execute() {
int block = (end - start)/NUM_TASKS;
int sz = start + block*pid;
int ez = sz + block;
ez = end;
// ProcessCollisions() with container walls
// Under the assumptions that
// a) a particle will not penetrate a wall
// b) a particle will not migrate further than once cell
// c) the parSize is smaller than a cell
// then only the particles at the perimiters may be influenced by the walls
#if 0
for(int iz = sz; iz < ez; ++iz)
for(int iy = grids[tid].sy; iy < grids[tid].ey; ++iy)
for(int ix = grids[tid].sx; ix < grids[tid].ex; ++ix)
int index = (iz*ny + iy)*nx + ix;
Cell *cell = &cells[index];
int np = cnumPars[index];
for(int j = 0; j < np; ++j)
Vec3 pos = cell->p[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL] + cell->hv[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL] * timeStep;
fptype diff = parSize - (pos.x - domainMin.x);
if(diff > epsilon)
cell->a[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].x += stiffnessCollisions*diff - damping*cell->v[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].x;
diff = parSize - (domainMax.x - pos.x);
if(diff > epsilon)
cell->a[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].x -= stiffnessCollisions*diff + damping*cell->v[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].x;
diff = parSize - (pos.y - domainMin.y);
if(diff > epsilon)
cell->a[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].y += stiffnessCollisions*diff - damping*cell->v[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].y;
diff = parSize - (domainMax.y - pos.y);
if(diff > epsilon)
cell->a[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].y -= stiffnessCollisions*diff + damping*cell->v[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].y;
diff = parSize - (pos.z - domainMin.z);
if(diff > epsilon)
cell->a[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].z += stiffnessCollisions*diff - damping*cell->v[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].z;
diff = parSize - (domainMax.z - pos.z);
if(diff > epsilon)
cell->a[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].z -= stiffnessCollisions*diff + damping*cell->v[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL].z;
//move pointer to next cell in list if end of array is reached
cell = cell->next;
for(int iz = grids[tid].sz; iz < grids[tid].ez; ++iz)
for(int iy = grids[tid].sy; iy < grids[tid].ey; ++iy)
for(int ix = grids[tid].sx; ix < grids[tid].ex; ++ix)
continue; // not on domain wall
int index = (iz*ny + iy)*nx + ix;
Cell *cell = &cells[index];
int np = cnumPars[index];
for(int j = 0; j < np; ++j)
int ji = j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL;
Vec3 pos = cell->p[ji] + cell->hv[ji] * timeStep;
fptype diff = parSize - (pos.x - domainMin.x);
if(diff > epsilon)
cell->a[ji].x += stiffnessCollisions*diff - damping*cell->v[ji].x;
fptype diff = parSize - (domainMax.x - pos.x);
if(diff > epsilon)
cell->a[ji].x -= stiffnessCollisions*diff + damping*cell->v[ji].x;
fptype diff = parSize - (pos.y - domainMin.y);
if(diff > epsilon)
cell->a[ji].y += stiffnessCollisions*diff - damping*cell->v[ji].y;
fptype diff = parSize - (domainMax.y - pos.y);
if(diff > epsilon)
cell->a[ji].y -= stiffnessCollisions*diff + damping*cell->v[ji].y;
fptype diff = parSize - (pos.z - domainMin.z);
if(diff > epsilon)
cell->a[ji].z += stiffnessCollisions*diff - damping*cell->v[ji].z;
fptype diff = parSize - (domainMax.z - pos.z);
if(diff > epsilon)
cell->a[ji].z -= stiffnessCollisions*diff + damping*cell->v[ji].z;
//move pointer to next cell in list if end of array is reached
if(ji == PARTICLES_PER_CELL-1) {
cell = cell->next;
return NULL;
#define USE_ImpeneratableWall
#if defined(USE_ImpeneratableWall)
class ProcessCollisions2MTWorker: public tbb::task {
int tid;
int pid;
int start;
int end;
ProcessCollisions2MTWorker(int id, int tid_, int s, int e):
pid(id), tid(tid_), start(s), end(e){}
task *execute() {
int block = (end - start)/NUM_TASKS;
int sz = start + block*pid;
int ez = sz + block;
ez = end;
for(int iz = grids[tid].sz; iz < grids[tid].ez; ++iz)
for(int iy = grids[tid].sy; iy < grids[tid].ey; ++iy)
for(int ix = grids[tid].sx; ix < grids[tid].ex; ++ix)
#if 0
// Chris, the following test should be valid
// *** provided that a particle does not migrate more than 1 cell
// *** per integration step. This does not appear to be the case
// *** in the pthreads version. Serial version it seems to be OK
continue; // not on domain wall
int index = (iz*ny + iy)*nx + ix;
Cell *cell = &cells[index];
int np = cnumPars[index];
for(int j = 0; j < np; ++j)
int ji = j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL;
Vec3 pos = cell->p[ji];
fptype diff = pos.x - domainMin.x;
if(diff < Zero)
cell->p[ji].x = domainMin.x - diff;
cell->v[ji].x = -cell->v[ji].x;
cell->hv[ji].x = -cell->hv[ji].x;
fptype diff = domainMax.x - pos.x;
if(diff < Zero)
cell->p[ji].x = domainMax.x + diff;
cell->v[ji].x = -cell->v[ji].x;
cell->hv[ji].x = -cell->hv[ji].x;
fptype diff = pos.y - domainMin.y;
if(diff < Zero)
cell->p[ji].y = domainMin.y - diff;
cell->v[ji].y = -cell->v[ji].y;
cell->hv[ji].y = -cell->hv[ji].y;
fptype diff = domainMax.y - pos.y;
if(diff < Zero)
cell->p[ji].y = domainMax.y + diff;
cell->v[ji].y = -cell->v[ji].y;
cell->hv[ji].y = -cell->hv[ji].y;
fptype diff = pos.z - domainMin.z;
if(diff < Zero)
cell->p[ji].z = domainMin.z - diff;
cell->v[ji].z = -cell->v[ji].z;
cell->hv[ji].z = -cell->hv[ji].z;
fptype diff = domainMax.z - pos.z;
if(diff < Zero)
cell->p[ji].z = domainMax.z + diff;
cell->v[ji].z = -cell->v[ji].z;
cell->hv[ji].z = -cell->hv[ji].z;
//move pointer to next cell in list if end of array is reached
if(ji == PARTICLES_PER_CELL-1) {
cell = cell->next;
return NULL;
class AdvanceParticlesMTWorker: public tbb::task {
int tid;
int pid;
int start;
int end;
AdvanceParticlesMTWorker(int id, int tid_, int s, int e):
pid(id), tid(tid_), start(s), end(e) {}
task *execute() {
int block = (end - start)/NUM_TASKS;
int sz = start + block*pid;
int ez = sz + block;
ez = end;
for(int iz = sz; iz < ez; ++iz)
for(int iy = grids[tid].sy; iy < grids[tid].ey; ++iy)
for(int ix = grids[tid].sx; ix < grids[tid].ex; ++ix)
int index = (iz*ny + iy)*nx + ix;
Cell *cell = &cells[index];
int np = cnumPars[index];
for(int j = 0; j < np; ++j)
Vec3 v_half = cell->hv[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL] + cell->a[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL]*timeStep;
#if defined(USE_ImpeneratableWall)
// N.B. The integration of the position can place the particle
// outside the domain. Although we could place a test in this loop
// we would be unnecessarily testing particles on interior cells.
// Therefore, to reduce the amount of computations we make a later
// pass on the perimiter cells to account for particle migration
// beyond domain
cell->p[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL] += v_half * timeStep;
cell->v[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL] = cell->hv[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL] + v_half;
cell->v[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL] *= 0.5;
cell->hv[j % PARTICLES_PER_CELL] = v_half;
//move pointer to next cell in list if end of array is reached
cell = cell->next;
return NULL;
void AdvanceFrame()
void *status;
//swap src and dest arrays with particles
std::swap(cells, cells2);
std::swap(cnumPars, cnumPars2);
GridLauncher<ClearParticlesMTWorker> &cp = *new (tbb::task::allocate_root()) GridLauncher<ClearParticlesMTWorker>(NUM_GRIDS);
GridLauncher<RebuildGridMTWorker> &rg = *new (tbb::task::allocate_root()) GridLauncher<RebuildGridMTWorker>(NUM_GRIDS);
GridLauncher<InitDensitiesAndForcesMTWorker> &id = *new (tbb::task::allocate_root()) GridLauncher<InitDensitiesAndForcesMTWorker>(NUM_GRIDS);
GridLauncher<ComputeDensitiesMTWorker> &cd = *new (tbb::task::allocate_root()) GridLauncher<ComputeDensitiesMTWorker>(NUM_GRIDS);
GridLauncher<ComputeDensities2MTWorker> &cd2 = *new (tbb::task::allocate_root()) GridLauncher<ComputeDensities2MTWorker>(NUM_GRIDS);
GridLauncher<ComputeForcesMTWorker> &cf = *new (tbb::task::allocate_root()) GridLauncher<ComputeForcesMTWorker>(NUM_GRIDS);
GridLauncher<ProcessCollisionsMTWorker> &pc = *new (tbb::task::allocate_root()) GridLauncher<ProcessCollisionsMTWorker>(NUM_GRIDS);
GridLauncher<AdvanceParticlesMTWorker> &ap = *new (tbb::task::allocate_root()) GridLauncher<AdvanceParticlesMTWorker>(NUM_GRIDS);
#if defined(USE_ImpeneratableWall)
// N.B. The integration of the position can place the particle
// outside the domain. We now make a pass on the perimiter cells
// to account for particle migration beyond domain.
GridLauncher<ProcessCollisions2MTWorker> &pc2 = *new (tbb::task::allocate_root()) GridLauncher<ProcessCollisions2MTWorker>(NUM_GRIDS);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#define __PARSEC_STRING(x) #x
std::cout << "PARSEC Benchmark Suite Version "__PARSEC_XSTRING(PARSEC_VERSION) << std::endl << std::flush;
std::cout << "PARSEC Benchmark Suite" << std::endl << std::flush;
if(argc < 4 || argc >= 6)
std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <threadnum> <framenum> <.fluid input file> [.fluid output file]" << std::endl;
return -1;
int threadnum = atoi(argv[1]);
int framenum = atoi(argv[2]);
//Check arguments
if(threadnum < 1) {
std::cerr << "<threadnum> must at least be 1" << std::endl;
return -1;
if(framenum < 1) {
std::cerr << "<framenum> must at least be 1" << std::endl;
return -1;
std::cout << "WARNING: Check for Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy condition enabled. Do not use for performance measurements." << std::endl;
InitSim(argv[3], threadnum);
tbb::task_scheduler_init init(threadnum);
InitVisualizationMode(&argc, argv, &AdvanceFrame, &numCells, &cells, &cnumPars);
for(int i = 0; i < framenum; ++i)
if(argc > 4)
return 0;