blob: 5c87ffe3e6fd342023719081b42899d48f581bb2 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "RTTL/common/RTInclude.hxx"
#include "RTTL/common/RTVec.hxx"
namespace LRT {
struct Options
static CmdLineParser root;
/*! command line options that cannot be parsed by \see parseThis
are then passed on to all child parsers. only if neither of
those could parse them are they returned to the parent
parser. That way, we can have a certain option be used by multiple
different objects.
e.g., you can have
<program> -accelstructure BVH -stats bvhfile.stat -framebuffer -stats fbstats.stat
vector<CmdLineParser *> child;
/*! start parsing (argc,argv[]) from given argument
'first'. return ID of first argument this parser could _not_
parse, or argc if all optoins could be parsed */
int parse(int argc, char *argv[], int first = 1) = 0;