blob: ec13fa7012b7fb77c5dce64fd1208bafbb6c83f8 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "BinnedAllDims.hxx"
namespace RTTL {
#define DBG(a) /* do nothing */
void BinnedAllDims::recursiveBuild(const AABB *const triAABB,
const sse_f *const triCentroid,
AABB *const bvh,
int *const item,
int nodeID,
int &nextFree,
int begin,
int end,
AABB &voxel)
DBG(cout << "nodeID : " << nodeID << " " << begin << "-" << end << endl);
static const int numBins = 4;
_ALIGN(16) AABB centroid_bounds;
AABB rightBox[numBins+1];
AABB leftBox[numBins+1];
AABB binBounds[numBins];
AABB box;
// PING; cout << begin << " " << end << endl;
// const int numBins = 16; //8 + 2*(int)sqrtf((end-begin));
// #if defined(_WIN32)
// windows compiler can't handle dynamic stack arrays
if (end - begin <= MIN_ITEMS)
// cout << "Leaf" << endl;
DBG(cout << "LEAF! " << begin << " " << (end-begin) << endl);
bvh[nodeID] = voxel;
// cout << "new bounds " << endl;
// PING;
// cout << "addr " << (int*)&centroid_bounds << endl;
// PING;
#pragma unroll(8)
for (int i=begin; i<end;i++)
// cout << " i " << i << endl;
// cout << " item " << item[i] << endl;
// cout << " ctr " << triCentroid[item[i]] << endl;
// cout << "centroid "<< i << " " << triCentroid[item[i]] << endl;
// cout << "boudns " << centroid_bounds << endl;
DBG(cout << "tribounds " << voxel << " / centbounds " << centroid_bounds << endl);
// if (centroid_bounds.min3f() == centroid_bounds.max3f())
// goto createLeaf;
// OK, centroid_bounds is input centroid_bounds of current node
int dim = centroid_bounds.maxIndex();
// cout << "DIM " << dim << endl;
FATAL("This is where it fails -- maxIndex on a (N=1,T=m128) type box is always 0");
int bestSplit = -1;
float scale = 0.0f;
DBG(cout << "--------------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "maxindex of " << centroid_bounds << " is " << dim << endl);
const sse_f c_min = centroid_bounds.min_f();
for (int j=0;j<3;j++,dim = (dim+1)%3)
for (int j=0;j<1;j++) // yes, a single loop, I know -- at least we can keep the continue's below.
DBG(cout << "checking dim " << dim << " (best split so far " << bestSplit << ")" << endl);
// PING;
//const float voxWidth = centroid_bounds.max3f()[dim] - centroid_bounds.min3f()[dim];
//const RTVec3f diameter = centroid_bounds[1] - centroid_bounds[0];
const sse_f diameter = centroid_bounds.diameter();
const float voxWidth = M128_FLOAT(diameter,dim);
// PING;
if (voxWidth < 1E-3f) continue;
#pragma unroll(8)
// PING;
for (int i=0;i<numBins;i++)
// PING;
int binCount[numBins];
#pragma unroll(8)
for (int i=0;i<numBins;i++)
binCount[i] = 0;
// PING;
scale = (numBins/voxWidth) * 0.999f;
const int skip = 1;
#pragma unroll(8)
for (int i=begin;i<end;i+=skip)
// cout << "process " << i << endl;
const int t = item[i];
// cout << " t " << t << endl;
// cout << (int *)&triCentroid[0] << endl;
// cout << (int *)&centroid_bounds << endl;
// cout << (int *)&triAABB[0] << endl;
// {
// float cent_t_dim = M128_FLOAT(triCentroid[t],dim);
// cout << cent_t_dim << endl;
// float min_bounds_dim = centroid_bounds.min3f()[dim];
// cout << min_bounds_dim << endl;
// float f = (cent_t_dim - min_bounds_dim) * scale;
// cout << f << endl;
// cout << "rounding ... " << endl;
// int b = int(f);
// // FATAL("gcc dies before this 'cout << bin' line; i.e. _in_ the typecast...");
// cout << (float)b << endl;
// }
//const int bin = int((M128_FLOAT(triCentroid[t],dim) - centroid_bounds.min3f()[dim]) * scale);
const int bin = int((M128_FLOAT(triCentroid[t],dim) - M128_FLOAT(c_min,dim)) * scale);
// cout << " bin " << bin << endl;
assert(bin >= 0 && bin < numBins);
// PING;
// now, have extent of all bins; sweep forward and backward
float rightArea[numBins];
int rightCount[numBins];
int count = 0;
for (int i=numBins-1;i>=0;--i)
count += binCount[i];
rightBox[i] = box;
rightArea[i] = box.area();
rightCount[i] = count;
// now, sweep from the left
count = 0;
float bestCost = (end - begin) * voxel.area();
// float bestCost = (end - begin) * voxel.area() * INTERSECTION_COST;
for (int i=1;i<numBins;i++)
count += binCount[i-1];
leftBox[i] = box;
int lnum = count;
int rnum = rightCount[i];
DBG(cout << "- bin " << i << endl);
// DBG(cout << "- bin " << i << " " << lnum << "*" << leftBox[i] << "/" << box.area() << " + " << rnum << "*" << rightBox[i] << "/" << rightArea[i] << endl);
DBG(cout << " l : " << (lnum * box.area()) << " " << lnum << "*" << leftBox[i] << endl);
DBG(cout << " r : " << (rnum * rightArea[i]) << " " << rnum << "*" << rightBox[i] << endl);
DBG(cout << " vox : " << (voxel.area()) << endl);
if (lnum == 0 || rnum == 0)
float lsa = box.area();
float rsa = rightArea[i];
//float cost = lsa * lnum + rsa * rnum;
float cost = (lsa * lnum + rsa * rnum + 1 * voxel.area()); // the '1' is the traversal cost...
// float cost = (lsa * lnum + rsa * rnum) * INTERSECTION_COST + voxel.area() * TRAVERSAL_COST;
DBG(cout << " = " << cost << endl);
if (cost < bestCost)
bestCost = cost;
bestSplit = i;
DBG(cout << "new best split " << i << " / " << cost << endl);
if (bestSplit != -1) break;
// PING;
// cout << "best split is " << bestSplit << endl;
if (bestSplit == -1) {
goto createLeaf;
int *l = item + begin;
int *r = item + end-1;
int mid;
while (1)
//while (l < r && int((M128_FLOAT(triCentroid[*l],dim) - centroid_bounds.min3f()[dim]) * scale) < bestSplit)
while (l < r && int((M128_FLOAT(triCentroid[*l],dim) - M128_FLOAT(c_min,dim)) * scale) < bestSplit)
//while (l < r && int((M128_FLOAT(triCentroid[*l],dim) - centroid_bounds.min3f()[dim]) * scale) < bestSplit)
while (l < r && int((M128_FLOAT(triCentroid[*l],dim) - M128_FLOAT(c_min,dim)) * scale) < bestSplit)
if (l == r)
mid = r - (item);// + 1;
const int h = *l; *l = *r; *r = h;
bvh[nodeID] = voxel;
DBG(cout << " split into " << (mid-begin) << " + " << (end-mid) << " items" << endl);
nextFree += 2;
void BinnedAllDims::my_build(const AABB *const aabb,
int *const item,
AABB *const bvh,
const int numAABBs)
sse_f *centroid = (sse_f*)malloc_align(sizeof(sse_f)*numAABBs);
AABB triBounds;
for (int i=0;i<numAABBs;i++)
item[i] = i;
centroid[i] = aabb[i].center();
int nextFreeNode = 1;