blob: 11f6ab3a935636034c89002711afac6a18a06823 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <cstring>
#include "RTTL/BVH/BVH.hxx"
/*! \file Builder.cxx Actually, this file will eventually contain a
registry mechanism for mapping from a builder type (currently
specified via a string) to a respective builder plugin. for
starters, let's just hard-code every builder we have */
// so first, we have to include all the builders we know
#include "Sweep.hxx"
#include "BinnedAllDims.hxx"
#include "BinnedAllDimsSaveSpace.hxx"
#include "OnDemandBuilder.hxx"
namespace RTTL
const char *BVHBuilder::Options::defaultBuilder = "binnedalldimssavespace";
// strcasecmp does not exits under windows !!!
BVHBuilder *BVHBuilder::get(const char *builderType, BVH *bvh)
cout << "using BVH builder " << builderType << endl;
if (builderType == NULL)
return get("default",bvh);
else if (!strcmp(builderType, "default"))
//return new SweepBVHBuilder(bvh);
return new BinnedAllDimsSaveSpace(bvh);
else if (!strcmp(builderType, "sweep"))
return new SweepBVHBuilder(bvh);
else if (!strcmp(builderType, "binnedalldims"))
return new BinnedAllDims(bvh);
else if (!strcmp(builderType, "binnedalldimssavespace"))
return new BinnedAllDimsSaveSpace(bvh);
else if (!strcmp(builderType, "binned3d"))
return new BinnedAllDims(bvh);
else if (!strcmp(builderType, "binned"))
// should be single-dimmed, but don't have any, yet
return new BinnedAllDims(bvh);
else if (!strcmp(builderType, "ondemand") || !strcmp(builderType, "lazy"))
return new OnDemandBuilder(bvh);
else {
std::string error = std::string("unknown BVH builder type ");
//throw error;