blob: 0917ff116dce7e67efb864169f46f7fb279bd70c [file] [log] [blame]
/*! \page example_new_mesh Creating a new mesh, and passing data to it
@ingroup examples
Creating a new mesh as a standalone root node
// parse the data
vector<vec3f> vtxPos, vtxNor;
vector<vec3i> triangle; // i.e., connectivity
int shaderID;
ParseModelFile(modelFile, &connectity, &vtxNor, &triangle, &shaderID);
// generate the mesh
node_t root = rtNewRoot(RT_HIDDEN);
mesh_t mesh = rtTriangleMesh(root);
// allocate vertex array of 3-float vertices (hope the mesh's
// implementation likes three-float vertices !)... */
data_t vertex_array = rtNewCoordArray(mesh,RT_FLOAT3);
// ... and write data to it. as vertex array data is same as the
// format we write, there's not type conversion, but a single
// memcpy
// same for the connectivity data
data_t index_array = rtNewIndexArray(mesh,RT_INT3);
rtShaderArray(mesh,&shaderID,1,0); // same shader for all triangles (num=1), not persistent