blob: 47a3b78930a8c5a0dfd0ce24b65bd9cd223ca35c [file] [log] [blame]
/*! \mainpage My Personal Index Page
\section intro HoneyBee main documentation
Note: There are _two_ verions of this manual. A "brief" one that
includes only "hand-written" documentation, and a "full" one that
contains both hand-written documentation and source code
\section building_sec How to build the codebase
See separate page on \ref building
\section usage Usage
Links to addtl documentation for the frontend scene viewers included in this codebase:
<dt>MiniRT/rtview</dt><dd>no documentation, yet</dd>
<dt>DynRTViewer/drtview</dt><dd>see separate \ref drtview_manual </dd>