blob: 6d4c26d19bf2acfdc819e1e87d60a9d18c12ed3d [file] [log] [blame]
/* A sink that's not attached to anything, eg. find image average,
* 28/3/10
* - from im_iterate(), reworked for threadpool
This file is part of VIPS.
VIPS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
These files are distributed with VIPS -
#define VIPS_DEBUG
#include <config.h>
#endif /*HAVE_CONFIG_H*/
#include <vips/intl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <vips/vips.h>
#include <vips/thread.h>
#include <vips/internal.h>
#include <vips/debug.h>
#include <dmalloc.h>
#endif /*WITH_DMALLOC*/
/* Per-call state.
typedef struct _Sink {
VipsImage *im;
/* We need a temp "p" image between the source image and us to
* make sure we can't damage the original.
VipsImage *t;
/* The position we're at in the image.
int x;
int y;
/* The tilesize we've picked.
int tile_width;
int tile_height;
int nlines;
/* Call params.
im_start_fn start;
im_generate_fn generate;
im_stop_fn stop;
void *a;
void *b;
} Sink;
/* Our per-thread state.
typedef struct _SinkThreadState {
VipsThreadState parent_object;
/* Sequence value for this thread.
void *seq;
/* The region we walk over sink.t copy. We can't use
* parent_object.reg, it's defined on the outer image.
REGION *reg;
} SinkThreadState;
typedef struct _SinkThreadStateClass {
VipsThreadStateClass parent_class;
} SinkThreadStateClass;
G_DEFINE_TYPE( SinkThreadState, sink_thread_state, VIPS_TYPE_THREAD_STATE );
/* Call a thread's stop function.
static int
sink_call_stop( Sink *sink, SinkThreadState *state )
if( state->seq && sink->stop ) {
VIPS_DEBUG_MSG( "sink_call_stop: state = %p\n", state );
if( sink->stop( state->seq, sink->a, sink->b ) ) {
im_error( "vips_sink",
_( "stop function failed for image \"%s\"" ),
sink->im->filename );
return( -1 );
state->seq = NULL;
return( 0 );
static void
sink_thread_state_dispose( GObject *gobject )
SinkThreadState *state = (SinkThreadState *) gobject;
Sink *sink = (Sink *) ((VipsThreadState *) state)->a;
sink_call_stop( sink, state );
IM_FREEF( im_region_free, state->reg );
G_OBJECT_CLASS( sink_thread_state_parent_class )->dispose( gobject );
/* Call the start function for this thread, if necessary.
static int
sink_call_start( Sink *sink, SinkThreadState *state )
if( !state->seq && sink->start ) {
VIPS_DEBUG_MSG( "sink_call_start: state = %p\n", state );
state->seq = sink->start( sink->t, sink->a, sink->b );
if( !state->seq ) {
im_error( "vips_sink",
_( "start function failed for image \"%s\"" ),
sink->im->filename );
return( -1 );
return( 0 );
static int
sink_thread_state_build( VipsObject *object )
SinkThreadState *state = (SinkThreadState *) object;
Sink *sink = (Sink *) ((VipsThreadState *) state)->a;
if( !(state->reg = im_region_create( sink->t )) ||
sink_call_start( sink, state ) )
return( -1 );
sink_thread_state_parent_class )->build( object ) );
static void
sink_thread_state_class_init( SinkThreadStateClass *class )
GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS( class );
VipsObjectClass *object_class = VIPS_OBJECT_CLASS( class );
gobject_class->dispose = sink_thread_state_dispose;
object_class->build = sink_thread_state_build;
object_class->nickname = "sinkthreadstate";
object_class->description = _( "per-thread state for sink" );
static void
sink_thread_state_init( SinkThreadState *state )
state->seq = NULL;
state->reg = NULL;
static VipsThreadState *
sink_thread_state_new( VipsImage *im, void *a )
return( VIPS_THREAD_STATE( vips_object_new(
vips_thread_state_set, im, a ) ) );
static void
sink_free( Sink *sink )
IM_FREEF( im_close, sink->t );
static int
sink_init( Sink *sink,
VipsImage *im,
im_start_fn start, im_generate_fn generate, im_stop_fn stop,
void *a, void *b )
sink->im = im;
sink->t = NULL;
sink->x = 0;
sink->y = 0;
sink->start = start;
sink->generate = generate;
sink->stop = stop;
sink->a = a;
sink->b = b;
if( !(sink->t = im_open( "iterate", "p" )) ||
im_copy( sink->im, sink->t ) ) {
sink_free( sink );
return( -1 );
vips_get_tile_size( im,
&sink->tile_width, &sink->tile_height, &sink->nlines );
return( 0 );
static int
sink_allocate( VipsThreadState *state, void *a, gboolean *stop )
Sink *sink = (Sink *) a;
Rect image, tile;
/* Is the state x/y OK? New line or maybe all done.
if( sink->x >= sink->im->Xsize ) {
sink->x = 0;
sink->y += sink->tile_height;
if( sink->y >= sink->im->Ysize ) {
*stop = TRUE;
return( 0 );
/* x, y and buf are good: save params for thread.
image.left = 0; = 0;
image.width = sink->im->Xsize;
image.height = sink->im->Ysize;
tile.left = sink->x; = sink->y;
tile.width = sink->tile_width;
tile.height = sink->tile_height;
im_rect_intersectrect( &image, &tile, &state->pos );
/* Move state on.
sink->x += sink->tile_width;
return( 0 );
static int
sink_work( VipsThreadState *state, void *a )
SinkThreadState *sstate = (SinkThreadState *) state;
Sink *sink = (Sink *) a;
if( im_prepare( sstate->reg, &state->pos ) ||
sink->generate( sstate->reg, sstate->seq, sink->a, sink->b ) )
return( -1 );
return( 0 );
static int
sink_progress( void *a )
Sink *sink = (Sink *) a;
/* Trigger any eval callbacks on our source image and
* check for errors.
if( im__handle_eval( sink->im,
sink->tile_width, sink->tile_height ) )
return( -1 );
return( 0 );
* vips_sink_tile:
* @im: scan over this image
* @tile_width: tile width
* @tile_height: tile height
* @start: start sequences with this function
* @generate: generate pixels with this function
* @stop: stop sequences with this function
* @a: user data
* @b: user data
* Loops over an image. @generate is called for every pixel in the image, with
* the @reg argument being a region of pixels for processing.
* vips_sink_tile() is
* used to implement operations like im_avg() which have no image output.
* Each set of
* pixels is @tile_width by @tile_height pixels (less at the image edges).
* This is handy for things like
* writing a tiled TIFF image, where tiles have to be generated with a certain
* size.
* See also: vips_sink(), vips_get_tile_size().
* Returns: 0 on success, or -1 on error.
vips_sink_tile( VipsImage *im,
int tile_width, int tile_height,
VipsStart start, VipsGenerate generate, VipsStop stop,
void *a, void *b )
Sink sink;
int result;
g_assert( !im_image_sanity( im ) );
/* We don't use this, but make sure it's set in case any old binaries
* are expecting it.
im->Bbits = im_bits_of_fmt( im->BandFmt );
if( sink_init( &sink, im, start, generate, stop, a, b ) )
return( -1 );
if( tile_width > 0 ) {
sink.tile_width = tile_width;
sink.tile_height = tile_height;
if( im__start_eval( sink.t ) ) {
sink_free( &sink );
return( -1 );
result = vips_threadpool_run( im,
&sink );
im__end_eval( sink.t );
sink_free( &sink );
return( result );
* vips_sink:
* @im: scan over this image
* @start: start sequences with this function
* @generate: generate pixels with this function
* @stop: stop sequences with this function
* @a: user data
* @b: user data
* Loops over an image. @generate is called for every pixel in the image, with
* the @reg argument being a region of pixels for processing. vips_sink() is
* used to implement operations like im_avg() which have no image output.
* Each set of pixels is sized according to the requirements of the image
* pipeline that generated @im.
* See also: im_generate(), im_open().
* Returns: 0 on success, or -1 on error.
vips_sink( VipsImage *im,
VipsStart start, VipsGenerate generate, VipsStop stop,
void *a, void *b )
return( vips_sink_tile( im, -1, -1, start, generate, stop, a, b ) );