blob: 29a8656ddb627eceff01db576ce2dca418558b06 [file] [log] [blame]
include 'npbparams.h'
c 2D processor array -> 2D grid decomposition (by pencils)
c If processor array is 1xN or -> 1D grid decomposition (by planes)
c If processor array is 1x1 -> 0D grid decomposition
c For simplicity, do not treat Nx1 (np2 = 1) specially
integer np1, np2, np
c basic decomposition strategy
integer layout_type
integer layout_0D, layout_1D, layout_2D
parameter (layout_0D = 0, layout_1D = 1, layout_2D = 2)
common /procgrid/ np1, np2, layout_type, np
c Cache blocking params. These values are good for most
c RISC processors.
c FFT parameters:
c fftblock controls how many ffts are done at a time.
c The default is appropriate for most cache-based machines
c On vector machines, the FFT can be vectorized with vector
c length equal to the block size, so the block size should
c be as large as possible. This is the size of the smallest
c dimension of the problem: 128 for class A, 256 for class B and
c 512 for class C.
c Transpose parameters:
c transblock is the blocking factor for the transposes when there
c is a 1-D layout. On vector machines it should probably be
c large (largest dimension of the problem).
integer fftblock_default, fftblockpad_default
parameter (fftblock_default=16, fftblockpad_default=18)
integer transblock, transblockpad
parameter(transblock=32, transblockpad=34)
integer fftblock, fftblockpad
common /blockinfo/ fftblock, fftblockpad
c we need a bunch of logic to keep track of how
c arrays are laid out.
c coords of this processor
integer me, me1, me2
common /coords/ me, me1, me2
c need a communicator for row/col in processor grid
integer commslice1, commslice2
common /comms/ commslice1, commslice2
c There are basically three stages
c 1: x-y-z layout
c 2: after x-transform (before y)
c 3: after y-transform (before z)
c The computation proceeds logically as
c set up initial conditions
c fftx(1)
c transpose (1->2)
c ffty(2)
c transpose (2->3)
c fftz(3)
c time evolution
c fftz(3)
c transpose (3->2)
c ffty(2)
c transpose (2->1)
c fftx(1)
c compute residual(1)
c for the 0D, 1D, 2D strategies, the layouts look like xxx
c 0D 1D 2D
c 1: xyz xyz xyz
c 2: xyz xyz yxz
c 3: xyz zyx zxy
c the array dimensions are stored in dims(coord, phase)
integer dims(3, 3)
integer xstart(3), ystart(3), zstart(3)
integer xend(3), yend(3), zend(3)
common /layout/ dims,
> xstart, ystart, zstart,
> xend, yend, zend
integer T_total, T_setup, T_fft, T_evolve, T_checksum,
> T_fftlow, T_fftcopy, T_transpose,
> T_transxzloc, T_transxzglo, T_transxzfin,
> T_transxyloc, T_transxyglo, T_transxyfin,
> T_synch, T_init, T_max
parameter (T_total = 1, T_setup = 2, T_fft = 3,
> T_evolve = 4, T_checksum = 5,
> T_fftlow = 6, T_fftcopy = 7, T_transpose = 8,
> T_transxzloc = 9, T_transxzglo = 10, T_transxzfin = 11,
> T_transxyloc = 12, T_transxyglo = 13,
> T_transxyfin = 14, T_synch = 15, T_init = 16,
> T_max = 16)
logical timers_enabled
external timer_read
double precision timer_read
external ilog2
integer ilog2
external randlc
double precision randlc
c other stuff
logical debug, debugsynch
common /dbg/ debug, debugsynch, timers_enabled
double precision seed, a, pi, alpha
parameter (seed = 314159265.d0, a = 1220703125.d0,
> pi = 3.141592653589793238d0, alpha=1.0d-6)
c roots of unity array
c relies on x being largest dimension?
double complex u(nx)
common /ucomm/ u
c for checksum data
double complex sums(0:niter_default)
common /sumcomm/ sums
c number of iterations
integer niter
common /iter/ niter