blob: 617bda38ac24b4394bba69209dd8b4efada2079f [file] [log] [blame]
* *
* N A S P A R A L L E L B E N C H M A R K S 3.3 *
* *
* O p e n M P V E R S I O N *
* *
* I S *
* *
* *
* This benchmark is an OpenMP version of the NPB IS code. *
* It is described in NAS Technical Report 99-011. *
* *
* Permission to use, copy, distribute and modify this software *
* for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted. We *
* request, however, that all derived work reference the NAS *
* Parallel Benchmarks 3.3. This software is provided "as is" *
* without express or implied warranty. *
* *
* Information on NPB 3.3, including the technical report, the *
* original specifications, source code, results and information *
* on how to submit new results, is available at: *
* *
* *
* *
* Send comments or suggestions to *
* *
* NAS Parallel Benchmarks Group *
* NASA Ames Research Center *
* Mail Stop: T27A-1 *
* Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000 *
* *
* E-mail: *
* Fax: (650) 604-3957 *
* *
* *
* Author: M. Yarrow *
* H. Jin *
* *
#include "npbparams.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef _OPENMP
#include <omp.h>
/* For serial IS, buckets are not really req'd to solve NPB1 IS */
/* spec, but their use on some machines improves performance, on */
/* other machines the use of buckets compromises performance, */
/* probably because it is extra computation which is not req'd. */
/* (Note: Mechanism not understood, probably cache related) */
/* Example: SP2-66MhzWN: 50% speedup with buckets */
/* Example: SGI Indy5000: 50% slowdown with buckets */
/* Example: SGI O2000: 400% slowdown with buckets (Wow!) */
/* To disable the use of buckets, comment out the following line */
/* Uncomment below for cyclic schedule */
/*#define SCHED_CYCLIC*/
/* default values */
#ifndef CLASS
#define CLASS 'S'
/* CLASS S */
#if CLASS == 'S'
#define TOTAL_KEYS_LOG_2 16
#define MAX_KEY_LOG_2 11
#define NUM_BUCKETS_LOG_2 9
/* CLASS W */
#if CLASS == 'W'
#define TOTAL_KEYS_LOG_2 20
#define MAX_KEY_LOG_2 16
#define NUM_BUCKETS_LOG_2 10
/* CLASS A */
#if CLASS == 'A'
#define TOTAL_KEYS_LOG_2 23
#define MAX_KEY_LOG_2 19
#define NUM_BUCKETS_LOG_2 10
/* CLASS B */
#if CLASS == 'B'
#define TOTAL_KEYS_LOG_2 25
#define MAX_KEY_LOG_2 21
#define NUM_BUCKETS_LOG_2 10
/* CLASS C */
#if CLASS == 'C'
#define TOTAL_KEYS_LOG_2 27
#define MAX_KEY_LOG_2 23
#define NUM_BUCKETS_LOG_2 10
/* CLASS D */
#if CLASS == 'D'
#define TOTAL_KEYS_LOG_2 31
#define MAX_KEY_LOG_2 27
#define NUM_BUCKETS_LOG_2 10
#if CLASS == 'D'
#define TOTAL_KEYS (1 << TOTAL_KEYS_LOG_2)
#define MAX_KEY (1 << MAX_KEY_LOG_2)
/* Typedef: if necessary, change the */
/* size of int here by changing the */
/* int type to, say, long */
#if CLASS == 'D'
typedef long INT_TYPE;
typedef int INT_TYPE;
/* Some global info */
INT_TYPE *key_buff_ptr_global; /* used by full_verify to get */
/* copies of rank info */
int passed_verification;
/* These are the three main arrays. */
/* See SIZE_OF_BUFFERS def above */
**key_buff1_aptr = NULL;
INT_TYPE **bucket_size,
#pragma omp threadprivate(bucket_ptrs)
/* Partial verif info */
INT_TYPE test_index_array[TEST_ARRAY_SIZE],
S_test_index_array[TEST_ARRAY_SIZE] =
S_test_rank_array[TEST_ARRAY_SIZE] =
W_test_index_array[TEST_ARRAY_SIZE] =
W_test_rank_array[TEST_ARRAY_SIZE] =
A_test_index_array[TEST_ARRAY_SIZE] =
A_test_rank_array[TEST_ARRAY_SIZE] =
B_test_index_array[TEST_ARRAY_SIZE] =
B_test_rank_array[TEST_ARRAY_SIZE] =
C_test_index_array[TEST_ARRAY_SIZE] =
C_test_rank_array[TEST_ARRAY_SIZE] =
D_test_index_array[TEST_ARRAY_SIZE] =
D_test_rank_array[TEST_ARRAY_SIZE] =
/* function prototypes */
double randlc( double *X, double *A );
void full_verify( void );
void c_print_results( char *name,
char class,
int n1,
int n2,
int n3,
int niter,
double t,
double mops,
char *optype,
int passed_verification,
char *npbversion,
char *compiletime,
char *cc,
char *clink,
char *c_lib,
char *c_inc,
char *cflags,
char *clinkflags );
void timer_clear( int n );
void timer_start( int n );
void timer_stop( int n );
double timer_read( int n );
void roi_begin_();
void roi_end_();
* This routine returns a uniform pseudorandom double precision number in the
* range (0, 1) by using the linear congruential generator
* x_{k+1} = a x_k (mod 2^46)
* where 0 < x_k < 2^46 and 0 < a < 2^46. This scheme generates 2^44 numbers
* before repeating. The argument A is the same as 'a' in the above formula,
* and X is the same as x_0. A and X must be odd double precision integers
* in the range (1, 2^46). The returned value RANDLC is normalized to be
* between 0 and 1, i.e. RANDLC = 2^(-46) * x_1. X is updated to contain
* the new seed x_1, so that subsequent calls to RANDLC using the same
* arguments will generate a continuous sequence.
* This routine should produce the same results on any computer with at least
* 48 mantissa bits in double precision floating point data. On Cray systems,
* double precision should be disabled.
* David H. Bailey October 26, 1990
* SAVE KS, R23, R46, T23, T46
* DATA KS/0/
* If this is the first call to RANDLC, compute R23 = 2 ^ -23, R46 = 2 ^ -46,
* T23 = 2 ^ 23, and T46 = 2 ^ 46. These are computed in loops, rather than
* by merely using the ** operator, in order to insure that the results are
* exact on all systems. This code assumes that 0.5D0 is represented exactly.
/************* R A N D L C ************/
/************* ************/
/************* portable random number generator ************/
static int KS=0;
static double R23, R46, T23, T46;
#pragma omp threadprivate(KS, R23, R46, T23, T46)
double randlc( double *X, double *A )
double T1, T2, T3, T4;
double A1;
double A2;
double X1;
double X2;
double Z;
int i, j;
if (KS == 0)
R23 = 1.0;
R46 = 1.0;
T23 = 1.0;
T46 = 1.0;
for (i=1; i<=23; i++)
R23 = 0.50 * R23;
T23 = 2.0 * T23;
for (i=1; i<=46; i++)
R46 = 0.50 * R46;
T46 = 2.0 * T46;
KS = 1;
/* Break A into two parts such that A = 2^23 * A1 + A2 and set X = N. */
T1 = R23 * *A;
j = T1;
A1 = j;
A2 = *A - T23 * A1;
/* Break X into two parts such that X = 2^23 * X1 + X2, compute
Z = A1 * X2 + A2 * X1 (mod 2^23), and then
X = 2^23 * Z + A2 * X2 (mod 2^46). */
T1 = R23 * *X;
j = T1;
X1 = j;
X2 = *X - T23 * X1;
T1 = A1 * X2 + A2 * X1;
j = R23 * T1;
T2 = j;
Z = T1 - T23 * T2;
T3 = T23 * Z + A2 * X2;
j = R46 * T3;
T4 = j;
*X = T3 - T46 * T4;
return(R46 * *X);
/************ F I N D _ M Y _ S E E D ************/
/************ ************/
/************ returns parallel random number seq seed ************/
* Create a random number sequence of total length nn residing
* on np number of processors. Each processor will therefore have a
* subsequence of length nn/np. This routine returns that random
* number which is the first random number for the subsequence belonging
* to processor rank kn, and which is used as seed for proc kn ran # gen.
double find_my_seed( int kn, /* my processor rank, 0<=kn<=num procs */
int np, /* np = num procs */
long nn, /* total num of ran numbers, all procs */
double s, /* Ran num seed, for ex.: 314159265.00 */
double a ) /* Ran num gen mult, try 1220703125.00 */
double t1,t2;
long mq,nq,kk,ik;
if ( kn == 0 ) return s;
mq = (nn/4 + np - 1) / np;
nq = mq * 4 * kn; /* number of rans to be skipped */
t1 = s;
t2 = a;
kk = nq;
while ( kk > 1 ) {
ik = kk / 2;
if( 2 * ik == kk ) {
(void)randlc( &t2, &t2 );
kk = ik;
else {
(void)randlc( &t1, &t2 );
kk = kk - 1;
(void)randlc( &t1, &t2 );
return( t1 );
/************* C R E A T E _ S E Q ************/
void create_seq( double seed, double a )
double x, s;
INT_TYPE i, k;
#pragma omp parallel private(x,s,i,k)
INT_TYPE k1, k2;
double an = a;
int myid, num_procs;
#ifdef _OPENMP
myid = omp_get_thread_num();
num_procs = omp_get_num_threads();
myid = 0;
num_procs = 1;
mq = (NUM_KEYS + num_procs - 1) / num_procs;
k1 = mq * myid;
k2 = k1 + mq;
if ( k2 > NUM_KEYS ) k2 = NUM_KEYS;
KS = 0;
s = find_my_seed( myid, num_procs,
(long)4*NUM_KEYS, seed, an );
k = MAX_KEY/4;
for (i=k1; i<k2; i++)
x = randlc(&s, &an);
x += randlc(&s, &an);
x += randlc(&s, &an);
x += randlc(&s, &an);
key_array[i] = k*x;
} /*omp parallel*/
/***************** Allocate Working Buffer ****************/
void *alloc_mem( size_t size )
void *p;
p = (void *)malloc(size);
if (!p) {
perror("Memory allocation error");
return p;
void alloc_key_buff( void )
int num_procs;
#ifdef _OPENMP
num_procs = omp_get_max_threads();
num_procs = 1;
bucket_size = (INT_TYPE **)alloc_mem(sizeof(INT_TYPE *) * num_procs);
for (i = 0; i < num_procs; i++) {
bucket_size[i] = (INT_TYPE *)alloc_mem(sizeof(INT_TYPE) * NUM_BUCKETS);
#pragma omp parallel for
for( i=0; i<NUM_KEYS; i++ )
key_buff2[i] = 0;
#else /*USE_BUCKETS*/
key_buff1_aptr = (INT_TYPE **)alloc_mem(sizeof(INT_TYPE *) * num_procs);
key_buff1_aptr[0] = key_buff1;
for (i = 1; i < num_procs; i++) {
key_buff1_aptr[i] = (INT_TYPE *)alloc_mem(sizeof(INT_TYPE) * MAX_KEY);
#endif /*USE_BUCKETS*/
/************* F U L L _ V E R I F Y ************/
void full_verify( void )
INT_TYPE i, j;
INT_TYPE k, k1, k2;
/* Now, finally, sort the keys: */
/* Copy keys into work array; keys in key_array will be reassigned. */
/* Buckets are already sorted. Sorting keys within each bucket */
#pragma omp parallel for private(i,j,k,k1) schedule(static,1)
#pragma omp parallel for private(i,j,k,k1) schedule(dynamic)
for( j=0; j< NUM_BUCKETS; j++ ) {
k1 = (j > 0)? bucket_ptrs[j-1] : 0;
for ( i = k1; i < bucket_ptrs[j]; i++ ) {
k = --key_buff_ptr_global[key_buff2[i]];
key_array[k] = key_buff2[i];
#pragma omp parallel private(i,j,k,k1,k2)
#pragma omp for
for( i=0; i<NUM_KEYS; i++ )
key_buff2[i] = key_array[i];
/* This is actual sorting. Each thread is responsible for
a subset of key values */
j = omp_get_num_threads();
j = (MAX_KEY + j - 1) / j;
k1 = j * omp_get_thread_num();
k2 = k1 + j;
if (k2 > MAX_KEY) k2 = MAX_KEY;
for( i=0; i<NUM_KEYS; i++ ) {
if (key_buff2[i] >= k1 && key_buff2[i] < k2) {
k = --key_buff_ptr_global[key_buff2[i]];
key_array[k] = key_buff2[i];
} /*omp parallel*/
/* Confirm keys correctly sorted: count incorrectly sorted keys, if any */
j = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:j)
for( i=1; i<NUM_KEYS; i++ )
if( key_array[i-1] > key_array[i] )
if( j != 0 )
printf( "Full_verify: number of keys out of sort: %ld\n", (long)j );
/************* R A N K ****************/
void rank( int iteration )
INT_TYPE i, k;
INT_TYPE *key_buff_ptr, *key_buff_ptr2;
int shift = MAX_KEY_LOG_2 - NUM_BUCKETS_LOG_2;
INT_TYPE num_bucket_keys = (1L << shift);
key_array[iteration] = iteration;
key_array[iteration+MAX_ITERATIONS] = MAX_KEY - iteration;
/* Determine where the partial verify test keys are, load into */
/* top of array bucket_size */
for( i=0; i<TEST_ARRAY_SIZE; i++ )
partial_verify_vals[i] = key_array[test_index_array[i]];
/* Setup pointers to key buffers */
key_buff_ptr2 = key_buff2;
key_buff_ptr2 = key_array;
key_buff_ptr = key_buff1;
#pragma omp parallel private(i, k)
INT_TYPE *work_buff, m, k1, k2;
int myid = 0, num_procs = 1;
#ifdef _OPENMP
myid = omp_get_thread_num();
num_procs = omp_get_num_threads();
/* Bucket sort is known to improve cache performance on some */
/* cache based systems. But the actual performance may depend */
/* on cache size, problem size. */
work_buff = bucket_size[myid];
/* Initialize */
for( i=0; i<NUM_BUCKETS; i++ )
work_buff[i] = 0;
/* Determine the number of keys in each bucket */
#pragma omp for schedule(static)
for( i=0; i<NUM_KEYS; i++ )
work_buff[key_array[i] >> shift]++;
/* Accumulative bucket sizes are the bucket pointers.
These are global sizes accumulated upon to each bucket */
bucket_ptrs[0] = 0;
for( k=0; k< myid; k++ )
bucket_ptrs[0] += bucket_size[k][0];
for( i=1; i< NUM_BUCKETS; i++ ) {
bucket_ptrs[i] = bucket_ptrs[i-1];
for( k=0; k< myid; k++ )
bucket_ptrs[i] += bucket_size[k][i];
for( k=myid; k< num_procs; k++ )
bucket_ptrs[i] += bucket_size[k][i-1];
/* Sort into appropriate bucket */
#pragma omp for schedule(static)
for( i=0; i<NUM_KEYS; i++ )
k = key_array[i];
key_buff2[bucket_ptrs[k >> shift]++] = k;
/* The bucket pointers now point to the final accumulated sizes */
if (myid < num_procs-1) {
for( i=0; i< NUM_BUCKETS; i++ )
for( k=myid+1; k< num_procs; k++ )
bucket_ptrs[i] += bucket_size[k][i];
/* Now, buckets are sorted. We only need to sort keys inside
each bucket, which can be done in parallel. Because the distribution
of the number of keys in the buckets is Gaussian, the use of
a dynamic schedule should improve load balance, thus, performance */
#pragma omp for schedule(static,1)
#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic)
for( i=0; i< NUM_BUCKETS; i++ ) {
/* Clear the work array section associated with each bucket */
k1 = i * num_bucket_keys;
k2 = k1 + num_bucket_keys;
for ( k = k1; k < k2; k++ )
key_buff_ptr[k] = 0;
/* Ranking of all keys occurs in this section: */
/* In this section, the keys themselves are used as their
own indexes to determine how many of each there are: their
individual population */
m = (i > 0)? bucket_ptrs[i-1] : 0;
for ( k = m; k < bucket_ptrs[i]; k++ )
key_buff_ptr[key_buff_ptr2[k]]++; /* Now they have individual key */
/* population */
/* To obtain ranks of each key, successively add the individual key
population, not forgetting to add m, the total of lesser keys,
to the first key population */
key_buff_ptr[k1] += m;
for ( k = k1+1; k < k2; k++ )
key_buff_ptr[k] += key_buff_ptr[k-1];
#else /*USE_BUCKETS*/
work_buff = key_buff1_aptr[myid];
/* Clear the work array */
for( i=0; i<MAX_KEY; i++ )
work_buff[i] = 0;
/* Ranking of all keys occurs in this section: */
/* In this section, the keys themselves are used as their
own indexes to determine how many of each there are: their
individual population */
#pragma omp for nowait schedule(static)
for( i=0; i<NUM_KEYS; i++ )
work_buff[key_buff_ptr2[i]]++; /* Now they have individual key */
/* population */
/* To obtain ranks of each key, successively add the individual key
population */
for( i=0; i<MAX_KEY-1; i++ )
work_buff[i+1] += work_buff[i];
#pragma omp barrier
/* Accumulate the global key population */
for( k=1; k<num_procs; k++ ) {
#pragma omp for nowait schedule(static)
for( i=0; i<MAX_KEY; i++ )
key_buff_ptr[i] += key_buff1_aptr[k][i];
#endif /*USE_BUCKETS*/
} /*omp parallel*/
/* This is the partial verify test section */
/* Observe that test_rank_array vals are */
/* shifted differently for different cases */
for( i=0; i<TEST_ARRAY_SIZE; i++ )
k = partial_verify_vals[i]; /* test vals were put here */
if( 0 < k && k <= NUM_KEYS-1 )
INT_TYPE key_rank = key_buff_ptr[k-1];
int failed = 0;
switch( CLASS )
case 'S':
if( i <= 2 )
if( key_rank != test_rank_array[i]+iteration )
failed = 1;
if( key_rank != test_rank_array[i]-iteration )
failed = 1;
case 'W':
if( i < 2 )
if( key_rank != test_rank_array[i]+(iteration-2) )
failed = 1;
if( key_rank != test_rank_array[i]-iteration )
failed = 1;
case 'A':
if( i <= 2 )
if( key_rank != test_rank_array[i]+(iteration-1) )
failed = 1;
if( key_rank != test_rank_array[i]-(iteration-1) )
failed = 1;
case 'B':
if( i == 1 || i == 2 || i == 4 )
if( key_rank != test_rank_array[i]+iteration )
failed = 1;
if( key_rank != test_rank_array[i]-iteration )
failed = 1;
case 'C':
if( i <= 2 )
if( key_rank != test_rank_array[i]+iteration )
failed = 1;
if( key_rank != test_rank_array[i]-iteration )
failed = 1;
case 'D':
if( i < 2 )
if( key_rank != test_rank_array[i]+iteration )
failed = 1;
if( key_rank != test_rank_array[i]-iteration )
failed = 1;
if( failed == 1 )
printf( "Failed partial verification: "
"iteration %d, test key %d\n",
iteration, (int)i );
/* Make copies of rank info for use by full_verify: these variables
in rank are local; making them global slows down the code, probably
since they cannot be made register by compiler */
if( iteration == MAX_ITERATIONS )
key_buff_ptr_global = key_buff_ptr;
/************* M A I N ****************/
int main( int argc, char **argv )
int i, iteration, timer_on;
double timecounter;
FILE *fp;
/* Initialize timers */
timer_on = 0;
if ((fp = fopen("timer.flag", "r")) != NULL) {
timer_on = 1;
timer_clear( 0 );
if (timer_on) {
timer_clear( 1 );
timer_clear( 2 );
timer_clear( 3 );
if (timer_on) timer_start( 3 );
/* Initialize the verification arrays if a valid class */
for( i=0; i<TEST_ARRAY_SIZE; i++ )
switch( CLASS )
case 'S':
test_index_array[i] = S_test_index_array[i];
test_rank_array[i] = S_test_rank_array[i];
case 'A':
test_index_array[i] = A_test_index_array[i];
test_rank_array[i] = A_test_rank_array[i];
case 'W':
test_index_array[i] = W_test_index_array[i];
test_rank_array[i] = W_test_rank_array[i];
case 'B':
test_index_array[i] = B_test_index_array[i];
test_rank_array[i] = B_test_rank_array[i];
case 'C':
test_index_array[i] = C_test_index_array[i];
test_rank_array[i] = C_test_rank_array[i];
case 'D':
test_index_array[i] = D_test_index_array[i];
test_rank_array[i] = D_test_rank_array[i];
/* Printout initial NPB info */
( "\n\n NAS Parallel Benchmarks (NPB3.3-OMP) - IS Benchmark\n\n" );
printf( " Size: %ld (class %c)\n", (long)TOTAL_KEYS, CLASS );
printf( " Iterations: %d\n", MAX_ITERATIONS );
#ifdef _OPENMP
printf( " Number of available threads: %d\n", omp_get_max_threads() );
printf( "\n" );
if (timer_on) timer_start( 1 );
/* Generate random number sequence and subsequent keys on all procs */
create_seq( 314159265.00, /* Random number gen seed */
1220703125.00 ); /* Random number gen mult */
if (timer_on) timer_stop( 1 );
/* Do one interation for free (i.e., untimed) to guarantee initialization of
all data and code pages and respective tables */
rank( 1 );
/* Start verification counter */
passed_verification = 0;
if( CLASS != 'S' ) printf( "\n iteration\n" );
/* Start timer */
timer_start( 0 );
#ifdef HOOKS
/* This is the main iteration */
for( iteration=1; iteration<=MAX_ITERATIONS; iteration++ )
if( CLASS != 'S' ) printf( " %d\n", iteration );
rank( iteration );
/* End of timing, obtain maximum time of all processors */
timer_stop( 0 );
timecounter = timer_read( 0 );
#ifdef HOOKS
/* This tests that keys are in sequence: sorting of last ranked key seq
occurs here, but is an untimed operation */
if (timer_on) timer_start( 2 );
if (timer_on) timer_stop( 2 );
if (timer_on) timer_stop( 3 );
/* The final printout */
if( passed_verification != 5*MAX_ITERATIONS + 1 )
passed_verification = 0;
c_print_results( "IS",
"keys ranked",
/* Print additional timers */
if (timer_on) {
double t_total, t_percent;
t_total = timer_read( 3 );
printf("\nAdditional timers -\n");
printf(" Total execution: %8.3f\n", t_total);
if (t_total == 0.0) t_total = 1.0;
timecounter = timer_read(1);
t_percent = timecounter/t_total * 100.;
printf(" Initialization : %8.3f (%5.2f%%)\n", timecounter, t_percent);
timecounter = timer_read(0);
t_percent = timecounter/t_total * 100.;
printf(" Benchmarking : %8.3f (%5.2f%%)\n", timecounter, t_percent);
timecounter = timer_read(2);
t_percent = timecounter/t_total * 100.;
printf(" Sorting : %8.3f (%5.2f%%)\n", timecounter, t_percent);
return 0;
} /* E N D P R O G R A M */