blob: 3cab86cbe2f71252807fb6acd294c07e813bde22 [file] [log] [blame]
subroutine diffusion(ifmortar)
c advance the diffusion term using CG iterations
include 'header.h'
double precision rho_aux, rho1, rho2, beta, cona
logical ifmortar
integer iter,ie, im,iside,i,j,k
if (timeron) call timer_start(t_diffusion)
c.....set up diagonal preconditioner
if (ifmortar) then
call setuppc
call setpcmo
end if
c.....arrays t and umor are accumlators of (am pm) in the CG algorithm
c (see the specification)
call r_init(t,ntot,0.d0)
call r_init(umor,nmor,0.d0)
c.....calculate initial am (see specification) in CG algorithm
c.....trhs and rmor are combined to generate r0 in CG algorithm.
c pdiff and pmorx are combined to generate q0 in the CG algorithm.
c rho1 is (qm,rm) in the CG algorithm.
rho1 = 0.d0
do ie=1,nelt
do k=1,lx1
do j=1,lx1
do i=1,lx1
pdiff(i,j,k,ie) = dpcelm(i,j,k,ie)*trhs(i,j,k,ie)
rho1 = rho1 + trhs(i,j,k,ie)*pdiff(i,j,k,ie)*
& tmult(i,j,k,ie)
end do
end do
end do
end do
do im = 1, nmor
pmorx(im) = dpcmor(im)*rmor(im)
rho1 = rho1 + rmor(im)*pmorx(im)
end do
c commence conjugate gradient iteration
do iter=1, nmxh
if( then
rho_aux = 0.d0
c.........pdiffp and ppmor are combined to generate q_m+1 in the specification
c rho_aux is (q_m+1,r_m+1)
do ie = 1, nelt
do k=1,lx1
do j=1,lx1
do i=1,lx1
pdiffp(i,j,k,ie) = dpcelm(i,j,k,ie)*trhs(i,j,k,ie)
rho_aux =rho_aux+trhs(i,j,k,ie)*pdiffp(i,j,k,ie)*
& tmult(i,j,k,ie)
end do
end do
end do
end do
do im = 1, nmor
ppmor(im) = dpcmor(im)*rmor(im)
rho_aux = rho_aux + rmor(im)*ppmor(im)
end do
c.........compute bm (beta) in the specification
rho2 = rho1
rho1 = rho_aux
beta = rho1/rho2
c.........update p_m+1 in the specification
call adds1m1(pdiff, pdiffp, beta,ntot)
call adds1m1(pmorx, ppmor, beta, nmor)
end if
c.......compute matrix vector product: (theta pm) in the specification
if (timeron) call timer_start(t_transf)
call transf(pmorx,pdiff)
if (timeron) call timer_stop(t_transf)
c.......compute pdiffp which is (A theta pm) in the specification
do ie=1, nelt
call laplacian(pdiffp(1,1,1,ie),pdiff(1,1,1,ie),size_e(ie))
end do
c.......compute ppmor which will be used to compute (thetaT A theta pm)
c in the specification
if (timeron) call timer_start(t_transfb)
call transfb(ppmor,pdiffp)
if (timeron) call timer_stop(t_transfb)
c.......apply boundary condition
do ie=1,nelt
do iside=1,nsides
call facev(pdiffp(1,1,1,ie),iside,0.d0)
end if
end do
end do
c.......compute cona which is (pm,theta T A theta pm)
cona = 0.d0
do ie = 1, nelt
do k=1,lx1
do j=1,lx1
do i=1,lx1
cona = cona + pdiff(i,j,k,ie)*
& pdiffp(i,j,k,ie)*tmult(i,j,k,ie)
end do
end do
end do
end do
do im = 1, nmor
ppmor(im) = ppmor(im)*tmmor(im)
cona = cona + pmorx(im)*ppmor(im)
end do
c.......compute am
cona = rho1/cona
c.......compute (am pm)
call adds2m1(t, pdiff, cona, ntot)
call adds2m1(umor, pmorx, cona, nmor)
c.......compute r_m+1
call adds2m1(trhs, pdiffp, -cona, ntot)
call adds2m1(rmor, ppmor, -cona, nmor)
end do
if (timeron) call timer_start(t_transf)
call transf(umor,t)
if (timeron) call timer_stop(t_transf)
if (timeron) call timer_stop(t_diffusion)
subroutine laplacian(r,u,sizei)
c compute r = visc*[A]x +[B]x on a given element.
include 'header.h'
double precision r(lx1,lx1,lx1), u(lx1,lx1,lx1), rdtime
integer i,j,k, ix,iz, sizei
double precision tm1(lx1,lx1,lx1),tm2(lx1,lx1,lx1)
rdtime = 1.d0/dtime
call r_init(tm1,nxyz,0.d0)
do iz=1,lx1
do k = 1, lx1
do j = 1, lx1
do i = 1, lx1
tm1(i,j,iz) = tm1(i,j,iz)+wdtdr(i,k)*u(k,j,iz)
end do
end do
end do
end do
call r_init(tm2,nxyz,0.d0)
do iz=1,lx1
do k = 1, lx1
do j = 1, lx1
do i = 1, lx1
tm2(i,j,iz) = tm2(i,j,iz)+u(i,k,iz)*wdtdr(k,j)
end do
end do
end do
end do
call r_init(r,nxyz,0.d0)
do k = 1, lx1
do iz=1, lx1
do j = 1, lx1
do i = 1, lx1
r(i,j,iz) = r(i,j,iz)+u(i,j,k)*wdtdr(k,iz)
end do
end do
end do
end do
c.....collocate with remaining weights and sum to complete factorization.
do k=1,lx1
do j=1,lx1
do i=1,lx1
& tm2(i,j,k)*g5m1_s(i,j,k,sizei)+
& r(i,j,k)*g6m1_s(i,j,k,sizei))+
& bm1_s(i,j,k,sizei)*rdtime*u(i,j,k)
end do
end do
end do