blob: 18adc25d26ca0f168fbd659b91e570c3aa372c79 [file] [log] [blame]
// See LICENSE for license details.
// Quicksort benchmark
// This benchmark uses quicksort to sort an array of integers. The
// implementation is largely adapted from Numerical Recipes for C. The
// input data (and reference data) should be generated using the
// perl script and dumped to a file named
// dataset1.h.
#include "util.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
// The INSERTION_THRESHOLD is the size of the subarray when the
// algorithm switches to using an insertion sort instead of
// quick sort.
// NSTACK is the required auxiliary storage.
// It must be at least 2*lg(DATA_SIZE)
#define NSTACK 50
// Input/Reference Data
#define type int
#include "dataset1.h"
// Swap macro for swapping two values.
#define SWAP(a,b) do { typeof(a) temp=(a);(a)=(b);(b)=temp; } while (0)
#define SWAP_IF_GREATER(a, b) do { if ((a) > (b)) SWAP(a, b); } while (0)
// Quicksort function
static void insertion_sort(size_t n, type arr[])
type *i, *j;
type value;
for (i = arr+1; i < arr+n; i++)
value = *i;
j = i;
while (value < *(j-1))
*j = *(j-1);
if (--j == arr)
*j = value;
static void selection_sort(size_t n, type arr[])
for (type* i = arr; i < arr+n-1; i++)
for (type* j = i+1; j < arr+n; j++)
void sort(size_t n, type arr[])
type* ir = arr+n;
type* l = arr+1;
type* stack[NSTACK];
type** stackp = stack;
for (;;)
// Insertion sort when subarray small enough.
insertion_sort(ir - l + 1, l - 1);
if ( stackp == stack ) break;
// Pop stack and begin a new round of partitioning.
ir = *stackp--;
l = *stackp--;
// Choose median of left, center, and right elements as
// partitioning element a. Also rearrange so that a[l-1] <= a[l] <= a[ir-].
SWAP(arr[((l-arr) + (ir-arr))/2-1], l[0]);
SWAP_IF_GREATER(l[-1], ir[-1]);
SWAP_IF_GREATER(l[0], ir[-1]);
SWAP_IF_GREATER(l[-1], l[0]);
// Initialize pointers for partitioning.
type* i = l+1;
type* j = ir;
// Partitioning element.
type a = l[0];
for (;;) { // Beginning of innermost loop.
while (*i++ < a); // Scan up to find element > a.
while (*(j-- - 2) > a); // Scan down to find element < a.
if (j < i) break; // Pointers crossed. Partitioning complete.
SWAP(i[-1], j[-1]); // Exchange elements.
} // End of innermost loop.
// Insert partitioning element.
l[0] = j[-1];
j[-1] = a;
stackp += 2;
// Push pointers to larger subarray on stack,
// process smaller subarray immediately.
if ( ir-i+1 >= j-l )
stackp[0] = ir;
stackp[-1] = i;
ir = j-1;
stackp[0] = j-1;
stackp[-1] = l;
l = i;
// Main
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
// If needed we preallocate everything in the caches
sort(DATA_SIZE, verify_data);
if (verify(DATA_SIZE, input_data, input_data))
return 1;
// Do the sort
sort( DATA_SIZE, input_data );
// Check the results
return verify( DATA_SIZE, input_data, verify_data );