blob: 5a17fd44d70704a6517b5c73fbe487cb77308311 [file] [log] [blame]
// A communication schedule is a list of sends and recvs to execute.
// See test-comm-schedule.c for an example of use.
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define EXTERN_C_BEGIN extern "C" {
#define EXTERN_C_END }
#define EXTERN_C_END
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <mpi.h>
// Function pointer
typedef void (*active_function_pointer_t)(void *);
// eunumeration of directions (send or recv) in a communication schedule
// descriptor for a communication schedule
// next descriptor for the next item in the schedule
// addr the base address for this item
// type MPI datatype for this item
// comm MPI communicator for this item
// peer the rank of my peer for this item
// direction send or recv
// count number of MPI datatypes to send for this item
// pre_func a function to call before the send/recv is started
// pre_data pointer to data for pre_func
// post_func a function to call after the send/recv completes
// post_data pointer to data for post_func
typedef struct active_schedule_t active_schedule_t;
struct active_schedule_t {
active_schedule_t *next;
void *addr;
MPI_Datatype type;
MPI_Comm comm;
MPI_Request req;
int peer;
int direction;
int count;
active_function_pointer_t pre_function;
void *pre_data;
active_function_pointer_t post_function;
void *post_data;
// append a new item to a communication schedule
active_schedule_t *active_schedule_append(active_schedule_t *schedule,
MPI_Comm comm,
int peer,
int direction,
void *addr,
MPI_Datatype type,
int count,
active_function_pointer_t pre_function,
void *pre_data,
active_function_pointer_t post_function,
void *post_data);
// prepend a new item to a communication schedule
active_schedule_t *active_schedule_prepend(active_schedule_t *schedule,
MPI_Comm comm,
int peer,
int direction,
void *addr,
MPI_Datatype type,
int count,
active_function_pointer_t pre_function,
void *pre_data,
active_function_pointer_t post_function,
void *post_data);
// start execution of a communication schedule
void active_schedule_start(active_schedule_t *schedule);
// progress an already started communication schedule
void active_schedule_progress(active_schedule_t *schedule);
// wait for completion of a communication schedule
void active_schedule_wait(active_schedule_t *schedule);
// execute a communication schedule
void active_schedule_execute(active_schedule_t *schedule, int depth);
// delete a communication schedule
void active_schedule_free(active_schedule_t *schedule);