blob: 38fbc9d85e0da8ad2e55ceacc81b474ed436f468 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "hip/hip_runtime.h"
#include "hipLocks.h"
inline __device__ void hipBarrierAtomicSub(unsigned int * globalBarr,
int * done,
// numBarr represents the number of
// WGs going to the barrier
const unsigned int numBarr,
int backoff,
const bool isMasterThread)
if (isMasterThread)
*done = 0;
// atomicInc acts as a store release, need TF to enforce ordering
// atomicInc effectively adds 1 to atomic for each WG that's part of the
// global barrier.
HIP currently doesn't generate the correct code for atomicInc's here,
so replace with an atomicAdd of 1 and assume no wraparound
//atomicInc(globalBarr, 0x7FFFFFFF);
atomicAdd(globalBarr, 1);
while (!*done)
if (isMasterThread)
For the tree barrier we expect only 1 WG from each CU to enter the
global barrier. Since we are assuming an equal amount of work for all
CUs, we can use the # of WGs reaching the barrier for the compare value
here. Once the atomic's value == numBarr, then reset the value to 0 and
proceed because all of the WGs have reached the global barrier.
if (atomicCAS(globalBarr, numBarr, 0) == 0) {
// atomicCAS acts as a load acquire, need TF to enforce ordering
*done = 1;
else { // increase backoff to avoid repeatedly hammering global barrier
// (capped) exponential backoff
backoff = (((backoff << 1) + 1) & (MAX_BACKOFF-1));
// do exponential backoff to reduce the number of times we pound the global
// barrier
if (!*done) {
inline __device__ void hipBarrierAtomic(unsigned int * barrierBuffers,
// numBarr represents the number of
// WGs going to the barrier
const unsigned int numBarr,
const bool isMasterThread)
unsigned int * atomic1 = barrierBuffers;
unsigned int * atomic2 = atomic1 + 1;
__shared__ int done1, done2;
__shared__ int backoff;
if (isMasterThread) {
backoff = 1;
hipBarrierAtomicSub(atomic1, &done1, numBarr, backoff, isMasterThread);
// second barrier is necessary to provide a facesimile for a sense-reversing
// barrier
hipBarrierAtomicSub(atomic2, &done2, numBarr, backoff, isMasterThread);
// does local barrier amongst all of the WGs on an CU
inline __device__ void hipBarrierAtomicSubLocal(unsigned int * perCUBarr,
int * done,
const unsigned int numWGs_thisCU,
const bool isMasterThread)
if (isMasterThread)
*done = 0;
// atomicInc acts as a store release, need TF to enforce ordering locally
atomicInc effectively adds 1 to atomic for each WG that's part of the
barrier. For the local barrier, this requires using the per-CU
HIP currently doesn't generate the correct code for atomicInc's here,
so replace with an atomicAdd of 1 and assume no wraparound
//atomicInc(perCUBarr, 0x7FFFFFFF);
atomicAdd(perCUBarr, 1);
while (!*done)
if (isMasterThread)
Once all of the WGs on this CU have incremented the value at atomic,
then the value (for the local barrier) should be equal to the # of WGs
on this CU. Once that is true, then we want to reset the atomic to 0
and proceed because all of the WGs on this CU have reached the local
if (atomicCAS(perCUBarr, numWGs_thisCU, 0) == 0) {
// atomicCAS acts as a load acquire, need TF to enforce ordering
// locally
*done = 1;
// does local barrier amongst all of the WGs on an CU
inline __device__ void hipBarrierAtomicLocal(unsigned int * perCUBarrierBuffers,
const unsigned int cuID,
const unsigned int numWGs_thisCU,
const bool isMasterThread,
const int MAX_BLOCKS)
// each CU has MAX_BLOCKS locations in barrierBuffers, so my CU's locations
// start at barrierBuffers[cuID*MAX_BLOCKS]
unsigned int * atomic1 = perCUBarrierBuffers + (cuID * MAX_BLOCKS);
unsigned int * atomic2 = atomic1 + 1;
__shared__ int done1, done2;
hipBarrierAtomicSubLocal(atomic1, &done1, numWGs_thisCU, isMasterThread);
// second barrier is necessary to approproximate a sense-reversing barrier
hipBarrierAtomicSubLocal(atomic2, &done2, numWGs_thisCU, isMasterThread);
Helper function for joining the barrier with the atomic tree barrier.
__attribute__((always_inline)) __device__ void joinBarrier_helper(unsigned int * barrierBuffers,
unsigned int * perCUBarrierBuffers,
const unsigned int numBlocksAtBarr,
const int cuID,
const int perCU_blockID,
const int numWGs_perCU,
const bool isMasterThread,
const int MAX_BLOCKS) {
if (numWGs_perCU > 1) {
hipBarrierAtomicLocal(perCUBarrierBuffers, cuID, numWGs_perCU,
isMasterThread, MAX_BLOCKS);
// only 1 WG per CU needs to do the global barrier since we synchronized
// the WGs locally first
if (perCU_blockID == 0) {
hipBarrierAtomic(barrierBuffers, numBlocksAtBarr, isMasterThread);
// all WGs on this CU do a local barrier to ensure global barrier is
// reached
hipBarrierAtomicLocal(perCUBarrierBuffers, cuID, numWGs_perCU,
isMasterThread, MAX_BLOCKS);
} else { // if only 1 WG on the CU, no need for the local barriers
hipBarrierAtomic(barrierBuffers, numBlocksAtBarr, isMasterThread);