blob: 1a4ab631d1ece481d13fd37650525c0ce42b652c [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef DFFT_HPP
#define DFFT_HPP
// Distributed FFT
// This is a high-level interface providing FFT's on 3-d data
// distribution. The same data distribution (partition) is assumed in
// both x and k space and is determined by the underlying Distribution
// class.
#include <vector>
#include "complex-type.h"
#ifdef FFTW3
#include <fftw3-mpi.h>
#include <fftw_mpi.h>
#include "allocator.hpp"
#include "distribution.hpp"
#define FFTW_ADDR(X) reinterpret_cast<fftw_complex *>(&(X)[0])
class Dfft : public Distribution {
: Distribution()
Dfft(MPI_Comm comm, int ng, bool transposed_order = false)
: Distribution(comm, ng)
std::vector<int> n;
n.assign(3, ng);
initialize(comm, &n[0], transposed_order);
Dfft(MPI_Comm comm, std::vector<int> const & n, bool transposed_order = false)
: Distribution(comm, n)
initialize(comm, &n[0], transposed_order);
Dfft(MPI_Comm comm, int const n[], bool transposed_order = false)
: Distribution(comm, n)
initialize(comm, n, transposed_order);
#ifdef FFTW3
void initialize(MPI_Comm comm, int const n[], bool transposed_order)
int padding[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
int flags_f;
int flags_b;
#ifdef FFTW3
distribution_init(comm, n, padding, &m_d, false);
// create plan for forward and backward DFT's
flags_f = flags_b = FFTW_ESTIMATE;
#ifdef FFTW3
if (transposed_order) {
m_plan_f = fftw_mpi_plan_dft_3d(n[0], n[1], n[2], FFTW_ADDR(m_buf1), FFTW_ADDR(m_buf2),
comm, FFTW_FORWARD, flags_f);
m_plan_b = fftw_mpi_plan_dft_3d(n[0], n[1], n[2], FFTW_ADDR(m_buf1), FFTW_ADDR(m_buf2),
comm, FFTW_BACKWARD, flags_b);
m_plan_f = fftw3d_mpi_create_plan(comm, n[0], n[1], n[2], FFTW_FORWARD, flags_f);
m_plan_b = fftw3d_mpi_create_plan(comm, n[0], n[1], n[2], FFTW_BACKWARD, flags_b);
// Forward transform
void forward(double const *in, complex_t *out)
complexify(in, &m_buf2[0], m_buf2.size()); // in --> buf2
distribution_3_to_1(&m_buf2[0], &m_buf1[0], &m_d); // buf2 --> buf1
#ifdef FFTW3
fftw_execute(m_plan_f); // buf1 --> buf2
distribution_1_to_3(&m_buf2[0], out, &m_d); // buf2 --> out
fftwnd_mpi(m_plan_f, 1,
(fftw_complex *) &m_buf1[0],
(fftw_complex *) &m_buf2[0],
FFTW_NORMAL_ORDER); // buf1 -->buf1
distribution_1_to_3(&m_buf1[0], out, &m_d); // buf1 --> out
void forward(complex_t const *in, complex_t *out)
distribution_3_to_1(in, &m_buf1[0], &m_d); // in --> buf1
#ifdef FFTW3
fftw_execute(m_plan_f); // buf1 --> buf2
distribution_1_to_3(&m_buf2[0], out, &m_d); // buf2 --> out
fftwnd_mpi(m_plan_f, 1,
(fftw_complex *) &m_buf1[0],
(fftw_complex *) &m_buf2[0],
FFTW_NORMAL_ORDER); // buf1 -->buf1
distribution_1_to_3(&m_buf1[0], out, &m_d); // buf1 --> out
void forward(std::vector<double> const & in, std::vector<complex_t> & out)
forward(&in[0], &out[0]);
void forward(std::vector<complex_t> const & in, std::vector<complex_t> & out)
forward(&in[0], &out[0]);
// Backward transform
void backward(complex_t const *in, double *out)
#ifdef FFTW3
distribution_3_to_1(in, &m_buf1[0], &m_d); // in --> buf1
fftw_execute(m_plan_f); // buf1 --> buf2
distribution_3_to_1(in, &m_buf1[0], &m_d); // in --> buf2
fftwnd_mpi(m_plan_f, 1,
(fftw_complex *) &m_buf2[0],
(fftw_complex *) &m_buf1[0],
FFTW_NORMAL_ORDER); // buf2 -->buf2
distribution_1_to_3(&m_buf2[0], &m_buf1[0], &m_d); // buf2 --> buf1
decomplexify(&m_buf1[0], out, m_buf1.size()); // buf1 --> out
void backward(complex_t const *in, complex_t *out)
#ifdef FFTW3
distribution_3_to_1(in, &m_buf1[0], &m_d); // in --> buf1
fftw_execute(m_plan_f); // buf1 --> buf2
distribution_3_to_1(in, &m_buf1[0], &m_d); // in --> buf2
fftwnd_mpi(m_plan_f, 1,
(fftw_complex *) &m_buf2[0],
(fftw_complex *) &m_buf1[0],
FFTW_NORMAL_ORDER); // buf2 -->buf2
distribution_1_to_3(&m_buf2[0], out, &m_d); // buf2 --> out
void backward(std::vector<complex_t> const & in, std::vector<double> & out)
backward(&in[0], &out[0]);
void backward(std::vector<complex_t> const & in, std::vector<complex_t> & out)
backward(&in[0], &out[0]);
void complexify(double const *r, complex_t *z, size_t size)
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
z[i] = r[i];
void decomplexify(complex_t const *z, double *r, size_t size)
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
r[i] = real(z[i]);
std::vector<complex_t, fftw_allocator<complex_t> > m_buf1;
std::vector<complex_t, fftw_allocator<complex_t> > m_buf2;
#ifdef FFTW3
fftw_plan m_plan_f;
fftw_plan m_plan_b;
fftwnd_mpi_plan m_plan_f;
fftwnd_mpi_plan m_plan_b;