gem5 website redesign

Website for gem5 documentation, written in Jekyll.


Clone repository, bundle Gemfile

git clone

Run Jekyll server

jekyll serve --config _config.yml,_config_dev.yml
bundle exec jekyll serve --config _config.yml,_config_dev.yml



Yaml files, for easily editing navigation.


Page section and main navigation bar are here.


Different layout templates used on the site.

  • default
  • page
  • toc
  • post
  • documentation


All pages (other than the index.html home page) should be placed in this folder. There is a subfolder /documentation where pages meant for documentation part of the site can be kept. This is purely for organization and ease of finding things. Reorganizing the _pages folder should not affect the site.


All custom css is kept in _layout.scss.


Images and javascript files.


If a blog is created, this will store blog files.


Edit Documentation Navigation


Parent Topic:

  • subtopic
  • subtopic
  • ...

Parent Topic:

  • subtopic
  • ...

To edit the documentation navigation, simply edit the documentaiton.yml file in the _data folder. docs lists the parent topics, and within it subitems lists its subtopics. This is an example of how it should be formatted:

title: Documentation

  - title: Getting Started     # Parent Topic
    id: gettingstarted     # see below
    url: /gettingstarted     # see below
      - page: Introduction     # Name that will appear in navigation
        url: /introduction     # url
      - page: Dependencies
        url: /dependencies
  - title: Debugging     # Parent Topic
    id: debugging     # see below
      - page: Piece 1
        url: /piece1
      - page: Piece 2
        url: /piece2

Notes: id is an identifier that links subtopics to its parent. It is required and must not contain any spaces. The subtopic pages must inclue in the frontmatter parent: id with id being the parent's id.

url is optional for parent topics, if a parent topic has its own a page. If no url is provided, it will automatically link to the first subtopic.

Add New Page

To add a new documentation page, first add frontmatter at the top of either the markdown or html file to be added.

layout: documentation     // specify page layout
title: Getting Started     // title of the page
parent: gettingstarted     // see below
permalink: /gettingstarted/     // url

Notes: parent should be the exact same as the id of its parent topic that is assigned to it in _data/documentation.yml file. (If the page is the parent topic, parent is the same as the id assigned to it in _data/documentation.yml file.)

Place the file in _pages/documentation. Make sure to add the page to the documentation navigation, explained by the section above.