layout: documentation title: Trace CPU Model parent: cpu_models doc: gem5 documentation permalink: /documentation/general_docs/cpu_models/TraceCPU


Table of Contents

  1. Overview

  2. Elastic Trace Generation

    1. Scripts and options
    2. Trace file format
  3. Replay with Trace CPU

    1. Scripts and options


The Trace CPU model plays back elastic traces, which are dependency and timing annotated traces generated by the Elastic Trace Probe attached to the O3 CPU model. The focus of the Trace CPU model is to achieve memory-system (cache-hierarchy, interconnects and main memory) performance exploration in a fast and reasonably accurate way instead of using the detailed but slow O3 CPU model. The traces have been developed for single-threaded benchmarks simulating in both SE and FS mode. They have been correlated for 15 memory-sensitive SPEC 2006 benchmarks and a handful of HPC proxy apps by interfacing the Trace CPU with classic memory system and varying cache design parameters and DRAM memory type. In general, elastic traces can be ported to other simulation environments.


Exploring System Performance using Elastic Traces: Fast, Accurate and Portable" Radhika Jagtap, Stephan Diestelhorst, Andreas Hansson, Matthias Jung and Norbert Wehn SAMOS 2016

Trace generation and replay methodology

Methodology block diagram showing elastic trace generation using O3 CPU and replay using Trace CPU

Elastic Trace Generation

The Elastic Trace Probe Listener listens to Probe Points inserted in O3 CPU pipeline stages. It monitors each instruction and creates a dependency graph by recording data Read-After-Write dependencies and order dependencies between loads and stores. It writes the instruction fetch request trace and the elastic data memory request trace as two separate files as shown below.

Elastic trace file generation

Trace file formats

The elastic data memory trace and fetch request trace are both encoded using google protobuf.

Elastic Trace fields in protobuf format
required uint64 seq_num  Instruction number used as an id for tracking dependencies
required RecordType type  RecordType enum has values: INVALID, LOAD, STORE, COMP
optional uint64 p_addr  Physical memory address if instruction is a load/store
optional uint32 size  Size in bytes of data if instruction is a load/store
optional uint32 flags  Flags or attributes of the access, ex. Uncacheable
required uint64 rob_dep  Past instruction number on which there is order (ROB) dependency
required uint64 comp_delay  Execution delay between the completion of the last dependency and the execution of the instruction  
repeated uint64 reg_dep  Past instruction number on which there is RAW data dependency
optional uint32 weight  To account for committed instructions that were filtered out
optional uint64 pc  Instruction address, i.e. the program counter
optional uint64 v_addr  Virtual memory address if instruction is a load/store
optional uint32 asid  Address Space ID

A decode script in Python is available at util/ that outputs the trace in ASCII format.

Example of a trace in ASCII










Each record in the instruction fetch trace has the following fields.

required uint64 tick  Timestamp of the access
required uint32 cmd  Read or Write (in this case always Read)
required uint64 addr  Physical memory address
required uint32 size  Size in bytes of data
optional uint32 flags  Flags or attributes of the access
optional uint64 pkt_id  Id of the access
optional uint64 pc  Instruction address, i.e. the program counter

The decode script in Python at util/ can be used to output the trace in ASCII format.

Compile dependencies:

You need to install google protocol buffer as the traces are recorded using this.

sudo apt-get install protobuf-compiler sudo apt-get install libprotobuf-dev

Scripts and options

  • SE mode
    • build/ARM/gem5.opt [gem5.opt options] -d bzip_10Minsts configs/example/ [ options] --cpu-type=arm_detailed --caches --cmd=$M5_PATH/binaries/arm_arm/linux/bzip2 --options=$M5_PATH/data/bzip2/lgred/input/input.source -I 10000000 --elastic-trace-en --data-trace-file=deptrace.proto.gz --inst-trace-file=fetchtrace.proto.gz --mem-type=SimpleMemory
  • FS mode: Create a checkpoint for your region of interest and resume from the checkpoint but with O3 CPU model and tracing enabled
    • build/ARM/gem5.opt --outdir=m5out/bbench ./configs/example/ [ options] --benchmark bbench-ics
    • build/ARM/gem5.opt --outdir=m5out/bbench/capture_10M ./configs/example/ [ options] --cpu-type=arm_detailed --caches --elastic-trace-en --data-trace-file=deptrace.proto.gz --inst-trace-file=fetchtrace.proto.gz --mem-type=SimpleMemory --checkpoint-dir=m5out/bbench -r 0 --benchmark bbench-ics -I 10000000

Replay with Trace CPU

The execution trace generated above is then consumed by the Trace CPU as illustrated below.


The Trace CPU model inherits from the Base CPU and interfaces with data and instruction L1 caches. A diagram of the Trace CPU explaining the major logic and control blocks is shown below.


Scripts and options

  • A trace replay script in the examples folder can be used to play back SE and FS generated traces
    • build/ARM/gem5.opt [gem5.opt options] -d bzip_10Minsts_replay configs/example/ [options] --cpu-type=trace --caches --data-trace-file=bzip_10Minsts/deptrace.proto.gz --inst-trace-file=bzip_10Minsts/fetchtrace.proto.gz --mem-size=4GB
required uint64 seq_numTimestamp of the access
required RecordType typeRead or Write (in this case always Read)
optional uint64 p_addrPhysical memory address if instruction is a load/store
optional uint32 sizeSize in bytes of data if instruction is a load/store
optional uint32 flagsFlags or attributes of the access, ex. Uncacheable
required uint64 rob_depPast instruction number on which there is order (ROB) dependency
required uint64 comp_delayExecution delay between the completion of the last dependency and the execution of the instruction
repeated uint64 reg_depPast instruction number on which there is RAW data dependency
optional uint32 weightTo account for committed instructions that were filtered out
optional uint64 pcInstruction address, i.e. the program counter
optional uint64 v_addrVirtual memory address if instruction is a load/store
optional uint32 asidAddress Space ID