website: Update GCN3 docker image + square documentation

* Add documentation stating there's a pre-built docker image and how
to use it

* Update documentation regarding how to run square, as the structure
of gem5-resources changed since the documentation was written

Change-Id: I6b0cbdf6c191c8584edf9a34deaf916f969ec6ff
Reviewed-by: Matt Sinclair <>
Reviewed-by: Bobby R. Bruce <>
Maintainer: Matt Sinclair <>
Maintainer: Bobby R. Bruce <>
Tested-by: Bobby R. Bruce <>
diff --git a/_pages/documentation/general_docs/gpu_models/ b/_pages/documentation/general_docs/gpu_models/
index fe006a7..15b9eb3 100644
--- a/_pages/documentation/general_docs/gpu_models/
+++ b/_pages/documentation/general_docs/gpu_models/
@@ -22,15 +22,25 @@
 Thus, you should use the develop branch when running the GCN3 model.
 We expect this support to be integrated into the gem5-v21.0 release.
-The [gem5 repository]( comes with a dockerfile located in `util/dockerfiles/gcn-gpu/`. This dockerfile contains the drivers and libraries needed to run the GPU model
+The [gem5 repository]( comes with a dockerfile located in `util/dockerfiles/gcn-gpu/`. This dockerfile contains the drivers and libraries needed to run the GPU model. A pre-built version of the docker image is hosted at ``.
 The [gem5-resources repository]( also comes with a sample application (square) that can be used to verify that the model runs correctly.
-#### Building the image
+#### Using the image
+The docker image can either be built or pulled from
+To build the docker image from source:
+# Working directory: gem5/util/dockerfiles/gcn-gpu
 docker build -t <image_name> .
+To pull the pre-built docker image:
+docker pull
+You can also put `` as the image in the docker run command without pulling beforehand and it will be pulled automatically.
 #### Building gem5 using the image
 The following command assumes the gem5 directory is a subdirectory of your current directory
@@ -40,7 +50,7 @@
 #### Building a GPU application using the image
 The following command assumes the gem5-resources directory is a subdirectory of your current directory
-docker run --rm -v $PWD/gem5-resources:/gem5-resources -w /gem5-resources <image_name> make square
+docker run --rm -v $PWD/gem5-resources:$PWD/gem5-resources -w $PWD/gem5-resources/src/square <image_name> make gfx8-apu
 #### Running the sample application
@@ -49,8 +59,8 @@
 docker run --rm -v $PWD/gem5:/gem5 -v $PWD/gem5-resources:/gem5-resources \
                 -w /gem5 <image_name> \
                 build/GCN3_X86/gem5.opt configs/example/ -n2 \
-                --benchmark-root=/gem5-resources/output/test-progs/square \
-                -c square
+                --benchmark-root=/gem5-resources/src/square/bin \
+                -c square.o
 ## **ROCm**