title: “gem5 101” date: 2018-05-12T21:16:22-04:00 draft: false weight: 20

This is a six part course which will help you pick up the basics of gem5, and illustrate some common uses. This course is based around the assignments from a particular offering of architecture courses, CS 752 and CS 757, taught at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.


A lot of people have been involved over the years in developing the assignments for these courses. If we have missed out on anyone, please add them here.

  • Multifacet research group at University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Profs Mark Hill, David Wood
  • Jason Lowe-Power
  • Nilay Vaish
  • Lena Olson
  • Swapnil Haria
  • Jayneel Gandhi

{{% notice note %}} Any questions or queries regarding this tutorial should be directed towards the gem5-users mailing list, and not the individual contacts listed in the assignment. {{% /notice %}}