layout: post title: gem5 Horrors and what we can do about it author: Jason Lowe-Power date: 2015-6-9


This post is a post which mostly follows the talk that I am giving at the gem5 Users Workshop. This post contains some more details on problems that I skipped in my talk and some references that I was not able to include in a presentation. You can view my presentation on Google Drive here.

I <3 gem5

Before I get into the negative aspects of gem5, I first want to point out that it is a great tool. gem5 is used by a large number of computer architecture researchers, both in industry and in academia. Here at Wisconsin, and at other universities, gem5 is used in the classroom to teach students about computer architecture and how to do computer architecture research.

gem5 is, without a doubt, the most full-featured architecture simulator. It leverages execute-at-execute semantics for high-fidelity cycle-by-cycle simulation. gem5 can boot a mostly unmodified Linux image. It has multiple different CPU and memory models. gem5 has a modular design which makes it simple to embed and extend. This has allowed gem5 to be used a large number of projects (see and

However, as great as gem5 is, its growth has not been without pain. Now that gem5 is nearing 15 years of development (if you include the original m5 and GEMS project from which gem5 was born), I believe it's time to look at some of its deficiencies and talk about what we can do to mitigate them.

gem5 horrors

Below, I discuss a few specific pain points with that I and others have experienced with gem5. However, before I get to that, I'd like to talk about what I think the root of these issues are. gem5 has two main problems

  1. There is no formal governance model.
  2. The gem5 developers do not think of the user first.

Later, after I give some examples of specific problems, I will discuss what I think can be done to fix these to issues.

Next I discuss four specific “gem5 horrors” that either I have personally experienced or I have talked to others who have experienced them. These issues are deeper that just bugs, even if sometimes they can be solved with simple changes. After describing each issue, I will also quickly discuss a possible way to mitigate the problem.

Horror 1: Merges

There are a number of projects that build on top of gem5. In fact, I would argue that this is the main use case for gem5. Everyone that I know who uses gem5 for research, takes the mainline gem5 and builds their own changes on top of it.

The problem with this model, where people build on top of gem5, is that when new features are added or bugs are fixed in the mainline, downstream users have to consume these changes. If the downstream users do a good job managing their patch queues, this should be a straightforward thing to do. However, I have found that even when careful development practices are followed, merging gem5 changes is incredibly difficult.

Below I discuss a few specific problems that I have run into when merging new changes in gem5. I believe the problems can be summed up with two high-level issued we currently have in gem5.

  1. There is no well-defined static API. The interface to different modules is constantly in a state of flux.
  2. The regression suite we have in gem5 has poor coverage. There are many features that users depend on that are not covered by the regression tester.

Merge headache #1: Pointless code changes

Examples from Ruby and Slicc and packet.

Merge headache #2: Features break between versions

Ruby backing store, checkpointing

Merge headache #3: APIs are a moving target

Example with the minimal gem5 script.

How to mitigate

I believe that there are two things we can can do as the gem5 development community to make merging upstream changes much easier. First, we need a stable set of APIs. Second, we need a robust testing and regression structure. I discuss some specifics of these two characteristics below.

Stable APIs

Today in gem5, it is just as easy to change widely used interfaces, like the port interface, as it is to change the implementation of a rarely used function. We need to change this. I think that we need to choose a set of interfaces and make them stable. This is similar to how the Linux kernel operates.

Once we have chosen a set of stable interfaces, I‘m not suggesting that they never change, only that it should be more onerous to change stable APIs than other things. Additionally, this has the added benefit that “gem5-stable” can actually mean something. We can now have a stable version, which has non-changing APIs, and a dev version that we can’t necessarily count on to have constant APIs.

I personally do not know what the API should be. I would like to see the community come together and talk about what they see as important interfaces. Then, once we find these interfaces, we can architect these interfaces and hopefully make gem5 easier to use.

Testing structure

I do not think that this is a very controversial issue, but gem5 needs a better regression structure. If all of the features that we used in gem5-gpu had been part of the regression suite, then we would have had many less problems.

Again, I do not know exactly how to make the regression suite better, but I do think a good idea would be to require new features, and bug fixes, to include a unit-test or something like that. We really need a softeare engineer to sit down and architect a new regression system. This would be a great project for someone who is new to the gem5 codebase.

Horror 2: Configuration files

gem5 has an incredibly flexible configuration system. But with flexibility often come complexity. In fact, I ran SLOCcount on the configs directory and found there was more than 4000 lines of Python code. According to the SLOCcount tool, this means there was 16 person-months and a quarter of a million dollars worth of code here!

All of this complexity causes a number of issues. In my talk, I touched on the fact that the defaults are confusing, and in some cases inconsistent.

How to mitigate

Since the m5 and GEMS integration, I have noticed a trend that the number of command line parameters has continued to grow significantly. It seems that every time a new feature has been added, we have added some new command line parameters as well. I think this is the wrong way to do it.

There is an amazing C++-Python wrapper in gem5. We should be taking advantage of the scripting capabilities of Python.

I have created a simple script that is under 30 lines of Python. I think we need to encourage our users to script in Python instead of adding more and more command line parameters. Which, in my experience, really just leads to scripting in bash instead of in Python anyway.

Horror 3: Unexpected results

This was a very surprising error that I ran into while working on creating a homework assignment for a graduate-level computer architecture course. The point of the homework was to compare the performance of instruction latency versus instruction throughput. I wanted the students to take a particular instruction and change the number of execution units, the latency, and how much the units were pipelined. To do this, we looked at the divide instruction, since it is a long latency instruction. Below is the code that we used:

for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
      Y[i] = X[i] / alpha + Y[i];

In this code, every divide is totally independent from every other. Therefore, we would expect that with he out-of-order CPU, that if the divide is pipelined it the code will speedup by how much the divide unit is pipelined.

To test this, I looked at two different configurations, a 10 cycle latency divide with no pipelining, and a 10 cycle latency divide that is fully pipelined. Below is the data I found for ARM and x86. I only changed the “obvious” options. Each functional unit has an option for the execution latency and issue latency. If the issue latency is 1, then the functional unit is fully pipelined. (Now this is a boolean flag.) All of the data is relative to x86 with no pipelining.

Configuration Latency Issue lat. x86 Perf ARM Perf

No Pipeline 10 cycles 10 cycles 1.0x 8.0x Full Pipeline 10 cycles 1 cycle 1.0x 9.6x (1.2x)

There are two very weird results in this data. First, when we fully pipelined the divide unit, there was no performance change (at all!!) in x86. Second, when running the exact same cod with ARM, there was a 8x speedup compared to x86! I find it very hard to believe that the ARM ISA is inherently better at divide than x86.

How to mitigate

This is a much harder problem to mitigate than the others on this list. Nilay Vaish has taken a step in the right directions with these two patches on reviewboard and, which have been incorporated in gem5.

The underlying problem is that the implementation for ARM and x86 are totally distinct. It is not clear to me what the right way to unify the ISA implementation are. As a stop-gap, developers who are working on implementing x86 features, need to make sure that they perform similarly to ARM features. Maybe a solution is to have a single set of C programs which exercise all ISAs and compare the performance across ISAs. There should be some performance differences, but not an order of magnitude.

Horror 4: Lack of new-user support

How to mitigate

What I think we need to do is to create a “gem5 for Dummies” book or a “Learning gem5” book. This book would be similar to Learning Python or Learning Mercurial. The book would be open source for anyone to contribute to. In fact, it should be required to update the book if a developer makes an API-breaking change.

An initial implementation of this book, which currently only includes about a chapter of “getting started” and is in fact already out of date can be found here: gem5-tutorial. I began working on this in conjunction with the graduate computer architecture class at Wisconsin, so it may currently have some Wisconsin-specific text. I hope to continue working on this in my copious free time.

There are many other horrors that other people experience as well. Here I only discussed some of the horrors that I have heard people discussing. The purpose in presenting these horrors is not to say that gem5 is a bad simulator! The purpose is to highlight how there are currently issues that need to be addressed by the gem5 development community.

What can we do about it?

A lot of the problems that I have discussed above come down to poor software engineering. And yes, we are architects, not software engineers, and there are a lot of things we could do better if we just focused on software engineering. However, I do not think that this is the underlying issue.

I believe these four horror stem from two systemic problems in the gem5 development community.

  1. There is no formal governance model.
  2. The gem5 developers do not think of the user first.

I believe that if we start to solve these high-level issues, gem5 will be a much better tool for everyone. Next, I discuss one possible way to address these two points.

gem5 Foundation

First, I want to say that I do not believe this is the only way, or the right way, to move gem5 forward. This is one possibility that I believe will make gem5 a better tool. I hope that this is a place to begin the discussion and I am sure that others in our community can come up with even better suggestions that this!

I think we should create a gem5 Foundation. The gem5 Foundation will be the center for the gem5 community. It will be a formal way for the community to set goals and push gem5 forward.

There are two main things I think the gem5 Foundation can help us with. It can set up a formal governance structure and be a place for outside interests to contribute money towards making gem5 better for everyone.

Formalizing a governance structure

First, we need a governance structure. This is a document which defines how decisions are made in the community, what matters to the community, how to contribute to the community, etc.

There is a lot of documentation on how to write governance models and what they are. OSS-Watch is a great source for this. Here is a link to a definition of a governance model, which does a much better job that I can explaining it. Additionally, here is a link to an example governance model from an academic open-source project:

Money, Money, Money

What I think the main solution to all of these problems is to pay software developers not computer architects! to solve some of these problems. Already, within ARM and AMD there are a number of people who get paid to work on gem5. However, these companies do not have gem5's best interests as their key focus. Their focus is what ARM and AMD find interesting.

So, I think that if we have something like the gem5 Foundation, these companies and academia, can donate money towards coding things that are good for the community as a whole. The gem5 Foundation can hire software engineers to work on the parts of gem5 that grad students and researchers do not want to do. If you look at other academic communities, they often hire non researchers to do the “grunt work”. Overall, I think this is a good idea for computer architects too, and specifically for gem5.

I recognize that this may be a crazy idea. I would love to hear what others think. I am sure we will have some interesting discussion at the gem5 workshop, and hopefully I will write another post with what other people thought! Feel free to leave comments below.