blob: fb8d2be5a3372f044fed6b723fd9665307fde2d0 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
#This is a job launch script for boot tests
import os
import sys
from uuid import UUID
from gem5art.artifact.artifact import Artifact
from import gem5Run
from gem5art.tasks.tasks import run_gem5_instance
"""packer = Artifact.registerArtifact(
command = '''wget;
typ = 'binary',
name = 'packer',
path = 'disk-image/packer',
cwd = 'disk-image',
documentation = 'Program to build disk images. Downloaded sometime in August from hashicorp.'
experiments_repo = Artifact.registerArtifact(
command = 'git clone',
typ = 'git repo',
name = 'microbenchmark-tests',
path = './',
cwd = '../',
documentation = 'main experiments repo to run microbenchmarks with gem5'
gem5_repo = Artifact.registerArtifact(
command = 'git clone',
typ = 'git repo',
name = 'gem5',
path = 'gem5/',
cwd = './',
documentation = 'git repo with gem5 master branch on Sep 23rd'
m5_binary = Artifact.registerArtifact(
command = 'make -f Makefile.x86',
typ = 'binary',
name = 'm5',
path = 'gem5/util/m5/m5',
cwd = 'gem5/util/m5',
inputs = [gem5_repo,],
documentation = 'm5 utility'
"""disk_image = Artifact.registerArtifact(
command = 'packer build template.json',
typ = 'disk image',
name = 'boot-disk',
cwd = 'disk-image',
path = 'disk-image/boot-exit/boot-exit-image/boot-exit',
inputs = [packer, experiments_repo, m5_binary,],
documentation = 'Ubuntu with m5 binary installed and root auto login'
gem5_binary = Artifact.registerArtifact(
command = 'scons build/X86/gem5.opt',
typ = 'gem5 binary',
name = 'gem5',
cwd = 'gem5/',
path = 'gem5/build/X86/gem5.opt',
inputs = [gem5_repo,],
documentation = 'default gem5 x86'
"""linux_repo = Artifact.registerArtifact(
command = '''git clone;
mv linux linux-stable''',
typ = 'git repo',
name = 'linux-stable',
path = 'linux-stable/',
cwd = './',
documentation = 'linux kernel source code repo from Sep 23rd'
"""linuxes = ['5.2.3', '4.14.134', '4.9.186', '4.4.186']
linux_binaries = {
version: Artifact.registerArtifact(
name = f'vmlinux-{version}',
typ = 'kernel',
path = f'linux-stable/vmlinux-{version}',
cwd = 'linux-stable/',
command = f'''git checkout v{version};
cp ../linux-configs/config.{version} .config;
make -j8;
cp vmlinux vmlinux-{version};
inputs = [experiments_repo, linux_repo,],
documentation = f"Kernel binary for {version} with simple "
"config file",
for version in linuxes
if __name__ == "__main__":
boot_types = ['init', 'systemd']
num_cpus = ['1', '2', '4', '8']
cpu_types = ['Simple']
#mem_types = ['classic']#, 'ruby']
mem_types = ['Slow']# [SingleCycle][Inf]
bm_list =['MC','MCS','CCa','CCe','CCh','CCh_st']
#Architecture to run with.
arch='X86' #'ARM'
if arch =='X86':
elif arch =='ARM':
path = 'microbench'
for bms in bm_list:
for cpu in cpu_types:
for mem in mem_types:
run = gem5Run.createSERun(
gem5_binary, gem5_repo, experiments_repo,
cpu, mem, os.path.join(path,bms,bm))