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title: "ISCA 2015 - 2nd User Workshop"
date: 2018-05-13T18:51:37-04:00
draft: false
weight: 90
permalink: events/isca-2015
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<td><div style="font-size:202%;border:none;margin: 0;padding:.3em;text-align:center;color:#000">
<p>Second gem5 User Workshop</p>
<div style="font-size:140%;border:none;margin: 0;padding:.3em;text-align:center;color:#000">
<p>June 14th, 2015; Portland, OR</p>
Following up from a successful [2012
workshop](User_workshop_2012 "wikilink"), it is time for the 2015
edition of the gem5 user workshop. The primary objective of this
workshop is to bring together groups across the community who are
actively using gem5. Discussion topics will include the activity of the
gem5 community, how we can best leverage each others contributions, and
how we continue to make gem5 a successful, community-supported
simulation framework. Those who will get the most out of the workshop
are current users of gem5, although anyone is welcome to attend.
The key part of the workshop is a set of presentations from the
community about how individuals or groups are using the simulator, any
features you have added that might be useful to others, and any major
pain points, and what can be done to make gem5 better and more broadly
adopted. The hope is that this will provide a forum for people with
similar uses or needs to connect with each
### Final Program
| Topic | Time | Presenter | Affiliation |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ----------------------- | ----------------------------------- |
| [Introduction & Overview of Changes](Media:2015_ws_01_introduction.pdf "wikilink") | 9:00 AM | Steve Reinhardt | AMD |
| [Classic Memory System Re-visited](Media:2015_ws_02_hansson_gem5_workshop_2015.pdf "wikilink") | 9:30 AM | Andreas Hansson | ARM |
| User Perspectives |
| [AMD's gem5 APU Simulator](Media:2015_ws_03_amd-apu-model.pdf "wikilink") | 10:00 AM | Brad Beckmann | AMD |
| [NoMali: Understanding the Impact of Software Rendering Using a Stub GPU](Media:2015_ws_04_ISCA_2015_NoMali.pdf "wikilink") | 10:15 AM | Andreas Sandberg | ARM |
| Cycle-Accurate STT-MRAM model in gem5 | 10:30 AM | Cong Ma | University of Minnesota |
| [An Accurate and Detailed Prefetching Simulation Framework for gem5](Media:2015_ws_06_TorrentsM_gem5_prefetcher.pdf "wikilink") | 10:45 AM | Martí Torrents Lapuerta | Polytechnic University of Catalonia |
| Break | 11:00 AM | | |
| [Supporting Native PThreads in SE Mode](Media:2015_ws_07_pthread.pdf "wikilink") | 11:30 AM | Brandon Potter | AMD |
| [Dynamically Linked Executables in SE Mode](Media:2015_ws_08_dynamic-linker.pdf "wikilink") | 11:45 AM | Brandon Potter | AMD |
| [Coupling gem5 with SystemC TLM 2.0 Virtual Platforms](Media:2015_ws_09_2015-06-14_Gem5_ISCA.pptx "wikilink") | 12:00 PM | Matthias Jung | University of Kaiserslautern |
| [SST/gem5 Integration](Media:2015_ws_10_sstGem5ISCA.pptx "wikilink") | 12:15 PM | Simon D. Hammond | Sandia |
| Lunch | 12:30 PM | | |
| [Full-System Simulation at Near Native Speed](Media:2015_ws_11_20150614_-_Trevor_E._Carlson_-_gem5_workshop.pptx "wikilink") | 1:30 PM | Trevor Carlson | Uppsala University |
| [Enabling x86 KVM-Based CPU Model in Syscall Emulation Mode](Media:2015_ws_12_KVM-in-SE.pdf "wikilink") | 1:45 PM | Alexandru Dutu | AMD |
| [Parallel gem5 Simulation of Many-Core Systems with Software-Progammable Memories](Media:2015_ws_13_gem5-manycore-spm.pdf "wikilink") | 2:00 PM | Bryan Donyanavard | UC Irvine |
| [Infrastructure for AVF Modeling](Media:2015_ws_14_AVFInfrastructure.pdf "wikilink") | 2:15 PM | Mark Wilkening | AMD |
| [gem5-Aladdin Integration for Heterogeneous SoC Modeling](Media:2015_ws_15_isca2015-gem5-aladdin.pptx "wikilink") | 2:30 PM | Y. Sophia Shao | Harvard University |
| [Experiences Implementing Tinuso in gem5](Media:2015_ws_16_gem5-workshop_mwalter.pptx "wikilink") | 2:45 PM | Maxwell Walter | Technical University of Denmark |
| [Experiences with gem5](Media:2015_ws_17_mmoreto-gem5userworkshop-2015.pptx "wikilink") | 3:00 PM | Miquel Moretó Planas | BSC/UPC |
| [Little Shop of gem5 Horrors]( (see also [Jason's blog post]( | 3:15pm | Jason Power | University of Wisconsin |
| Break | 3:30 PM | | |
| Breakout Sessions |
| Breakout Sessions | 4:00 PM | Breakout Groups | |
| Wrap-Up | 5:00 PM | Everyone | |
| |
| [Conclusions](Media:2015_ws_19_gem5_workshop_conclusions.pptx "wikilink") | 5:30 PM | Ali Saidi | ARM |