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title: "MICRO 2012 - 1st user workshop"
date: 2018-05-13T18:51:37-04:00
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<td><div style="font-size:202%;border:none;margin: 0;padding:.3em;text-align:center;color:#000">
<p>First gem5 User Workshop</p>
<div style="font-size:140%;border:none;margin: 0;padding:.3em;text-align:center;color:#000">
<p>December 2012; Vancouver, BC</p>
The primary objective of this workshop is to bring together groups
across the community who are actively using gem5, discuss what is going
on in the gem5 community, how we can best leverage each others
contributions, and how we continue to make gem5 a successful
community-supported simulation framework. Those who will get the most
out of the conference are current users of gem5, although anyone is
welcome to
### Program
| Topic | Time | Presenter | Affiliation |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- |
| [Introduction](Media:gem5_user_workshop_intro.pdf "wikilink") | 8:30 AM | Ali Saidi | ARM |
| Recent Contributions |
| [Memory System Enhancements](Media:2012_12_01_gem5_workshop_Memory.pdf "wikilink") | 8:45 AM | Andreas Hannson | ARM |
| [Visualizing stats via Streamline](Media:2012_12_01_gem5_workshop_Streamline.pdf "wikilink") | 9:05 AM | Dam Sunwoo | ARM |
| User Perspectives |
| [HAsim: FPGA-Based Micro-Architecture Simulator](Media:201212_HAsim_GEM5.pdf "wikilink") | 9:20 AM | Michael Adler | Intel |
| [VLIW DSPs/MIPS FS mode](Media:Tsinghua's_Presentation_for_gem5_Workshop_2012.pdf "wikilink") | 9:35 AM | Deyuan Guo and Hu He | Tsinghua Univ. |
| [Eclipse Integration](Media:Tsinghua's_Presentation_for_gem5_Workshop_2012.pdf "wikilink") | 9:50 AM | Deyuan Guo and Hu He | Tsinghua Univ. |
| Break | 10:05 AM | | |
| [Full-System Workloads and Asymmetric Multi-Core Simulation](Media:Gutierrez_gem5_workshop_2012.pdf "wikilink") | 10:30 AM | Anthony Gutierrez | Univ. of Michigan |
| [ARM SoC exploration](Media:Gem5_workshop_arm_soc_exploration_ext.pdf "wikilink") | 10:45 AM | Alexandre Romana and Abhilash Nair | Texas Instruments |
| [SystemC integration](Media:Gem5_workshop_systemC_integration_ext.pdf "wikilink") | 11:00 AM | Alexandre Romana | Texas Instruments |
| [Composite Cores](Media:Performance_Prediction_Models_gem5_workshop.pdf "wikilink") | 11:15 AM | Shruti Padmanabha and Andrew Lukefahr | Univ. of Michigan |
| [Customized InOrder CPU Modeling](Media:2012_workshop_gem5_inorder_modeling.pdf "wikilink") | 11:30 AM | Korey Sewell | Univ. of Michigan (now at Qualcomm) |
| [Cross-Cutting Infrastructure for Evaluating Managed Languages and Future Architectures](Media:2012_gem5_modern_languages_infrastructure.pdf "wikilink") | 11:45 AM | Paul Gratz | Texas A\&M Univ. |
| Lunch | 12:00 PM | | |
| [Simplifying SLICC via Atomic Messages](Media:Atomic_interfaces_micro_2012_final.pdf "wikilink") | 1:00 PM | Brad Beckmann | AMD |
| [Accelerating Simulation with Virtual Machines](Media:2012_12_gem5_workshop_kvm.pdf "wikilink") | 1:15 PM | Ali Saidi | ARM |
| [gem5-gpu: A Simulator for Heterogeneous Processors](Media:2012_12_gem5_gpu.pdf "wikilink") | 1:30 PM | Jason Power and Marc Orr | Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison |
| Breakout Sessions |
| [Breakout Sessions](Media:2012_gem5_micro_breakout.pdf "wikilink") | 1:45 PM | Breakout Groups | |
| Break | 3:00 PM | | |
| Wrap-Up/Next Steps | 3:30 PM | Everyone | |
| |
| Conclusions | 4:00 PM | Steve Reinhardt | AMD |
### Location
The workshop is co-located with
[MICRO-45]( in Vancouver, BC.
### Date
Sunday December 2nd from 8:30 - 16:30.