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| title: "MICRO 2012 - 1st user workshop" |
| date: 2018-05-13T18:51:37-04:00 |
| draft: false |
| weight: 100 |
| permalink: events/micro-2012 |
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| <td><div style="font-size:202%;border:none;margin: 0;padding:.3em;text-align:center;color:#000"> |
| <p>First gem5 User Workshop</p> |
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| <div style="font-size:140%;border:none;margin: 0;padding:.3em;text-align:center;color:#000"> |
| <p>December 2012; Vancouver, BC</p> |
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| The primary objective of this workshop is to bring together groups |
| across the community who are actively using gem5, discuss what is going |
| on in the gem5 community, how we can best leverage each others |
| contributions, and how we continue to make gem5 a successful |
| community-supported simulation framework. Those who will get the most |
| out of the conference are current users of gem5, although anyone is |
| welcome to |
| attend. |
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| ### Program |
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| | Topic | Time | Presenter | Affiliation | |
| | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- | |
| | [Introduction](Media:gem5_user_workshop_intro.pdf "wikilink") | 8:30 AM | Ali Saidi | ARM | |
| | Recent Contributions | |
| | [Memory System Enhancements](Media:2012_12_01_gem5_workshop_Memory.pdf "wikilink") | 8:45 AM | Andreas Hannson | ARM | |
| | [Visualizing stats via Streamline](Media:2012_12_01_gem5_workshop_Streamline.pdf "wikilink") | 9:05 AM | Dam Sunwoo | ARM | |
| | User Perspectives | |
| | [HAsim: FPGA-Based Micro-Architecture Simulator](Media:201212_HAsim_GEM5.pdf "wikilink") | 9:20 AM | Michael Adler | Intel | |
| | [VLIW DSPs/MIPS FS mode](Media:Tsinghua's_Presentation_for_gem5_Workshop_2012.pdf "wikilink") | 9:35 AM | Deyuan Guo and Hu He | Tsinghua Univ. | |
| | [Eclipse Integration](Media:Tsinghua's_Presentation_for_gem5_Workshop_2012.pdf "wikilink") | 9:50 AM | Deyuan Guo and Hu He | Tsinghua Univ. | |
| | Break | 10:05 AM | | | |
| | [Full-System Workloads and Asymmetric Multi-Core Simulation](Media:Gutierrez_gem5_workshop_2012.pdf "wikilink") | 10:30 AM | Anthony Gutierrez | Univ. of Michigan | |
| | [ARM SoC exploration](Media:Gem5_workshop_arm_soc_exploration_ext.pdf "wikilink") | 10:45 AM | Alexandre Romana and Abhilash Nair | Texas Instruments | |
| | [SystemC integration](Media:Gem5_workshop_systemC_integration_ext.pdf "wikilink") | 11:00 AM | Alexandre Romana | Texas Instruments | |
| | [Composite Cores](Media:Performance_Prediction_Models_gem5_workshop.pdf "wikilink") | 11:15 AM | Shruti Padmanabha and Andrew Lukefahr | Univ. of Michigan | |
| | [Customized InOrder CPU Modeling](Media:2012_workshop_gem5_inorder_modeling.pdf "wikilink") | 11:30 AM | Korey Sewell | Univ. of Michigan (now at Qualcomm) | |
| | [Cross-Cutting Infrastructure for Evaluating Managed Languages and Future Architectures](Media:2012_gem5_modern_languages_infrastructure.pdf "wikilink") | 11:45 AM | Paul Gratz | Texas A\&M Univ. | |
| | Lunch | 12:00 PM | | | |
| | [Simplifying SLICC via Atomic Messages](Media:Atomic_interfaces_micro_2012_final.pdf "wikilink") | 1:00 PM | Brad Beckmann | AMD | |
| | [Accelerating Simulation with Virtual Machines](Media:2012_12_gem5_workshop_kvm.pdf "wikilink") | 1:15 PM | Ali Saidi | ARM | |
| | [gem5-gpu: A Simulator for Heterogeneous Processors](Media:2012_12_gem5_gpu.pdf "wikilink") | 1:30 PM | Jason Power and Marc Orr | Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison | |
| | Breakout Sessions | |
| | [Breakout Sessions](Media:2012_gem5_micro_breakout.pdf "wikilink") | 1:45 PM | Breakout Groups | | |
| | Break | 3:00 PM | | | |
| | Wrap-Up/Next Steps | 3:30 PM | Everyone | | |
| | | |
| | Conclusions | 4:00 PM | Steve Reinhardt | AMD | |
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| ### Location |
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| The workshop is co-located with |
| [MICRO-45](http://www.microsymposia.org/micro45/) in Vancouver, BC. |
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| ### Date |
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| Sunday December 2nd from 8:30 - 16:30. |
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