arch-gcn3,arch-vega,gpu-compute: Move request counters

When the Vega ISA got committed, it lacked the request counter
tracking for memory requests that existed in the GCN3 code.

Instead of copying over the same lines from the GCN3 code to the Vega
code, this commit makes the various memory pipelines handle updating the
request counter information instead, as every memory instruction calls a
memory pipeline.

This commit also adds an issueRequest in scalar_memory_pipeline, as
previously, the gpuDynInsts were explicitly placed in the queue of

Change-Id: I5140d3b2f12be582f2ae9ff7c433167aeec5b68e
Reviewed-by: Matt Sinclair <>
Maintainer: Matt Sinclair <>
Tested-by: kokoro <>
6 files changed